Chapter 35:The Wedding Ceremony

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I sat on the side of my bed, moonlight lit the room as well as the golden candles that warmed me. A small smile decorated my face as well as excitement but I was also incredibly nervous. It had been a week since Fallacy had told me of Calamimi and their story, I understood Fallacy feelings of loosing a loved one... Just like I lost Plume. Closing my eyes and sighing before opening them up and standing up. I looked in front of me. My wardrobe had a dress hooked onto it and I gently took it off and looked at it with wide eyes. It was decorated with golden flower threaded patterns as well as white flowers at the bottom, it was truly spectacular!

Suddenly I felt different and I laughed with happiness. Turning to see the blue outline and aurora I saw Plume sitting at my bed with tears in his eyes. He stood up and slowly made his way to me without a single sound of footsteps or breathing. Hugging me tightly with a proud smile. 'Oh Encre! I'm so happy for you. You and Fallacy will finally be able to make your love official.' Plume said. 'Oh, I can't wait to tell Calamimi the news that you and Fallacy are finally getting married!!' Plume shouted even though no one else could hear him but myself. I smiled as I breathed his all too familiar smell in, it reminded me of when we used to hug when... he was alive. Well, at least I was still near him in a way... I hugged him back before he let me go and waved to me. 'See you later sister!' He said cheerfully before disappearing into thin air. I stood there for a bit before sighing and getting into the dress that had been specially made and bought for me, it was extremely comfortable and fit me perfectly! Walking to a mirror and then twirling around the dress spun around with me making me smile happily. A knock at the door made me turn and wonder who it was before calling out."Come in!" I called out cheerfully and the door opened to reveal Suave who was holding a boutique of blue and white flowers. He chuckled whilst he scratched the back of his nervously, I swear I could see a light dusting of pink on his face. "Greetings Ms Encre. I brought you some flowers for you to hold at the wedding." He handed the flowers to me and I took them with gratitude. "You look wonderful in the dress I have to say, I bet Lord Fallacy will collapse when he sees how lovely you look." I laughed at the thought and looked at Fallacy's butler. He headed to the door before bowing to me, I bowed back slightly giggling. "It will be an hour until the wedding shall begin. Macabre, Cruzar and Marvul will be there for you as well as all of the maids!" He said as he waved goodbye to me and closed the doors behind him.

I was about to turn away when the door was suddenly busted open making me jump in shock, the door opened revealing Gazelle and all the other maids. The way Gazelle was standing I'd think that she had kicked the door open with amazing strength... but why? She could've just knocked... -₋-

The next thing I new, I was standing on top of a stool with the maids surrounding me with strange looks. "U-Um... Guys? What on earth you doing? Why am I standing on a stool?" They all looked at me before Clara spoke. "Oh! Sorry Ms Encre. We are just here to make you even more lovely for the wedding and make some minor changes to your dress. " I nodded and they started their work. They ended up making the dress even tighter, I gasped for air but soon got used to the tightness. 'I literally can't breathe!?' I complained in my mind. 'Pfffffttttt!' That wasn't me and I looked up to see Plume floating in the air trying to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing. I looked at him, unamused as he laughed out loudly, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. 'Yea, yea. Laugh all you want. I'm literally dying here.' Plume shrugged his laughter off, wiping his tears away and opening his eyes that sparkled like stars. He suddenly disappeared into thin air and I looked down to see the maids finishing off at the dress. I honestly couldn't see a difference in it but I knew that they had done good. "There you are Ms Encre!" Bunny said as she hopped around and helped me get off the stool. "Thank you!" I said softly but I was soon blinded by what seemed to be a white veil however I could see a bit through the material. Clara approached me meekly with a smile upon her face as she held Fibi in her arms. "I'm so happy for you Ms Encre. Marrying Lord Fallacy will make him love you even more!" I looked away with a small palette of colours on my face. "Th-Thank you... " She chuckled.

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