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A/N: Sorry to be late again! I've been writing papers all week! Next week's chapter may be late as well since I have two more papers to write. Sorry in advance!


After Namjoon's touching statement, you felt more reassured. You felt like one of them for the first time when Taehyung hands you a pillow.

"Join our side! We're outnumbered!" He gives you his boxy grin and you grin back, taking the pillow from his hands.

"We must defeat them!" You shout as you run into the chaos swinging a pillow. Apparently your technique isn't very good because you get caught by Jackson. You squirm a bit to try to get away, but you stop once you realize that your back is pressed against his chest. Of course, you get embarrassed. You feel uncomfortable, but you stop moving so you can put a little distance between your bodies. Well this is a little frisky. His arm is over your shoulders. You breathe in his musk and you're pretty sure part of you is actually dying. It seems like Jackson realizes your discomfort first, and then his mistake as he loosens his hold on you. He looks apologetic before he says something stupid.

"I've caught your princess! You'll never get her back! She's ours now!" He lets out a high pitched laugh that sounds familiar from all the videos you've watched. Everyone's attention is now drawn to you two, but mainly you, as the room falls into a quick silence. Even those not involved in the pillow fight perk up. Jungkook is the first to react. He springs into action as he runs toward Jackson. Jackson laughs, but Jungkook looks angry. Soon after all of BTS is fighting to release you from the clutches of Got7. Before his collision with Jungkook, Jackson pushes you into the arms of Yugyeom.

"Um, hi?" He says with a smile on his face. The way his eyes squish is just how I expected it to be. You swoon slightly as you look into his eyes. You look over and see Jackson on the floor getting hit with a pillow by Jungkook who seems to be unrelenting. Jackson is still laughing though. While you were watching the battle going on, you didn't realize Yugyeom is still looking at you. Your smell seemed to entice him- maybe it was your favorite lotion? But where did Jimin go? You wonder. Suddenly you hit the floor. You hiss as your back numbs. Once you open your eyes, you find Yugyeom perched over you.

"Hi, again." He says smiling. This time he seems more embarrassed. You giggle.

"Hi, again," you repeat to him. You give him a small smile as you look away, trying not to fall into his eyes again. A tint of pink is on his cheeks. Jimin doesn't miss this.

"Get off of her already!" Jimin yells as he hits Yugyeom in the head with the pillow once again. Yugyeom doesn't budge, but that doesn't stop him from trying to move Yugyeom, who is fixated again on you. You dare to look into his eyes again.

"Um, my phone is ringing-" Your face heats and you look away again.

"Oh, right," he says as he quietly moves away from you. He sits on the floor in a daze for a while until Taehyung and Jimin start hitting him with pillows. You walk over to your phone and see that your roommate, Dusk, is calling you. You hush the boys as you answer the phone.

"Hey, (y/n)?" She says questioningly.

"Dusk? I've been trying to contact you all day!"

"Yeah, I know. I've been calling you for the past fifteen minutes. What were you doing?" You verify on your phone log that she had indeed called five times. This call was her sixth.

"You aren't going to believe this," you evade craftily. "I need you to come to Saint Plaza hotel on Lingley."

"(Y/n) why-"

"Please! This is really important!" You beg. You weren't sure why you were trusting Dusk, you haven't known her long and you don't talk with her much. She's never really in the room. For some reason, you felt like she could help. She always struck you to be a down-to-earth person.

"Alright, alright!" The annoyance in her tone doesn't go over your head.

"Thank you so much! We are in room 326," you try to sound more calm.

About half an hour later you hear a knock on the door. Wary of earlier circumstance, you look through the peephole and see Dusk. If you had to describe her in one word, it would be 'alternative'. You liked her style though, it was edgy, but she was confident enough to pull it off.

When you open the door, both Got7 and BTS are confused. They see the girl standing there and look back at you questioningly. You give them a nod to let them know that this is someone you know. Dusk also comes in and looks at you questioningly. Her eyes widen when she sees the men around the room. She looks back at you with wide eyes- you can't even see her navy blue eye shadow anymore.

"Wow, (y/n), I didn't take you for the harem type," she says with a sense of recognition. She nods approvingly. You choke and hope that the guys didn't hear, but they did and they chuckle.

"No, Dusk, this is what I need your help with."

"What do you want me to do with your harem? Help you-" You cover her mouth with your hand before she finishes her statement. You thought this would save you further embarrassment, but you actually felt just as embarrassed and now your hand hurt too because Dusk bit it.

"Ow!" You yell.

"How dare you put your hand on my mouth! Why I-" Dusk starts. You pull her outside the room to speak with her privately.

"Look, I just need to explain to you what's happening. I don't understand-" Dusk interrupts.

"So why am I-" You cut her off in turn.

"I think the coin you gave me for my birthday has something to do with it!" You say as loud as you can be in a hushed tone. Dusk's eyes widen as you show her the coin.

"Where did these markings come from?" She asks. You're surprised she didn't ask why those men are here.

"I'm not sure." You shrug. "They just appeared there."

Dusk pulls her phone from her leather jacket and presses in a number.

"Hello? Yeah I need a car. One that seats about ten. Yes, yes, I'll come home for dinner." She sounds nonchalant, but you are baffled.

"Did you-" You start but Dusk puts a hand in the air signaling you to stop talking, so you listen instead.

"Yes, tell mother I said I'll be back. Hi mom, no, no... I'm just bringing some friends over. I don't really care. You know how I feel about this.... I already told you that I would! Geez!" She shouts the last part and hangs up. Your face is as surprised as when you saw BTS the first time outside your window.

"What was that about?" You finally ask.

"I'm getting us some transportation." She says matter-of-factly. "I bought that coin from some old lady while I was wandering the city one night. She said it brings good luck."

"So I guess we're going to have to find this lady?"

"Duh," Dusk says chuckling at your question. 

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