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Sorry for being late! My laptop broke last week. I've got a new one now! Enjoy a chapter that is twice as long! Thanks for reading and being patient!


"Ki-kiss?" You stutter out.

"That's what I said," he gives you a boxy grin. "You said I could get a prize."

"Yes , but a kiss is..." you let your mind wander. I can't believe I have a chance to kiss one of my favorite idols! This chance may never come again. You fangirl for a moment before grounding yourself. He closes his eyes and leans forward, waiting for you to kiss him. His puckered lips are so tempting... You don't do anything for a moment and he opens on eye to look at your flustered face. You are looking at the ground and playing with the hem of your hoodie. He chuckles and stands up straight again.

"I'm just joking," he shrugs. You don't hear him. You suddenly kiss him on the cheek and now it's his turn to be flustered. You quickly turn around and start walking toward the car. He's stunned sill. You look over your shoulder at him.

"Come on," you walk a little slower to give him a chance to catch up.

"(Y/n) just kissed me!" He says a little too loud for your liking. You hush him and walk a little faster. He jogs to catch up with you. "You kissed me," he pokes your cheek and you pout to hide your embarrassment.

"It was on the cheek!"

"Still a kiss! Wow, I can't believe you actually did it. You know I was joking right?" Your body is on fire. He was joking? You grow silent. Taehyung notices the tension growing and decides to cut it with a phrase to lighten your mood. "I liked it, though." Your mood lifts, but you are even more embarrassed. You look away from him and try to feign the confidence necessary to survive the situation.

"Of course you did," you shrug and look the opposite direction. At first Taehyung is confused, but then he catches on.

"Ah, are you embarrassed?" He asks knowingly.

"No." You don't turn to face him. He hums in acknowledgement before leaning toward you and gently pressing his lips to your vulnerable neck. Your hand flies to your neck causing him to quickly retreat and put his hands up in a surrender. Your eyes search his face for an answer, but there isn't one. Just a boxy grin and smiling eyes. You want to continue interrogating him, but your phone vibrates. You pull it out to see a message from Dusk.

Roomie: Go to 5711 Cadbury Lane.

You look at the message questioningly. You should be used to her short ways by now. You glance back at Taehyung who is leaning near you to see the message. You jump back, clasping your hand over your neck. You look at him with wide eyes and in a ridiculous defensive stance. He laughs. You think you hear him say 'cute' in between his chuckles, but you aren't sure. You decide to disregard the thought. He's playing around again. You continue walking toward the car. Once inside, you're bombarded with questions.

"What took so long?"

"Where were you?"

"No fair, I wanted to shop with (y/n) too!"You feel overwhelmed and decide to only answer the first question, which was posed by BamBam.

"We were shopping, but Yugyeom and Taehyung had a fashion contest-"

"Who won?" Asks Jungkook suddenly interested for some reason. You roll your eyes as you start the engine.

"As I was going to say, Yugyeom won, but both outfits were nice."

"Oh, sorry," Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, ashamed to have interrupted. You smile at him and his concerns melt away. You set your focus to set the GPS up on your phone, but you choke when you hear Taehyung.

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