The Best Answer

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A/N: First of all,  why are y'all letting me post these chapters with so many flaws 9_9. If you see a grammatical error that makes it difficult to understand, please let me know by commenting or messaging! I was reading through my fanfic and it is unedited crap haha. I usually write on Quotev and paste to other places, but I noticed the formatting doesn't follow (hyperlinks, italics, etc.) I will do my best to edit before posting. 

Ya'll know I don't normally do author notes, but this is kinda important. I plan to wrap this story up with 40 chapters total (give or take).  This is my preference because I don't like stories that go on too long. HOWEVER, this will not be the end of me, so stick around! Follow, subscribe, add to your library, whatever you have to do to make sure you keep updated. My next story will feature either Got7 or BTS. I  You guys can choose! Make sure you comment if you want your opinion to count! I also have plans for a few short solo stories. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting. Have a great day gorgeous people. 

P.S. I want to branch out and write about more groups, I just happen to know Got7 and BTS very well. What other groups do you all like? How do  you suggest I get to know them?


You and Jaebum both lost track of time because you were having so much fun chatting. He almost didn't notice his shift was over until Hobi violently swung the door open. He didn't even knock. You and Jaebum freeze. You hadn't done anything wrong, you were both sitting on the bed a safe distance away from each other, but for some reason you felt like you got caught in some terrible act. You and Jaebum stare at Hobi with wide eyes., his face holds an emotion you don't quite understand. you could swear something dark had shadowed over his face.

"H-hey Hobi," you stutter out.

"I guess my shift is over." Jaebum is clearly a little disappointed which makes you giggle.

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

"Maybe tonight?" He wiggles his eyebrows and you jokingly punch his shoulder.

"No way, I need my beauty sleep." You laugh.

"You're already gorgeous," you hear him say as he walks toward the door causing your heart to do a sprint. Jaebum nods to Hoseok before he leaves the room. Once you regain composure your eyes meet with Hobi's whose eyes had never left you. You smile gently and he gladly comes over and plops on the bed making it sink a little beneath his weight. He is looking at his knees for a while.

Something must be on his mind, you thought.

"Are you alright?" You speak quietly. You aren't sure why, but the mood in the room seems to be so delicate that a loud voice could shatter it. He lifts his eyes to yours and smiles warmly. You warm at the sense of familiarity, but still you feel ill at ease. You know that his smile, while comforting, also hides many pains.

"Isn't this crazy?" He asks first and the mood seems to lighten as if the sun had risen on a dark night.

"Which part?" You flop back on the bed and sigh. "The part where my roommate is rich, the part where I get to meet my idols and be friends with them, or the part where there are ancient powers in that coin?" You laugh dryly. This is all insane, but I'm tired of trying to make it make sense. Hobi watches you closely.

"All of it, actually. I mean, this all sounds like an anime I've watched before," his chuckle breathes life into you. "No offense, but this is all unreal." He flops on the bed next to you and you lay on your side to face him. He doesn't turn to face you. Instead he focuses his eyes on the decorative ceiling. "Meeting you has been unreal."

"I'm just a girl from the other side of the planet," you laugh. "I'm more real than reality benders and witches." Hobi laughs along.

"Yeah, you're right," he lays on his side to face you. You both look at each other for a while. It's strange that right now you could reach out and touch one of the idols you have admired all this time. Your heart rate speeds up in the stillness. Suddenly Hobi disrupts the silence and floods out the sound of your heartbeat in your ears.

"What I mean to say is that you're too good to be true." Your eyes can't look away from his. The emotion in them is trapping you. You didn't dare move as he leaned closer. Close enough for your lips to touch. You feel his breath fan across your cheeks. You close your eyes. You don't want to admit that you're anticipating a kiss, and you're a little disappointed when you feel him shift away. Your eyes flutter open as you also shift away, trying to hide your embarrassment. Literally half a day ago I told myself I wouldn't do this. Now here I am not keeping my word and being a ho. You cover your face with your hands and groan. Hobi looks at you with concern.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired of being so... unsure." You sigh.

"Meaning?" He quirks an eyebrow. You sit up and shake you head, instead directing your attention to something on the opposite side of the room so you don't have to look at him. You feel him sit up. You feel his gaze on you. "Tell me," he says. There's a tone in his voice that carries some authority which caught you a little off-guard. You shake your head again.

"I can't." Hobi grabs your chin and turns you to face him. You still avoid eye contact.

"Why?" The depth of his voice sends chills up your spine.

"Hobi, you...." It feels weird to say it yourself. It sounds conceited.

"Yeah, it's like you think." He doesn't look away when he confesses. "I love you," he lets go of your chin, suddenly seeming embarrassed by his actions. "But that's why I care so much if something is bothering you. If something is wrong, you should tell me." Your face stills.

"I'm sorry Hobi... I don't know how I feel. There's so much going on and-"

"Don't worry, I don't mean to add more pressure. Just pretend like I never said anything." He laughs.

How could I be deserving of the affection of all these wonderful human beings? Hoseok is such a sweet and strong man. They're all going back (y/n), don't get carried away.

"You don't have to smile all the time you know. I know that my answer isn't the best response to your feelings." You pick with your nails.

"Your answer is the best answer," Hobi corrects. "A no is a no all the same."

"No," you correct him. "I'm not saying 'no,' I'm saying 'I don't know.'" You appreciate Hobi's validation of your feelings even if it's not in his benefit. If only more guys in the world were gentlemanly like this. "There's too much going on for me to think about this right now. We don't know how all of this is going to end. It would suck if I fell in love and had to be apart from the one I love." Hobi nods and smiles.

"You really don't have to-" you're interrupted by a knock on the door.

"My shift must be over." Hobi stands. He starts walking toward the door, before he turns around waving and grinning in a ridiculous fashion. He knew he didn't have to keep smiling. You made him feel like that was okay. He keeps smiling anyway, to be strong for you. 

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