Feeling Your Shoulders

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Once Youngjae gets you inside, he pulls you into him. You're still wadded up in blanket, so the whole experience feels very one-sided.

"I'm glad you're alright," you hear him breathe on your ear. Your face burns from the proximity, yet you stand still and wait for him to let go. He does eventually let you go, and when he does, he meets your eyes. The others are still calling out your name, but you can barely hear them in this moment. You see a flicker of emotion in them- one that you may have mistaken for affection if you didn't know any better. But you did. So you brushed those thoughts to the side. You stand there still, eyes lingering on Youngjae's before he suddenly turns away and calls out.

"I found her!" He yells. He doesn't turn back to face you, but instead sits at the dining room table. You are about to ask him about his seemingly overzealous concern when you're attacked with hugs from Jungkook, Yugyeom, Taehyung, and Jimin. They all speak at the same time causing you to feel confused. You do see BamBam on the sidelines looking down at the floor. His action is awkward considering how straightforward he is. When you meet his eyes, you wriggle out of the blanket and clutches of the boys enough to open your arms for him smiling. He shows his boyish grin as he walks up you embrace him and his arms encircle you. You giggle as his breath tickles your neck. You looked over his shoulder to see the other boys standing, some rather awkwardly, while others seemed upset. You pull away from the group of boys who whine as you walk toward the others. You smile faintly as you look back at the ground.

"Sorry for worrying you," you say. With that single phrase, many of their appearances lightened up. You were then pat on the back by Namjoon, your head was rubbed by JB, and you were hugged by Hobi. All the guys express their relief that you're alright and you smile widely at them. However, you knew you weren't out of the woods yet. Eomma Jin was standing on the side and didn't look satisfied with your response. You shuffle up to him still looking at the ground deciding to try out some aegyo.

"I'm sorry Jinnie-oppa, I shouldn't have worried you," you look at him with a pouty face and puffed cheeks. He looks disarmed at first, slightly taken aback until he gears himself back up. You brace yourself for the scolding that's coming.

"Ya! Do you think just being cute is going to make it alright?" He yells. You wince from the volume of his voice. You can tell that part of him doesn't want to scold you since his tone seems to be joking. You decide to play with the part of him that is captured by your aegyo. You throw your arms around him and say one of the few Korean phrases you know.

"Mianheyo oppa~" You are appalled by your own ability to pull off aegyo so well.

"Aish! This kid," Jin sighs. You can't see that the tint of pink on his cheeks. You giggle when he pats your head only for the two of you to be broken apart by Hobi.

"Wow, hyung I didn't know you like young girls," he teases. Behind his teasing is the motive of embarrassing him since he got to see a side of (y/n) that isn't shown often. He even got a hug!

"Ya! Don't say... ugh," he places a hand to his face and sighs. "I'm going to get started on breakfast." He walks toward the kitchen.

"I'll help!" You say cheerfully as you follow behind him.

"(Y/n)! I'm your oppa too!" Jackson yells after you, pointing at his face again.

"Me too!" A few others chimed in.

"I thought you weren't going to call anyone oppa," Mark slides in quietly. You are slightly surprised, but you turn around to humor them.

"Mianheyo oppa!" You blow a kiss. As you walk away you can hear them arguing about who it was meant for and you giggle. They played along rather nicely. Did I just do aegyo to superstars? Whyyyyy? When you realize what you just did, you cringe and rub your shoulders.

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