Bam Bam and Brunch

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You awaken in the midst of a heat flash, feeling incredible warmth with a bit of sweat beading on your forehead. You pant heavily in a sort of panic as you suddenly awaken from your dream. You're tangled up in the sheets and find yourself... compromised to say the least. You shirt had lifted and is exposing a bit of your bra while your panties peek from the waistband of your shorts. Upon further inspection you realize that your panties are still the ones from the dream. Well would you look at that, a present. You hum to yourself. You rub your eyes trying to get the sleep out of them, and look around the room seeing a figure sitting in the darkness. If this were a week ago, you would have screamed but you aren't the same anymore. You've seen a lot of weird stuff lately. 

"Good morning," the figure suddenly speaks as it goes to open the curtains and let the sunlight flood in. It's Namjoon. Oh, thank God. 

"Good morning," you smile at him with closed eyes, blinded from the sudden light. Namjoon returns the smile as he thinks of how cute you are.

Upon further consideration about how you currently look, you quickly toss the blanket over your head and completely conceal yourself. 

"What are you doing?" Namjoon chuckles. 

"I'm..." you trail off in search of a word accurate for your sloppy and unruly appearance. "Compromised." It felt like a good enough word. "Why were you just watching me?" You ask from underneath the blanket. 

"Protection purposes." He shrugs. "And curiosity. I wanted to know if you physically leave this room while you dream. And also...." he trails off. He couldn't just say he likes to watch you sleep that's creepy. He didn't intend to. At first you were really cute, but then you rolled over and exposed bits of your underwear and it nearly drove him insane. He couldn't look away. "You look funny when you sleep." 

You're just about ready to die from embarrassment now. He saw me sleeping. Omigosh did I drool?  You swipe at your lips to find a bit of slobber in the corner. You were hot when you woke up half naked so now you are especially hot under the blanket. You sort yourself out before revealing yourself again, but a little hair is out of place.

 Namjoon chuckles as he moves toward you and strokes your head, moving the hair elsewhere. "Jin is making breakfast, but I guess it's a little late since it's already 9:30." 

You laugh. "9:30 is early for me, especially after last night. Or morning. Whatever." You get out of bed and walk toward the door, but notice Namjoon is not following. You peek over your shoulder. "You coming?"

"No, I have something I need to take care of. I'll see you later though." He gives you his dimpled smile, so you don't think anything is wrong, but you also aren't a man.

"Alright then." 

On your way downstairs, you hear some of the boys screaming excitedly about something in the other room. You shake your head. You're curious, but you don't think you could handle that after first waking up. You continue on your way to the kitchen and see Jin cooking omelets. Well, for you anyway. He turns around and smiles at you, and really, the smile is filling on its own. He mutters a 'good morning' before turning back to the stove. He seems surprisingly less vocal today. You shrug and head to the dining room to eat today. As soon as you come out of the kitchen you hear Jimin screaming your name. 

"(Y/n)!" The excitement is apparent in his voice and if you were deaf, it would be apparent in the way he frantically waved you down and urged you to sit next to him. You smiled and nodded, situating yourself between him and Bam Bam while Jungkook sat on the other side of the table. No sign of Dusk. 

"Wait," Jungkook says after glancing at your plate. "HYUNG!" He yells. "WHY HAVE WE BEEN EATING THIS GRUEL WHEN YOU MAKE (Y/N) AN OMELET AND FRUITS??"


Jungkook pouts. "It's not fair." 

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Jin snaps. Jungkook is silent. "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!" 

Jimin snickers at Jungkook's pathetic pouty face. He reaches across the table and pinches his cheek. "At least I still love you," he coos. 

Jungkook smacks his hand away. "Stop it, hyung." He continues to pout only making Jimin laugh more. "Anyway, how are you (y/n)? Any problems with those asshats?" 

"LANGUAGE!" You hear from the kitchen. 

"OKAY MOM! GEEZ!" Jungkook yells back. You can't help but laugh at their banter. Jimin, Jungkook, and Bam Bam smile. They are glad you aren't too upset by everything that happened last night. You finally decide to answer their questions about recent events honestly. 

"I did see them last night." The boys looks worried. "They really aren't that bad. They were at... a concert?" You pose as a question. You still aren't sure where exactly you were. 

"Ah! The MMAs!" Jimin points his spoon at you. "Wahhh~ they would even go that far." He shakes his head in disbelief. Jungkook and Jimin start to engage in a conversation that starts with the MMAs and branches into some video game they played some time. You eat your food quietly and savor how delicious it is. You couldn't help but notice how quiet Bam Bam is being. It's making you nervous, especially considering that you both never talked about the kiss. Is he hoping to not talk about it ever?  You glance at him, but he is silently eating his oatmeal. 

"Hyung, if you think you're so good, try beating me!" Jungkook laughs.

"Yah, don't pout when I win." Jimin smirks. Before you know it, they both leave the table leaving you with Bam Bam. You take this as a good moment to ask him about his take on everything that's going on. You are about to ask when he suddenly speaks. 

"So I guess you really like to walk around in your pajamas huh?" He doesn't even look at you as he continues eating. 

"Well- well, I just woke up so..." You suddenly feel embarrassed for not putting on clothes. You never saw such a problem with pajamas. You could wear them all day. These aren't even revealing too much. "It's not super scandalous." You defend, pouting. 

"No, what's scandalous is how easy it would be to..." he trails off. His eyes drag up and down your body then he and smirks before returning his attention to his bowl. Your whole body is on fire and you can't deny that his flirting is getting you the eensiest teensiest hot and bothered. You clear your throat. 

"Anyway, Bam Bam," you say his name in an attempt to get him to take this conversation seriously.  "Abo- About last time..." You really are trying to keep cool, but just thinking of his kiss gets you flustered. 

"What last time?" He asks and your heart pounds loudly in your chest. Does he not remember?  You panic for a moment and it must be apparent on your face. "You mean the kiss." He clarifies as if to spare you this panic. You feel relief that he didn't just kiss you and forget. 

"Yeah, that." You look at your half-eaten omelet. 

"What about it?" 

You work up your courage to be this brazen. "Do you... like me as more than a friend?" You prepare to be yelled at. 

Bam Bam laughs. "Why? Do you want me to? Do you want to be friends with benefits?" He grabs your chin and gently faces you toward him. "Or are you hoping I'll fall in love with you?" His tone is suddenly more steady, less lighthearted. He leans in precariously close as his other hand ghosts your thigh. 

"Nevermind, ju-just eat your breakfast," you gulp. 

"I'd rather have you for breakfast." He smirks at you before suddenly gripping your thigh making you gasp. He leans in again and you screw your eyes shut, preparing yourself for another rough kiss, but instead you feel something cold and sweet pushed into your mouth. You're lips enclose around it and you hold it there as you open your eyes again. A strawberry. (Y/n) why are you like this! You turn away from him as soon as you realize your mistake. Bam Bam laughs. 

"Your face looks like a strawberry," he snickers before taking his bowl into the kitchen and leaving you burning up at the table. 

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