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When you open your eyes, you find yourself again in an unfamiliar place. 

"Where?" You look around and people are rushing past you, but no one seems to take exceptional notice of you in your pajamas. It's dimly lit where you are and it's loud. You can hear some music. Is that Miracle I'm hearing?  You are lost in your thoughts until someone starts talking to you in Korean. You don't know what they're saying, but you hear 'ppali' several times and the man doesn't sound happy. A few other people are approaching you. You start to feel intimidated so you run. You hear some shouts, but you don't look back. 

Once you run far enough, you come upon a hallway with several doors and try a few of them before finding an unlocked one and entering. You look around cautiously, but the room is empty. Just then you hear feet and loud voices running past. You sigh in relief before moving further into the room. You notice you are still in pajamas, so you walk toward the changing rack to "borrow" some clothing. You are looking through the clothes when you see a scandalous dress that would barely cover anything. You scoff and move onto the next piece which is similar to the one before except with lots of straps. Your eyes go wide as you go through the rest of the clothing and find similar attire. You go back through and find that all the clothes have changed into sexy eveningwear. 

"No effing way am I wearing any of this!" You angrily murmur to your self. You knew the reality benders had something to do with it. You are about to turn away from the rack when your pajamas disappear, leaving you in your underwear. You attempt to cover yourself with your hands as your face heats. You groan in frustration. "Fine!" You yell at the ceiling as if they are in the air vents watching you. You snatch a dress from the rack and move behind the room divider that is meant for changing. 

"You better not be watching you jerks," you mumble as you force yourself into the long black dress. Once it was on you are surprised how well it fits.

"Perverts." You say while rolling your eyes. You walk over to the full-body mirror and examine yourself. It does look good on you, but you are still embarrassed. You purposefully grabbed a long dress because it seemed to be the least revealing. Upon wearing it, it's clear why it was on the rack with the other racy dresses. There are slits that go up to the hip on both sides of the dress. It reaches a little above your underwear, which shows shamelessly. The bodice is a halter, but there is a huge cut out in the center of the dress that cuts just below your breasts and shows most of your stomach. Your eyes are wide and you feel like you're going to vomit. You suddenly feels your underwear changing as you watch it morph into a lacy black high-waisted g-string. You choke on your own spit.

"Ya! You freaking perverts! Show yourselves! Put them back!" You yell around the room for the while, but you are met with no response. Too embarrassed to leave the room, you hide behind a vanity, curling up to try and hide your body. After a few minutes there, the door to the room opens and you can hear people walking inside. You cover your mouth trying to quiet your breathing. Your heart is beating out of your chest. You don't want to get in trouble, but more importantly, being seen in this dress will be the death of you. 

"Oh (y/n)~ where are you...?" One of the voices coos. It sounds like BamBam, but you know it's not really him. You don't want to reveal yourself, so you stay still where you are until you are suddenly pulled from your hiding place and tossed over a shoulder.

"Found her!" Fake Jimin says enthusiastically. You cry out and struggle to remove yourself from his grasp. 

He throws you on the couch where Fake Mark and Fake Taehyung are sitting. You flop down, but you still try to cover yourself. You feel a weight on top of you and you look to see Jimin straddling you. 

"Yah," he says seductively as he kisses your neck. You are shook. "I was trying to play nice, but how nice can I be if you look like that?" His fingers trail up your inner thigh when you shove him onto the floor. He laughs. "Wow, you're so much fun." He smiles at you, but that only makes you angrier. 

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