Jealous Hearts

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Now that you all got what you came for, you were quick to ditch the party scene. With Jungkook next to you, still holding your hand, you call Dusk.

"Yeah?" She answers after two rings.

"Hey, I found her," you take a moment to think about what to say about your entire experience. "More like she found me, I guess." Jungkook presses himself closer to you so he can hear the conversation. You look sidelong at him before stepping away.

"Where are you? I'll come to you."

"Don't bother, she's gone now. Can we just get out of here?" Your question is dusted with a pinch of desperation and Dusk acknowledges the garnish.

"Yeah, I'm not really in the mood tonight anyway. We need to get all these handsome drunk bastards together though." You laugh at her remark.

After a long bout of what seemed like a game of tag, you, Dusk, and Jungkook were able to find all the guys and get them to the parking lot. Once gathered, you inventory a Youngjae and Jin that are drunk off their feet, being held up by a sleepy Yoongi and a sweaty Yugyeom. He had likely been dancing a lot. Under the fluorescent lights of the parking lot, your eyes looked even more puffy from all the crying you had done earlier. You see Namjoon, who refuses to look at you, and direct your attention toward the lines on the asphalt. Dusk picks up on the tension between the two of you and pulls you aside.

"What's up? Trouble in paradise?" She places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You shrug her off.

"Nothing about this has been paradise," you glare. She looks at you with deep, soul-sucking eyes and you know she didn't mean any harm. Something about her eyes draws up all of your regret of the previous actions.

"Sorry," you sigh deeply. "Can you just... take Namjoon with you? I don't think he wants to see me any more than necessary right now."

Dusk nods and walks back over to the guys, dividing them into the vehicles. After taking a few deep breaths, you walk over to the group and help them get situated. You receive a small smile from Jungkook, enough to send you a comfort for the moment.

The ride back to Dusk's home was longer that you would have liked. There was mainly silence in the car, everyone nodding off into their own worlds.

"(Y/n)?" You hear Yugyeom call your name in his sweet, quiet voice. You glance up at him from your rear view mirror. "Are you alright? It seems like Namjoon-hyung is mad about something. I know he went to find you..." he trails off before coming back. "Not to say you are the cause of his sour mood or anything!" You smile gently.

"It's fine, Yugyeomie." He smiles a bit hearing his nickname.

When you all finally get back to the mansion it's already around 1:30 in the morning. Everyone is about to disperse until you call their attention.

"Um, everyone, can I talk to you for a moment?" Right a moment. It will only take a second to explain this ancient grudge. You mentally slap yourself. Everyone looks at you questioningly except Yoongi and Jungkook. Everyone shuffles to the living room, some looking tired while others look concerned. When everyone is situated, you begin.

"I found the woman who sold Dusk the coin," you begin earning wide eyes from those who were alert enough to pay attention. Before anyone can start asking too many questions, you launch into your explanation of the mysterious happenings.

"There are these beings called reality benders that I meet sometimes in my dreams or when I'm alone. They brought you all here. They were trapped in the coin by some ancient witch or something that they cursed to have immortality. From what she told me it seems like they were trying to help her, but they ended up ruining her life eternally because the god she was in love with loved someone else so she's always been alone, but because she was bitter, she's been giving the coin to people for centuries to see if anyone could get the reality benders to return her mortality. They won't appear before her, but they are pretending to be you guys right now in South Korea and are living your lives until my three wishes are granted and they already granted two by bringing you here. I didn't wish for that on purpose," you glare quickly at Namjoon who looks away. "But I tried wishing you all back and they said that isn't what I wanted. I don't know what I want... I'm sorry." You tried to make your explanation as short and concise as possible, but it seemed difficult to fit all of it into a single explanation. You felt like there needed to be branches of explanation and maybe a PowerPoint. You exhaled shallowly after letting all of it out. Everyone looked at you with expressions you couldn't read. Some looked surprised, but others had blank faces.

"Ya, (y/n), haven't you been watching too many movies?" Jinyoung asked. Of course they wouldn't believe me.

Suddenly clapping echoes around the room. Your eyes dart to Youngjae who is looking at you with smiling eyes. Jin also watches you carefully.

"That was a decent explanation, sweetie." He says, earning weird looks and a few glares from the other guys. He stands and slowly walks toward you. You're shocked by his sudden behavior. Was he that drunk? Before he couldn't even form sentences, and now he's... being kind of sexy? You stand your ground against his approach. He eventually stops in front of you.

"You're missing a part here or there, but I'm surprised you were able to piece things together like this. For sure, you're smarter than we thought you to be." Jin chuckles. Your eyes widen as you step backwards upon realizing.

"Where's Youngjae?" There is a quiver in your voice, and this fake Youngjae doesn't miss it. He smirks. Everyone is confused and looks at you with concerned looks. You could see them question your sanity, but most of Got7 could also sense something off about Youngjae.

"They're throwing up their brains in the bathroom," Jin states matter-of-factly. He smiles cordially, but you sense something sinister beneath.

"What?" Jackson finally says aloud.

"It's- It's them! The reality benders!" You point at Youngjae and Jin.

"What are you talking about (y/n)? That's Youngjae and Jin-hyung..." Jackson replies. Fake Youngjae turns and smiles at Jackson. Soon, he can't talk anymore. You can see him struggle, but his lips won't part. Oh my god...

The fake Youngjae turns back to you with that devilish smile. "Don't you think it's about time for that third wish, (y/n)?"

"What kind of prank...?" Jaebum begins.

"No prank, well, maybe a little. See?" He flicks his fingers and suddenly you and Jaebum are being drawn toward each other like magnets. You try to stop, but you seem to be putting in a little more effort than Jaebum. Jin cackles.

"He seems more than willing." Jaebum's face lights on fire, but the fake Jin was right. Jaebum couldn't deny he was a little excited. Everyone started yelling, trying to pull you two apart. The force between you two is unrelenting. You look at Jaebum with wide eyes. Your lips are about to touch, before Namjoon's hand intercepts. However, both yours and Jaebum's bodies had stopped moving before lips made contact with Namjoon's hand. You feel your body relax, as if whatever was pressuring you disappeared. When you crumple to the floor, there is a relief that washes over the room. Youngjae and Jin are laughing while standing near the couch.

"Ya! It was just a joke, stop being so serious," he eyes Namjoon who is blushing wildly. You look up at him, but again, he refuses to look at you. Everyone is stunned to stillness. Suddenly, Youngjae and Jin stumble into the room. Youngjae screams and faints upon seeing his lookalike, but Jin walks right up to his. At first, he tests to see if his double will mirror his actions. The Fake Jin plays along. He raises his right arm, then left, then wiggles his fingers and does a "cool" pose.

"You are a handsome devil," Jin says, patting the fake Jin on the shoulder. "Hey, how does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together." Jin cackles and nearly doubles over, but his doppelganger looks down on him in disgust. That's when Jin started getting freaked out. Fake Jin ignores Jin and walks to you, suddenly grabbing your chin.

"I think we've had enough fun for the day, love. We ought to be headed back now. You know, schedules to keep. The life of an idol is never boring." He kisses your nose earning a few grunts and a couple shouts from among the room. "See you in your dreams," he winks. Suddenly, the Youngjae and Jin that were standing there were gone, leaving you with an unconscious man, fourteen confused faces, and unbeknownst to you several jealous hearts.

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