An End

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You and the reality benders find a place to hide. It is a dusty construction site nearby, but there are enough walls built to keep you all hidden. The entire city is in an uproar. You can hear people scream, presumably fans trying to find the groups. Once the sound fades away, you realize that even now crouched down, Fake Jungkook is holding you in his lap. You quickly pull away from him and sit on the ground. You don't know what to do now. You didn't really have a plan when you chose to follow the reality benders. The reality benders are watching you with some amusement apparent on their faces. You can sense that they are not bothered by this situation. Of course. Why should they be? They can change everything so easily, especially if it's to screw someone over. You avoid eye contact with them and instead pat your pockets, relieved to find your phone still in place. 

You pull out your phone and click it on to find that the original tweet already has over 4 million shares. You see some of the comments of people wondering whether BTS and Got7 really have any talent or if there were stunt doubles doing all their performances. Of course it was a long shot, but the theory was only picking up steam online. Anyone who tried to come to the groups' defense only found that even they could not reasonably explain the presence of the lookalikes except photoshop trickery. You also see in your notifications bar that you have six missed calls from Brooke and a series of text messages explaining that she and the boys are alright. 'Where are you?' Was the last message in her thread. She would probably send someone for you as soon as possible, but you could not allow this to continue any longer. 

As you think about how this circumstance has hurt their careers and caused divisions between the groups, tears begin to roll down your cheeks. You feel hot. Livid, actually. You are mad at Brooke for giving you the dumb coin in the first place. You are mad at the reality benders for being such assholes. You are mad at yourself for enjoying yourself without thinking about the consequences. You bite your lip as you sob and the reality benders faces look decidedly less amused. None of them know what to do except Fake Mark who leans forward and cups your cheek, wiping away one of your tears with his thumb. His touch is gentle and felt cool against your hot skin. You look up at him and notice that once again the benders assumed the forms of Got7 instead of all fourteen men. 

"Please, change things back to how they were before! That is my third wish," you plead with them. 

Your phone dings several times, causing you to look down at it. You gasp, seeing your social medias and messages being flooded with hate messages and death threats. You gulp down your panic only to see a message from Amber appear in the mix: 'that's what you get for stealing what belongs to everyone,' the message reads followed by an image of you with Taehyung at the mall that one night. The sasaengs must have noticed you were also with the boys in the picture earlier in the park. Now they are on the hunt for you. But it isn't the threats that mad you angry; no, it is the way people defamed the character of your favorite groups claiming that they were all lecherous guys sharing the same girl or that they had no talent. That hurts you deeply. You dig around in your small bag and take out the bag of pearls Cece had given you before throwing them at Fake JB. 

He is shocked by your lashing out before looking confused at the pouch. He picks it up an looks at it with confusion on his face, but that washes away once he sees what is within. "Where did you—" 

"Cece." You cut off his words. "Please, just change everything back. You have ruined enough. You hurt my friends, you hurt me, you hurt Cece..." you trail off unsure why her name even came to your lips. Fake Mark looks visibly sadder at the mention of her name. Fake JB takes one of the pearls from the bag and holds it up for the others to see, causing solemn looks from the others. 

"Celyn," Fake Youngjae says through gritted teeth. 

"What? What are they? She told me to use them as compensation for you breaking her curse of immortality. Will you?" You asked hopefully. Fake Mark takes the translucent pearl and stares at it intently. There were hundreds of pearls in the bag. Surely this was enough. He sighs woefully. 

"I—we can't do that," he answers your question, his eyes not leaving the pearl. The other spirits stare at Fake Mark before looking back to you. 

"Each of these pearls is one thousand crystallized tears. Celyn gave you these to give to us?" Fake BamBam asks, glancing over at Fake Mark. 

Before you can respond, you feel a force wrap around your throat lifting you from the ground. The reality benders look surprised. Your legs wiggle as you try to place your feet on the ground, but the force only tightens, choking you. You pull at your neck, but there is nothing to pull away. You look over the heads of the spirits to see Cece there, arm out toward you with a malevolent look on her face. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my best friends! Why have you been hiding from me all these years? Don't you all know how to give a proper greeting?" Celyn smirks, gripping her hand to choke you a little more. She was keeping you in the torturous state of enough oxygen to breathe but not enough to feel like you were able to take a small breath. Tears began to prick your eyes again. 

"Celyn! Let her go!" Fake Jinyoung speaks up, moving to his feet. Fake Mark moves in front of him. He speaks to the witch gently. 

"Celyn...." He coos out, his eyes focused on her. He tries to move closer but she squeezed your throat tighter, making it so you cannot breathe at all. You kick your legs wildly as you scratch at your neck. 

"Stay back or I will kill her!" She shouts, her voice full of emotion. "Now, (y/n) dearest, tell them my demands." Her hold around your neck loosens enough for you to breathe and you take in several breaths between your coughing. Your feet are once again on the ground and you fall onto your knees. The reality benders turn to you. She has released you for now, but you could feel the force lingering not too far from your neck, ready to choke you once again. 

"Put....put it back." You whisper through your strained throat, you hold your throat as your body trembles. "Put everything back to normal." 

Fake Yugyeom raises an eyebrow at you. "Why? Aren't you living the dream? This was your wish after all." You feel the force begin to tighten around your throat once again. Celyn is losing her patience. With a sharp intake of breath you shake your head. 

"Please, just put it back. I don't want this anymore. Not like this." You respond, your eyes wide in desperation. 

"If we do this," Fake BamBam spoke up, "we will have to reset everything. It will be like none of this every happened. BTS and Got7 won't remember you, nor you them. 

You bite your lip and nod. "Yes, that's what I want." 

Lucky You (BTS x Reader x Got7 )Where stories live. Discover now