Chapter 21: Awkward Incident

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Encre opened her eyes sleepily as she sat up on her bed. She had fallen asleep whilst sketching the day before.
She suddenly realised something.
'The blood moon is tonight!!!' She started to pace around the room trying to calm herself down. "Uh. I feel like having a bath. -_-" She complained to herself. She got changed and left the room limping down the hallways. It really annoyed her so she decided to go to the library. She entered and looked around the shelves until she saw a book. "Healing Magic?" She read the title.
She sat down on a chair and opened the book onto a page on how to cure wounds. Looking around she saw a spell and quickly uncovered her wound, wincing from the slight pain. She read the book and memorised certain words. Soon she put her hands over the wound and started to repeat the words.
A green glow started to appear on her hands and she concentrated. After ten minutes the wound had completely vanished, Encre closed up her shirt feeling better than ever.
As she got up she stumbled slightly before walking normally put of the library.

Encre's P.O.V

I walked down the hall way happily and soon walked to Sauve.
He turned to me and smiled. "Good morning Ms Encre." I smiled back. "Um Sauve? Do you know where I can take a bath?" I asked.
He nodded and led me to a door. I thanked him and soon he had left. I entered to see multiple pools around the room, soon I chose a bubbly one and undressed myself. Putting a towel around me, I got into the pool. It felt so warm and comfortable.

Fallacy's P.O.V

I walked around the hallways looking for Encre. 'I wonder where she is...' I soon gave up and shrugged. I'm gonna have a bath...
I sighed as I walked down the hallway's down to the room. I opened the door and entered and took of my cloak and clothes, leaving on my boxers. I lowered myself into a pool sighing from the warmth. After some time I heard the sound of soft snoring, it came from another pool. I got out of mine and dried myself, placing the towel on my shoulders before approaching the source of the sound.
I peeked into the pool to see Encre sleeping in the water with a towel wrapped around her. I slightly blushed and carefully picked her out of the pool. Grabbing another towel, I dried her face and ribs, noticing that her wound was gone.
"Well... At least she's better." I whispered. I put my clothes back on before leaving the room. I took Encre to my room, because it was closer...  I laid her on my bed and laid down next to her.
She soon started to wake up as I put my arms around her.

Encre's P.O.V

I woke up and felt arms around me, I turned to see it was Fallacy then I saw that I was still only in the towel. I started to blush madly and heard Fallacy chuckle.
I was annoyed how my tattoos on my ribs were showing and how Fallacy could see them. "They are disgusting..." I said. He held me closer. "No. They're beautiful." I started to blush an even bigger rainbow. I moved so that I was sat on the side of the bed, Fallacy sat on the other side. The towel on me started to loosen and fell of. I shrieked and slid of the bed trying to hide myself.
"F- Fallacy!? DON'T. LOOK. AT. ME!?" I screamed in embarrassment.
Fallacy quickly looked away and suddenly held his face for some reason. I quickly put the towel on and ran out of the room slamming the door.

Fallacy's P.O.V

The towel on Encre suddenly loosened and I closed my eyes shut.
I heard her shriek and scream out. "F- Fallacy!? DON'T. LOOK. AT. ME!?" She screamed. I turned away and suddenly started to get a nosebleed. Soon I heard her get up and run out of the room, slamming the door behind her... I had to get quite a few tissues until the nosebleed finally stopped after ten minutes.
"Well.... That was awkward..." I felt my face heat up and I saw that I had a golden blush. *Internal Screaming *
I hid my face in one of my pillows and screamed and lied down.

Encre's P.O.V

I ran to my room with rainbow blush covering my face. I quickly got changed and got into my bed and started to scream into one of my pillows. I also heard the muffled screaming from the room next door, which happened to be Fallacy's.
I soon stopped and gasped for air. "Urrggh!? Why did that have to happen now of all times when I'm going to be staying in the same room with him tonight for damn 24 hours!?" I complained.

Fallacy's P.O.V

I stopped screaming and thought to myself. Soon I got up and left my room. Making my way towards Encre's.  I knocked on the door. "C- come in" Encre stuttered. 'So cute...'  When she saw me she immediately blushed, I also felt my face heat up.
"U-um... Encre? Sorry about the 'incident' before..." I apologized awkwardly. Encre smiled. "I-its OK... It was only an accident..."
I smiled. "Um... Let's just forget about this whole incident?" Encre nodded and I told her about the blood moon. She nodded and soon I left.

The Vampire and The Artist- How It All Began: Book 1 (Vampverse)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن