Just a Fan

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You look around the large room and realize you are is Dusk's room, since you came to take a nap. You peel the sheets from your body and sit up on the bed in a daze. Jimin is gone. It takes a few moments before you realize that you had another dream about those things. You replay the events in the dream to the best of your ability- oddly enough remembering it all perfectly.

"Reality benders...?" You mutter, leaning forward and placing a palm to your forehead. Your entire body is hot.

"What?" You hear and jerk your head up to see Dusk leaning against her door frame- clad in her normal black leather jacket and boots, black skinny jeans and navy blue top. Her makeup was heavy and dark, but she still looked rather nice. How? I look like a five year old when I dress myself. "(Y/n)?"

"Nothing," you lower your head back down into you hand.

"Doesn't seem like nothing," Dusk replies.

"Wow, how astute of you Dusk. I expected nothing less," you snap. Dusk recoils slightly from your harsh tone. "Sorry," you whisper before giving a heavy sigh. You place your head in your hands, covering your face.

"Woah, hey, it's alright..." Dusk comes and sits next to you placing a hand on your back. "I never thought you had that kind of spice in you, it's a welcome change," she giggles. You peek over your hands at her. A gentle smile is displayed on her face and for a moment- you swear you see concern in her eyes. "Want to tell me what's wrong?"

"I had a dream," you begin. "About why all this is happening." Dusk's eyes widen as she pulls back a bit.

"You had a dream?" She says with a kind of disbelief.

"Well, two, to be precise." Dusk looks even more shocked seeing the unrest fall upon your countenance again.

"What-" She begins, but is cut off by Jungkook and Jackson bursting into the room.

"(Y/n)!" They both call out. "Oh, you're already up," they say in unison.

"Stop copying me," Jungkook spits.

"I'm the hyung, you're copying me," Jackson scoffs.

"Haven't either of you heard of knocking?" Dusk's eyes roll the hardest I've ever seen them roll. They both look at her with wide eyes, as if just realizing their error.

"Sorry," they whisper.

"We wanted to know if (y/n) wanted to play a game," Jungkook says. They look at you with begging eyes before you glance at Dusk who gives you a nod.

"It might help to get your mind off things, we can talk another time," she says. "Might want to change your clothes first," she whispers. "Wouldn't want to excite your harem too much." You look appalled by her statement, but she winks in the face of your disgust.

"They are not-"

"Yeah, yeah, they're just your boy toys- not harem level yet," she laughs. "Do you guys mind letting her change first? It's already after 6 and she's still wearing pajamas." She motions with her hand causing the guys to look you up and down and blush.

"Of- of course," Jungkook stutters. Jackson averts his eyes to something on the other side of the room.

After they both leave, you change into a cute, but simple outfit.- a graphic tee, some ripped jeans, and comfortable shoes. You head to the room you walked by earlier where Jackson, Jungkook, Yugyeom, Taehyung. Jimin, and- surprisingly- Yoongi were sitting. You all laugh and giggle for hours while playing games and competing with each other. Soon it is ten o'clock and Dusk reemerges from the unknown.

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