Such a Bean

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Everyone is in a weird silence for a moment until you are bombarded. Yugyeom, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jackson run up to you and hug you tightly while screaming.

"(Y/n), are you alright?"

"Babe, that was weird."

"Babe? Who's you're babe? Call her by her name."

"She's my babe."

Yugyeom looks into your eyes. You look tired, but he doesn't really want to let you go. Right now he's encompassing you in a full front hug. If he moves, someone else will take his place and your- ehem- chest would be pushed against theirs. Taehyung wanted that spot and consistently tried to shove Yugyeom over a bit so he could squeeze in. You can sort out some of the voices. Much of the hyung line is also yelling.

"Yah! Who was that handsome devil with no sense of humor? How dare he not laugh! That joke was hilarious! I thought about it all night and had to stop myself from laughing!" Jin is unnecessarily riled up, and to be honest, you find it hilarious.

"I can't believe that just happened!"

"You weren't joking!"

"Why didn't you tell us before (y/n)?"

"(Y/n) and Jaebum-hyung almost kissed!"

"How long have they been bothering you?"

"I wouldn't let them, those lips are mine," you hear Bam Bam say in a silly way. Jinyoung plucks his head.

"Ya, what is that supposed to mean?" He asks, tone laced with anger.

"I wonder." He wiggles his eyebrows and glances at you with a sly smile. You look embarrassed and decidedly guilty, earning a lot of yells from the group.

"What does he mean (y/n)?" Taehyung looks at you with wide eyes. You don't respond. Suddenly Bam Bam is being wrestled to the ground by Taehyung, Hobi, Jinyoung, and Jackson- leaving Jungkook and Yugyeom as your loyal guard. They seem to be getting more riled up about you than they should be considering they just found out about a centuries-old curse and mystical beings that can change the world. You hear Bam Bam scream. They're tickling him. You start to get a headache from all the yelling. Dusk comes to your rescue, pushing Jungkook and Yugyeom off of you and standing in front of you in a guarding stance.

"Be. Quiet!" The punctuates the words with an authority that makes the room instantly hush. She rubs her temples. "You fools, did you not hear about what was just said? Don't you know what you just saw?!" She yells. "There are beings out there that are messing with you all that shouldn't even exist! Don't that (y/n) is just as scared and confused as everyone else. All you're doing is making it worse." She glares at Namjoon, sensing that a lot of your stress had something to do with him. He looks away. You're finally able to calm down in the silence of the room, though you feel everyone's eyes on you, so you can't completely relax. The silence is cut through by a blaring goth rock song. Is that Evanescence? What a throwback...

Dusk shoots a warning look at the group before picking up after two rings. "Hello?" There is silence as Dusk talks on the phone. Her face shifts briefly into one of concern before become as placid as it normally is. It was only then that it occurred to you that this face was her trying to keep her cool. She doesn't say anything. You're not sure if anyone is even on the phone with her anymore. She lowers the phone to her side before speaking again.

"I have to leave briefly and (y/n) needs rest. Since there's some weird beings out there that seem to have taken a liking to her, you all are going to take shifts tonight watching her. Make sure that nothing happens. From now until about 10:30 in the morning is..." she quickly does the math. "Eight hours. It should be fine if four of you take shifts at two hours each. The rest of you, go to sleep." The noise starts picking up again, but Dusk quickly confronts it. "You all will draw straws for it." She leaves the room briefly and comes back with a handful of thin sticks. "Everybody picks one. There are four of them with numbers. Once you pick it, you will also know the order of the shifts, you babies." Dusk earns a few looks from the group, but they're all too afraid to say anything. You giggle at how easily they obey her. It was like a mom scolding her children. Everyone was hoping to get a shift. Hobi draws first.

"Yes!" He shouts before quieting down and smiling bashfully. "I'm two." BamBam draws.

"Blank." He looks a little disappointed, but your focus adjusts to Yoongi who pushes his way though the group, exerting more energy than he has the whole time. He draws.

"Blank..." He yawns, before going to his room to sleep.

"This is taking too long," Dusk says glancing at her watch. "(Y/n) needs to sleep and I must leave. Who has 1?" Everyone looks around before Jaebum steps forward.

"It's me." He has a victorious look on his face which pisses off some of the other guys.

"Why should hyung do it? He almost kissed her!" Jackson whines. I see he's glad he has voice back.

"Yeah, he's a threat," Taehyung glares.

"It's final. The sticks have been drawn!" Dusk shouts before she rushes out the door. No one seems to pay attention except you. Everyone quiets down a bit although there is still some arguing. You see Jimin talking to Namjoon about something, glancing at you. Namjoon says something causing Jimin to pout and head upstairs. Namjoon looks sidelong at you before going after him.

You head upstairs, leaving the boys to their own antics. You shower before changing into your nightgown. You dry your hair a bit before sliding under the covers of the bed. You hear a knock at the door.

"Come in," you say softly sitting up in the bed. Jaebum enters in and closes the door behind him. He doesn't move from the door. You cock an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong?" He looks at you darkly. You aren't sure why he's being so distant after your close encounter from earlier. A drop of water slides down your face and neck before disappearing into your nightgown. Jaebum's eyes trace it's path. His instincts are rising up in him, but he doesn't move. He just stares at you. His gaze is heavy, but you don't look away. You pat the bed next to you.

"Come over," you say. He walks slowly over to the bed, trying to stem his own eagerness. He sits gently on the very edge of the bed.

"How can you be such a fox and look like a sheep?" He murmurs.


"Sorry about earlier," he states. You look at him questioningly. For the steamy dance...?

"For the dance?" You question.

"No, I don't think I'll apologize for that," he bites his lip and his eyes send chills up your spine. You didn't think he remembered. He seemed drunk. You don't even know what to say. "I'm apologizing for almost kissing you." You laugh.

"That wasn't your fault Jaebum," you pat his shoulder. "It's the fault of those things." You say with disgust.

"I know, but still... it's true I didn't really try to stop." You look at him questioningly. He doesn't go any more into depth than that.

"I feel like I'm failing as a leader." He suddenly says. He lays back on the bed and you look down at him. You wait for him to elaborate. "I know I'm the leader so I should know what to do. It's my job after all... to be honest, I'm scared. I'm freaking out. I said I trust you (y/n), and I do, but I'm still freaking out." He sighs heavily. "Usually everyone thinks I'm like stone. Or I only get angry, but I feel other tings too." He makes eye contact with you and reaches up to caress your face. "A lot of people are intimidated by me (y/n). I don't want you to be afraid." You touch his hand gently.

"I'm not." You affirm. His eyes hold a respect for you, more than you thought would be there. His eyes showed that he wasn't playing around. "I think you're a great leader. You can only do as much as you can do. You're a human, being afraid is normal. Especially in these circumstances. You're an amazing person too," You smile gently at him. "I would know. All iGot7s would know. We are your fans for a reason." You snicker. "Despite it being like having crushes one people you're embarrassed to be seen in public with sometimes," you roll your eyes and sigh while shaking your head jokingly. "It's a hard life for aghases." Then Jaebum laughs. And you love it. His hand leaves your face to cover his own.

"Ya, I can't believe you just insulted us and complimented us." He says in the breaths he can catch.

"That's the nature of Got7 and iGot7s, isn't it?" You wink at him. His face burns red and you laugh at him. "You're such a bean," you poke his cheek. The tension now dissipated, you and Jaebum talk for the rest of his shift. You don't even feel sleepy anymore. 

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