Drunk and Dumb

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You stand panicked for a moment. What should I do? I hurt his feelings! He's going to hate me! You are about to go after him when an arm slides around your waist. You stiffen, the warmth of another body so close to your own feeling unfamiliar. You turn slowly to see a familiar face. OH THANK HEAVENS. It's Jaebum.

"Cetus lupeedus! Im Jaebum you scared me!" You sigh, letting your body relax.

"Sea-dust what....?" He questions. You snicker as you try to pull away from him, but he only holds you tighter- pulling you into his body. You can feel his chest and abs a stark contrast from your soft body. You try not to make things exceedingly awkward as you inhale his intoxicating scent of musk, sandalwood, and liquor. Your cheeks ignite.

"What's up?" You try to say casually, but it sounds more forced than you would have liked.

"Let's dance," he winks as he whisks you away to the middle of the dance floor. You feel uncomfortable dancing with someone who literally gets trained to dance and sing, but you try your best anyway. You both dance for a couple of minutes until JB moves behind you and holds your hips before grinding into you. You gasp, not at all expecting this turn of events. Is... is he really grinding on me right now? You glance over your shoulder to see a conceited smirk on his pleasured face. Your face snaps back around. Ohmygoshheisdoingitonpurpose. You succumb to the rhythm and the feeling of the bass in your body. You slowly wind back into him as you dance to the music. Your movements earn a grunt from him- pleasuring you with the thoughts of pleasuring him. With much self-persuasion you convince yourself to not fall prey to your own hormones. You suddenly whip around.

"Are you drunk?" Your face skeptical and eyebrow raised.

"And if I'm not?" You sense the mischief in his tone.

"You can't be serious," you scoff. He chuckles as he leans toward you. Your faces are inches apart before he veers right and whispers hotly into your ear.

"And if I am?" You take a step back, faltering, before looking at him with fierceness.

"Then I suppose I'll have to seriously make you beg," you laugh before walking away leaving an awed man in your wake. He wondered how you could be such a vixen. (Y/n), where did that boldness come from? You can't seem to comprehend that randomly flirtatious burst of confidence. You head to the restroom to cool off. You splash water on your face and look in the mirror. I didn't expect Jaebum to be so flirty! I thought Jackson was the wild one... Jaebum always seems so serious in videos... You look into your eyes.

"I really just did steamy dancing with Jaebum."

"That you did," you hear a laugh and see a reflection of Jaebum in the mirror. You twirl around.

"What the-" you are ready to scream, but no one is there. You look back at the mirror and see Jaebum. "Oh, it's you," you say indignantly as your eyes roll.

"Aw babe, I thought we made a connection last time!" He blows a kiss at you making you gag.

"Oh shut up! Where is this woman anyway? The one who sold the coin?" The reality-bender winks and disappears.

"Hey!" You shout angrily before groaning. You hear a toilet flush. Oh hell, someone was in here? You try to stay calm as a gorgeous woman exits the stall, her burgundy hair flowing down her body and piercing grey eyes. Those must be contacts. She starts washing her hands and there is an awkward silence for a moment.

"So I heard you've been looking for me," the woman say while vigorously scrubbing her hands. She doesn't even glance up at you.

Lucky You (BTS x Reader x Got7 )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin