Chapter 29: Kidnapped?

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Encre's P.O.V

I woke up with a yawn before scrambling out of my bed, the image of Fallacy as a bat was stuck in my mind but he looked so cute as a bat! Smiling I exited my room and headed to Fallacy's, I opened the door a little bit but couldn't see him in his bed but I did see a strange and moving black shape on his bed. Curiously I went towards it and immediately smiled when I saw what it was. Fallacy was asleep on his bed as a bat, delicately I picked him up placing him on one of his pillows and also putting a soft blanket onto him. Silently I left the room, closing the door behind me. I walked over to my art studio and grabbed a blank canvas as well as some paint. Sitting down on a chair I started to paint happily.

Suddenly I heard a loud smash behind me, I quickly turned around to see someone standing up who had just broken in through window. I backed away but my back it the wall as the figure came closer to me. I slid down the wall by accident making me sit against the wall, looking up at the intruder. "Wh-what do you w-want!?" Terrified I screeched at 'it'. The figure lunged at me and held me by my neck against the wall making me scream loudly, it gripped me even tighter. Suddenly all the maids, Sauve and Jasper ran in with shocked looks. They tried to come closer but the figure spoke. "Take one more step and the artist dies!"The figure growled making everyone back away. My neck was hurting a lot making tears run down my face, suddenly another person entered the room, it was Fallacy. "LET ENCRE GO!!?!" Fallacy shouted with blood red eyes. The figure suddenly had me tied in black strings and held me tightly, I felt something against my soul... and it was sharp. I scrambled around, desperate to get out of its grasp but it was no use. Wings appeared from the figure's back and it backed away towards the window. "Goodbye Fallacy!" The figure shouted, swiftly it jumped backwards making itself fall out of the window on purpose. I screamed in terror as it rolled around in the air and soon it was flying away with myself in its grasp. It flew into the forest to cover from the sunlight, it landed and folded up its wings before running through the forest, away from my home and I felt something cut my soul making me cry in pain. Suddenly the figure that held me was knocked back making it stop. I looked around in terror and without thinking I screamed as loud as I could. "PLEASE! SOMEONE? HELP ME!!!!??!?" That was when dark dressed figure ran at my attacker. It held a dagger and tried to hit the intruder but missed. I was dropped but soon picked up by another figure who I knew wasn't the intruder. Looking upwards to see who it was I recognized them. "C-Cruzar!?" I shouted in delight as Cruzar smiled. He cut the strings off me which had been tied around me.

I looked to see Macabre fighting the intruder with two daggers, he was a skilled fighter but couldn't hit the intruder for some reason. The intruder laughed as it summoned strings, they tied around Macabre taking away his daggers and leaving him sitting on his knees on the leaf covered ground. Cruzar growled angrily as he pulled out a sword but still held me somehow. "Let my friend go!!" He shouted with anger. The dark figure laughed but shook his head. "No. Give me the artist if you want your friend!" Cruzar stepped back, he didn't know what to do. Then, without a warning Macabre jumped up with more daggers in his hands, releasing himself free he lunged once again at the intruder who had backed away with anger and slight confusion. "How did you-" Macabre chuckled. "I'm a Spanish thief, so I easily know how to escape the worst of traps." He pulled out a sword, pointing it at the intruder.

"NOW LEAVE!!" The intruder sighed with annoyance and hatred before pulling out his wings and flying away to an unknown destination. Tears ran down my face as I rubbed my neck, I looked at my hand and saw a little blood. I could feel the claw marks on my neck, the attacker had held me amazingly tight... I turned my gaze to the Spanish thieves who where still watching the area where the figure had flown away to. "Thanks... B-Both of you..." I said and they both faced me. They both smiled before approaching me. "Come on. We'll take you back to Fallacy's castle, he must be terribly worried about you." I nodded. Macabre whistled and two horses suddenly jumped out of some bushes. Cruzar placed me on a snow onto a black horse and Macabre sat in front of me and Cruzar took the other gray horse. They ran amazingly fast through the forest and after a very short time we had arrived back at Fallacy's castle. As I got off the horse I noticed that my scarf was covered in blood, I sighed sadly before walking to the castle doors with the thieves. Suddenly I felt different and collapsed onto the floor, my vision went blurry but I heard Macabre and Cruzar shout out my name. Everything soon turned black.

Fallacy's P.O.V

I sat there, on the floor of Encre's room. I cried and cried sadly, I wanted Encre to be safe and to come back. I knew exactly who the attacker was but I tried not to think about it. Suddenly Sauve came running in. "M-My Lord! Come quick! Its Macabre and Cruzar they're here! With Encre! They are in the main hall." My hopes increased and I ran down the hallways with Sauve running after me. I barged the door of the main hall open to see Encre lying down on the floor surrounded by the maids, Jasper and the two Spanish thieves. Seeing that Encre was on the floor I realized that she was unconscious. Panicking I ran over to my love and stared down at her, immediately I turned to Macabre and Cruzar. "What happened!? Why is Encre unconscious!!??" I shouted in terror. "We have no idea! I'm telling you, one minute Encre was completely lively the next, she collapsed onto the floor!" Cruzar stated in shock. "I don't know if it is the cause but Encre's neck was cut when the attacker held her. You should probably check on it..." Macabre said with sadness and worry in his voice. Fuku heard this and with Fallacy's permission she took off Encre's scarf making her neck bare and visible. It was bleeding... heavily without stopping, Sauve immediately ran out whilst the maids tried to stop the flow of blood. After a short time my butler returned with a strange green covered book, he sat down next to Encre before opening the book to a page. "Sauve? Wha-whats happening? Whats wrong with her?!" Fibi asked in panic. Sauve shook his head before placing both of his hands onto Encre's neck, closing his eyes he thought. I had read his mind and saw that he was repeating ancient healing words, they must have been from the strange green book. Sauve's hands suddenly started to glow a bright green and his eyes started to glow a strange purple. The words that he was repeating where powerful and had 'put on' his magic as he concentrated. Everyone gasped in amazement when Encre moaned in pain and started to wake up, the flow of blood from her neck had started to stop and Sauve was nearly finished with the healing.

Encre suddenly sat up gasping for air as she held onto her neck. Sauve had fallen back from her sudden movement and he was sweating from all his concentration, his hands where smoking from the powerful magic. " Encre!!" I shouted before hugging Encre who had started to cry from all the pain and shock. "F-Fallacy... Who was t-that... It hurts so much... " I was slightly confused, what hurts? "What hurts?" I asked nervously. Encre pulled out one of her hands up her shirt and soon pulled out with something glowing in her hand. It was her soul... but it was different from the last time Fallacy had seen it. In the middle was a giant black crack... "H-How did you get that!?" Encre looked at me weakly. "The intruder did it when he took me... Who was it Fallacy?" Not knowing what to say from shock and anger I looked away. "T-That was... my... Father..." I heard Jasper growl in disgust from the fact that his own grandfather had done this to Encre. Encre hugged into me, crying into my shirt. Delicately I picked her up bridal style and took her to her room, lying her down on her bed. I tucked her up into the blankets and was about to leave when. "Fallacy, mon amour? Please don't leave me." I sighed and with a smile I got under the blankets next to her, she immediately cuddled up against me making me blush and it wasn't a matter of time until she was fast asleep. I smiled softly kissing her on the head and cuddling up against her. "Goodnight. My living masterpiece..." And soon, I fell asleep.

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