Sunflower and Ferret

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You shift your weight from one leg to the other as you stand amidst a men's clothing store. You pick with your nails, unsure of what to do. You told them you would wait at the bench outside the store, but they insisted you come in with them so they can keep an eye on you. So here you are, looking at the floor to avoid the eyes of the other men in the store who eye you curiously. 

"(Y/n)!" You hear Taehyung shout. You lift your eyes to meet his from across the store. You lift a hand as you redirect your gaze downward and speed walk over to him. When you get to him, you grab his wrist, pulling him toward you so you can speak in a hushed tone. When you meet his eyes, however, he has a grin on his face. You are taken aback by the beauty and start tripping over your words. 

"Yo-y-your too...loud." You murmur. Oh God, why did you make someone this uniquely beautiful? Taehyung chuckles.

"Tongue tied?" He gives you a cheeky smirk and for some reason, you felt like you had to deny being starstruck like that isn't the most natural reaction in this situation. 

"No," you roll your eyes. "I just forget how to whisper sometimes." Really (y/n)? That was the best excuse you could make? What is wrong with you? Your thoughts are disrupted when when he suddenly leans in. You are shocked still, but you are brought back to reality when you hear Yugyeom clear his throat. He is standing with some clothes over his arm. You suddenly realize that you were still holding Taehyung's wrist and your faces are so close together. You quickly let go of his wrist and look back at Yugyeom. 

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Yugyeom asks. He is heartbroken, but you mistake his expression for concern. 

"No!" You yell before remembering you are in public and quiet down. "No, you aren't. Nothing is happening."

"But it looked like-" 

"No. That could never happen," you brush off his speculation. His face suddenly lights up. 

"Oh really?" He smiles brightly. "Then, could you help me choose the new outfit?" 

"I don't think you should ask me. I mean, do you see what I'm wearing?" You gesture to your orange headband, grey hoodie, black jeans, and black shoes. Yugyeom nods in response.

"You look cute." He gives you another grin and your heart is free falling. You're frozen until Taehyung throws his arms over your shoulders and starts whining. You had forgotten about him for a moment. Of course, Taehyung noticed this. He noticed the moment you were having with Yugyeom, hence the whining. 

"(Y/nnnn)," he drawls. "Help me pick an outfit too." He does aegyo so you can't help but agree. Then Yugyeom starts pouting. 

"Let's have a competition then," he suddenly interjects, "and whoever's outfit (y/n) likes best is the winner." He smiles, but this one shows determination. 

"Sure, whatever," Taehyung suddenly turns cold. A prize wasn't discussed, but they both knew what was on the line- their pride and impressing you. Before you know it, Yugyeom and Taehyung are both in changing rooms putting together outfits of clothes they had picked out. You hear a lot of rustling and a sales associate comes by to remind you that the store will be closing in twenty minutes. You nod to her and she paces away. You wondered briefly why she would be working in a men's clothing store, but you assume she was there to give affirmation to male customers. What man wouldn't buy an outfit if a beautiful woman told them they looked handsome in it? You release a deep breath. 

"Finished!" You hear Taehyung say. 

"M-me too!" Yugyeom says, but you can still hear some rustling from his stall. 

"Then, Yugyeom should go first." You say wanting to tease him a bit because you knew he wasn't completely ready. Taehyung whines.

"Why (y/n)? I was done first!" You can just imagine his pout. You shake your head. 

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