Pillow Fight! (The Ultimate Favorite Pt. II)

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(P/S)= Pandora or Spotify

You laugh as Taehyung comes toward you. He swings, but you deflect his pillow with your own. His pillow flies out of his hands.

"Wow, you're playing hard-" Taehyung starts before you whack him again in the head. You giggle.

"Go hard or go home," you say with pride.

"I guess I have no choice then." He comes toward you in a stance as if he's ready to grapple with you.

"What-" you barely have time to utter before he charges toward you, tackling you to the ground and tickling you. You burst into laughter, but in no time, Hobi and Jungkook are at your rescue.

"Get off of (y/n)!" Jungkook yells before smacking Taehyung in the back with a pillow.

"Leave her alone!" Hobi yells before joining in on beating Taehyung. Taehyung, though stunned by his friends, doesn't give up his mission. You squeal as he tickles you, your nerves flaring up seeing his boxy grin. You start to get giddy again and you use that energy to flip Taehyung so you were now on top. Everyone in the room seems stunned by your boldness.

"Let's see how you like it," you say as you reach under his arms and tickle him. He yells in the manliest way he can muster before crumbling into breathless giggles like a child. You melt at his softness. "You're such a fluffball," you say, laughing. Suddenly you're ripped from your placing and made to stand on your feet. Stunned, you look dizzily at the person who disturbed your revenge. Namjoon gives you a look of both seriousness and sympathy that you don't understand.

"You guys should stop playing now," he says. His deep tone reverberates with a sense of authority. You try to gulp down your intimidation as he stares into your eyes.

Oh, right, you think. That was a pretty scandalous situation. I completely forgot they're super famous! You feel ashamed as you deeply bow and return to the chair in the far corner of the room.

"Hyung! You made her feel bad!"

"Ya! Who are you to say that after all she's done?"

"Yeah, she's a friend," you hear the conversation go on like this, but you don't care to listen. What was I thinking? I can't be friends with these people. They live in a different world!

"(Y/n), you can tickle me if you'd like!" Jimin says spreading his arms and winking. You can tell he's trying to cheer you up, but to his dismay you wave him off.

"I'm fine, Jimin," you go on in your thoughts a while before finally plugging your earphones into your ears to get some comfort. As much as you now realize you don't belong in the world of Kpop stars, you still feel drawn to the genre itself. You turn on your Got7 station on (P/S) and relish in the melody of Before the Moon Rises. You drift into sleep and you feel a blanket gently cover you. In the warmth of the blanket, you fall into deeper sleep, dreaming of an unfamiliar place.

You are in a long hallway that has several doors. You dream that each door houses a different wonder- some are bright, some are dark, and some are just odd. You walk down the hall opening every door. At the end of your journey down the hallway, you close the last door and a staircase appears. You walk down the staircase to find you are in Got7's practice room, which is much more familiar. They record practices in here. You've watched the videos tons of times. Upon entering, the room is empty so you take a look around. You hear clamoring and your heart quickens. Oh gosh! What do I do? You ask yourself, completely forgetting it's all a dream. You seem to have more time, whoever it is takes a long time coming down the stairs. You duck behind the couch to hide just before the voices enter the room, their shoes smacking against the wooden floor.

You peek and see the camera crew setting up, and Got7 messing around. You swoon, but quickly recollect. Well, that was easier. Maybe because I've met BTS? I have to get out of here, but the door is on the other side of the room! This dream suddenly feels more like a nightmare as your heart pounds pressuring you to make a choice. You think hard as you feel a sneeze coming. No! No no no no. You try to will the sneeze away. It didn't work. You sneeze before clasping your mouth with your hand. You think nobody heard you because of all the talking until Younjae looks over the couch and screams. You would've thought he saw a cucumber or something. Soon all of Got7 is looking down at you with eyes full of surprise.

"What the-" Jaebum says. Oh no, oh no. Then you wake up. You force your eyes open try to adjust your eyes to the light streaming into the room. You move to yawn tilting your head back with half-lidded eyes. Upon looking upward you see the same faces from your dream staring down at you. You rub your eyes again before refocusing them to see that it was indeed Got7 staring down at you. Then you scream. Loudly.

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