Be Mine

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You are surprised when you turn over to see Yugyeom standing there staring at you.

"Ah!" You yelp. Yugyeom looks surprised as well. 

"Why are you screaming?" He shouts back. 

"Why are you watching me like a weirdo?!" You reply, throwing a pillow from the couch at him. 

"I was trying to decide what to say," he sighs and sits next to you on the couch. "I'm really sorry about all that's going on." 

You look at him in confusion. Is he apologizing for the unusual circumstance? What does that have to do with him? Yugyeom's face droops and his eyes begin to well up. From his silence, you can tell he is very upset. It makes you uncomfortable and you think about getting up and running away, but you know that wouldn't be fair to him. 

"I don't understand why you're apologizing," you sigh. 

"If I had said I liked you in the beginning, there wouldn't have been all this strife." He sighs as if his answer made sense. "If I had spoken up in the first place, my hyungs would still be getting along and there wouldn't be any reason for them to fight because you would be mine." 

He really thinks that by confessing to me, I would like him automatically? What makes him so confident? I mean, yes, I have always idolized him but that doesn't mean I'd fall in love with him... 

You find Yugyeom's confidence a little surprising. Of course, he's the maknae and that attributes something to his personality, but this cockiness was unexpected. "I would be yours?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. 

"You wouldn't be?" 

"A confession wouldn't be enough to make me fall in love with you or anything like that. I would have to know you as a person. I don't think it would be that simple to make me yours." You scoff. Before you know it, you're on your back with your arms pinned next to your head. You look up at Yugyeom with wide eyes. How could he go so quickly from being a sad puppy  to being a threat? 

After what happened with Jinyoung in the kitchen, you weren't going to allow yourself to be caught like this again. You use the weight of your body to roll onto the floor, putting you on top of him instead. In the moment of his shock and groan, you try to pull away from him, but he quickly seizes your wrist, holding it tightly to his chest. You glare into his eyes. 

"Let me ask you again, (y/n). If I confessed to you, you wouldn't be mine?" He asks. You can sense that part of this is about his pride, but you can also tell that he is looking forward to your answer. You roll your eyes and snatch your wrist from his hand. 

"It's hard to say," you say standing up and stepping away from him. You offer a polite hand to help him up. He grabs your hand, but as he expected, you were too light to lift him.  Yugyeom allows you to continue attempting to move him instead of standing up on his own. He cherished this moment that you are holding him and your attention focused wholly on him. Call him childish if you want, but he wants all of your attention. You have to lean back until you are almost on the floor again which causes him to laugh. Without too much effort, he pulls you into standing position and into his chest. He holds you like this for a few moments before releasing you. 

You step away from Yugyeom, looking up at him. He smiles gently back, the shy smile you had only seen through a screen before. Now he's really confusing you. One moment he's sad, then proud, aggressive, soft... you don't know what's going on in his mind. You're a little afraid to find out. Even when he smiles at you with his soft looks and his cute mole, you still see something dark in his eyes. 

"You're so pretty, (y/n)," he bites his lip. You blush furiously at his remark and little action. You look away, causing him to smirk and pinch your cheeks laughing. "Aigoo~ you are too precious," he says before rubbing your head. 

You are about to hit him, but he keeps you at arms length, frustrating you greatly. You groan before grabbing a pillow to whack him with. He laughs under your assault. Soon enough he has a pillow and his hitting you back you can't help but giggle when he trips over the rug and lands on the floor— that is until he trips you up and sends you landing on the floor and he hits you with pillows. Before long you two are chasing each other around the mansion having abandoned the pillows for dart guns. Not long after more of the boys get involved in the play fight, causing the entire mansion to fill with sounds of fun and joy. 


Sorry this chapter is so boring  and short and I'm late.  ;n; 

I honestly just needed to get the Yugyeom chapter out of the way haha, I didn't have as much of a plan for him as I did the other chapters so a lot of this is random. However, I decided that each guy would have his time with the reader so Yugyeom hadn't gotten enough. I'm also extremely tired so please forgive my inconsistencies. 

Love you all! <3 

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