Real Angel

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Jimin walks you to your room, but he isn't his normal flirty self. You don't give it too much thought since you're dizzy from lack of sleep. You appreciate the silence, it gives you a chance to try to balance yourself. When you both reach the stairs, you stumble causing Jimin to wrap an arm protectively around your waist.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" His voice is full of concern and you smile gently at him. His expression seems softer than you've ever seen it before. His eyes hold yours for a moment before he forces himself to look away.

"I'm fine," you say, but don't move to reject his support. You both slowly make your way up the stairs and after some time you both finally reach Dusk's room, where you had tried to sleep the night before. Once you both get to the bed, Jimin carefully lays you down before sitting on the edge of the bed looking a lot less comfortable than you would have expected. You giggle at the contrast between the man who relentlessly flirts and the boy sitting before you now trying not to make eye contact as he looks around the room.

"Wow," he says before glancing at you, visibly blushing when he finds your eyes already looking at him. He quickly pulls his eyes to another area of the room. "Your room is bigger than the one I shared with Jungkook and Taehyung!" He looks down, glances at you, then looks down again smiling to himself. The silence once again fell over the room as you watched Jimin look so nervous. He nibbled his lip and part of you wanted to fangirl, but that part of you was dying out now. You say BTS and Got7 as your friends.

"Um, can I ask you a question?" Jimin asks.

"Sure," you say slowly.

"What did Taehyung mean by being the 'real winner'? He kept bragging about it all last night." Jimin searches your eyes, but he can see the embarrassment dripping off of you as you sit up and pull the blanket closer to your body.

"I don't know what you're talking about," you say.

"Yes you do! It's so obvious! You're a bad liar!"

"He didn't win anything!"

"Well, he thinks he did! I want to know what he's so proud of!" Jimin grips your shoulders and shakes you, making both your headache and dizzyness worse.

"Okay, okay!" You shout and he finally steadies you. You focus your dizzy eyes on your hands out of embarrassment.

"I-I kissed him," you whisper.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Jimin yells, your hand flying up over his mouth.

"On the cheek," you giggle. You remove your hand slowly.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" He yells again, this time making you burst into a fit of laughter. Jimin puts on his most dramatic look of shock and offense.

"How could you? You told me I was the only one!" He jokes. He suddenly turns his cheek toward you, pointing at it with his finger. "I demand equal treatment!" You giggle at his antics, deciding to give in. You close your eyes and lean forward to give him a kiss when your lips meet. You open your eyes in shock, Jimin smirking at you.

"I don't play to get even, I play to get ahead." He laughs. You're in shock and you remain still for a few seconds before tears start to well up in your eyes. This is it. They're all playing with me because I'm just a normal girl. I'm just a fan. There are a billion of me and when they get tired, they can just leave me. They think my emotions are a game. Jimin stops laughing at the sight of the heartbroken girl before him.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry, I was-" he reaches out to touch you, but you smack his hand away.

"I'm so sick," you groan out, "of my feelings being played with. This is why I didn't want to get attached to you all. You all think this is some kind of game, a pastime until you all go back to Korea. I'm not something to be won or played with. Just... leave me alone." You sob, pulling the blanket around you and laying down.

"I," Jimin swallows hard. "I'm so sorry (y/n). I didn't realize that I was hurting you. I was being incredibly selfish." He slowly gets up and turns to leave, but you stop him.

"Wait," you sob. "Could you stay?" You're aware of the dissonance between your current words and those said before, but you are glad he doesn't point it out. I'm not sure what those nightmares were about, but I really don't want to find out. He sits back on the edge of the bed, feeling more distant than before. You close your eyes and try to get some rest, shutting out all of your negative thoughts. After a few minutes, you find yourself still conscious, scared to sleep. You decide to leave your eyes closed until you can't help but go to sleep.

"(Y/n)? Are you asleep?" Jimin whispers. You don't reply. He takes a deep breath, ready to lay his heart on the table to a girl who can't even hear him- or so he thinks.

"I'm really sorry (y/n). To be honest, I was really jealous of Taehyung. At first, I thought he was just annoying, but every time you seem too close with the other guys, I get a little upset. I was really trying not to fall for you, but that obviously didn't work." You're shocked to hear his sudden confession, but now his actions make sense. "I know that isn't a decent reason for doing what I did. Now here I am, desperate for your attention, what else am I supposed to do but flirt? I thought girls liked that kind of thing," he sighs. He must only have experience with his average female fans of love being flirted with. "But it doesn't work on you. You end up exciting me, instead of the other way around," he chuckles. "It's all moving so fast, we only met a day ago, but here I am, a fool in love." His voice cracks a bit as he sounds like he's on the brink of tears. "I'm not sure about this either, but I really like you. Maybe more than that. So if you want to find a way, I'll work just as hard to find a way." Gently, he sings his song 'Lie,' sounding like a lullaby with his melodic voice. Every now and again he stops, trying to stabilize his own heart.

You don't want to lead him on, but you do want to comfort him. Still pretending to be asleep, you reach over and gently hold his hand as you drift into sleep.

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