Pastries and Panties

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You wake up in the middle of a busy building. You shift with a start, causing people bustling by to look at you strangely. You look around the building, the black, white, and silver designing giving a sleek business look. You confirmed this theory by studying the clothes of the people rushing by. All business clothes. Wait, they're all Asian... Korean? You see now why everyone who passed stared at you, you stand out like a penny in a sea of dimes. You look down and see that you're wearing the robe that Bam Bam had given you earlier. Oh Jisoos noooo.... You are insanely embarrassed. Your hands fly to your cheeks as you freeze, eyes wide in shock. You stay still for a minute or two until you are forced to acknowledge your surroundings. I'm dreaming. There's no way I'd be here in KOREA hahahaha omigosh (y/n) you have such weird dreams. A man comes up to you and looks down on you questioningly.

"Are you lost?"

"No, big guy you've found me." You laugh. What nonsense am I sputtering? What the heck hahahaha.

"You're one of those crazy fangirls aren't you?" He says more like a statement than a question. You think briefly to yourself.

"Maybe." You shrug. You laugh as he tells you you'll have to go. "Alright, whatever big guy." You walk yourself out of the main glass doors, leaving a confused guard in your wake. Once you exit the building, you find yourself on a much less busy street, no one seeming to mind your existence except for a few glances and looks of awe. You look up at the sky and see the bright blue sky. Why in the world was the building so busy?  Your eyes glance back at the building seeing the sign BigHit on the top. Oh, that's why. You shrug. You didn't even get to see BTS, what a waste. You walk aimlessly down the road until you freeze. Wait, what? I already know BTS. You laugh at your own silliness as you continue along, still not sensing the wrongness of it all. You smell something heavenly and find your way to a quaint café. If this is a dream, I should be able to eat whatever right? You grab a few pastries off the rack and bite into one when you hear the storekeeper speak.

"Excuse me miss, you have to pay for those," she says.

"Oh." You say with embarrassment. Darn it (y/n), why do you have to have such logical dreams? You quickly pat yourself only to remember that you're wearing a robe, you don't have your wallet- let alone any pockets to carry them in. Oh no, what should I do? Well, I could run... no, no, that would be wrong. Maybe I can just put them back? But you've already touched all of them....

Your lost in your thoughts when the owner speaks up again.

"Are you going to pay or not?" You can tell that she's getting more annoyed. You're still stuck in the same place as a masked man comes forward and pays for the pastries you've taken. The woman glares back at you once more before returning to her place behind the register.

"Thank you," you say, but he only holds out his arm, signaling you to a table where six other men sat. You walk over to the table looking back at the man questioningly, startled to see him right behind you. You hesitantly shuffle into the booth. The man sits on the end, blocking you in. You start to get worried. Maybe this dream is more like a nightmare. I won't be scared this time!

"So how's everything going?" The man who paid for your pastries asked. You look at him questioningly before he pulls down the mask, revealing himself to be Namjoon.

"Namjoon! I'm so glad to see you!" You hug him excitedly. All the men at the table follow suit, revealing BTS. You're giddy with both delight and relief.

"Wow, the response is so different if I let you come onto me." He pets your head. You jerk away, feeling something amiss—finally.

"You're not—"

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