A Day in the Life

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(Y/n)= your name

(Y/f/s)= your favorite sauce

(H/c)= hair color

(H/l)= hair length 

A/N: The first chapter is boring, but I promise there's plenty of things that happen later. This is a fanfic with an actual plot, so it needs some exposition. I hope you enjoy!  


After class was over, you hurry back toward dorms. The weather was nice, so you slowed to admire the blue cloudless sky. On your way down the old brick path toward the dorms, you feel your stomach grumble. Okay, you thought. I'll get some food then I'll watch for an hour. No more than that. You have to get your homework done. You remind yourself. 

You walk with your hand resting on your abdomen, feeling the vibrations your stomach made as it never let you forget your hunger. You look down and sigh. All you ate this morning was a granola bar before you rushed out to class; it is now after two. You had actually woken up early in order to be on time to your first class, but it seems that no matter how early you wake, you always runs late and have to rush. 


You look up to see your friend Amber skipping toward you. Her brunette ponytail swung with each step. Amber was so far the only friend you really related with. You are both immense fans of Kpop. 

"Amber!" You calls back. You hug Amber, lifting her off the ground a bit. 

"Still as strong as yesterday," Amber stated rubbing her shoulders once you put her back down. "You're too strong for someone who doesn't exercise much." She laughs. 

"It's not that I'm strong, it's just that you're so tiny." You retort. You knew it would upset Amber as it upsets many short people for some reason. 

"Well, maybe you're just freakishly tall." Amber rolls her eyes.

"Me, freakishly tall?" You stare in disbelief. "For your information, I am perfectly average." You laugh. Suddenly you get an idea. 

"Fee fi fo fum," you belt out as you walk toward Amber. A passerby looks at you strangely and you suddenly lose your will to go through with the act. After the passerby walks a good distance down the path, you laugh again hugging Amber and placing your chin on her head. "I'm average." 

"I know," Amber says. "Anyway, you'll never guess what I watched!" 

You roll your eyes because you know exactly what she watched for the umpteenth time. 

"Exo The Eve, Kai focus?" 

Amber's lips made a round shape and her eyes widened. After a few seconds, she slaps your shoulder. 

"You really know me too well!" She giggles. 

"Yeah, well..." you trail off. "Is Kai your ultimate bias now?" 

"Oh never, sugar, you know BTS is always my ultimate stan." 

"And look at you cheating on them with Kai." You say jokingly.  

"Not like we'll ever meet them anyway." Amber shrugs.

"Yeah," You agree. Your stomach growls louder to once again gain your attention. "Well I better head back I have Kpop to watch and food to eat." 

"I'll be in the library if you need me to talk about some things only a fangirl would understand." She wiggles her eyebrows and you laugh before continuing your path to the dorms. You attempted to wiggle your eyebrows, but you found you could only lift your left eyebrow easily. At best, one at a time. How does she do that? You contemplated all the way back to your room. 

Once you close the door, you find your roommate isn't home, just how you like it. You and she didn't really talk much and when both of you were there, it was just awkward. You take your laptop out of your backpack tossing it onto your bed and plopping your backpack on the floor beside your desk. 

You go to your minifridge and pull out some chicken nuggets arranging eight onto a small saucer before putting them in the microwave. Which group should I start with today? You thought while waiting for your chicken nuggets to heat. You changed into your comfy loose crop top and your athletic shorts. Comfort equals quality. You opened the window near your bed to let the breeze refresh your space. The microwave beeped and you hurried over to retrieve your nuggets and a bottle of (y/f/s) before sitting back on your bed. 

You open your laptop and decide to watch some BTS videos. You laugh at their silliness and Namjoon's cringey aegyo. The breeze blows your (h/l) hair in your face and you huff. Seriously?! You think as you get up to retrieve a hair tie. You try to rap it around your thick hair, but it snaps flying somewhere in the room. You settle for a headband to push back the hair. You're about to sit back down when you notice it's already dark outside. Shoot. It's 8 o'clock. You sigh heavily. You notice that your roommate still hasn't returned and you briefly wonder where she is. I shouldn't watch anymore, you think, but then you spot a compilation video in the related list. After this one, you lie to yourself knowing you couldn't care less about your homework. 

After a few hours you feel yourself growing sleepy. As you watch a video of cute moments BTS has had with fans a tear slides down your cheek. They're so lucky. I wish I could meet them even once, but nooo I have to live in a different country. You hug your pillow and sniffle softly. I can't even afford to see them in concert! I'm a broke college kid... 

You hear chatter outside your window, but you bury your face deeper into your pillow. 

"Look, the window's open." 

"Uh.... excuse me?" A voice calls out. 

You didn't think they were talking to you and you knew better than to talk to strangers. You move to close the window peering into the darkness behind your dorms with tear-stained eyes. 

"Hello?" The voice calls again and your eyes focus in on the figure. You gasp and move beside the window to hide out of sight.

"No way. No way. No way. No way no way no way. No friggin way." You mutter to yourself. You peek out again and he's still standing there... with the rest of his group. 

"Could you help us miss?"

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