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"I don't think he hates you. Do you?" Mark addresses the question to Namjoon who stands there with a look of shock on his face. From the position he's frozen in, it seems like he was just about to knock before Mark opened the door. How did he know Namjoon was out there? You want to ask, but you're more worried about dealing with Namjoon. He had the fourth shift? Mark smirks and gives Namjoon a pat on the shoulder before brushing past him and walking down the hallway. Unlike Jaebum who needed to be invited in, Namjoon entered with an air of coolness, seemingly unaffected by the tension you feel. You roll your eyes and decide to finally get back to bed.

You cross your arms and huff, purposefully making a show of your emotions. He hurt you and you want him to know. You stomp back over to your bed and throw yourself onto the mattress, sinking into its comfort. Namjoon doesn't sit on the bed, choosing to stand next to it instead. At least he has some understanding of where he stands with me right now. You turn your back to face away from him as you curl into yourself. You felt a little hot from both your anger and the temperature in the room. You opted for less revealing pajamas after the previous night, styling a loose pair of shorts and a tank top instead of a racy nightgown. You huff and go to open a window. Namjoon stands with his hands in his pockets, watching you sadly. He doesn't know what to say. Just when you are readjusting yourself on the bed, Namjoon walks over to the window and closes it.

"And what the hell do you think you're doing?" You raise an eyebrow and your teeth unconsciously grit.

"Those... world changers, whatever they are," He tries to find the words. "I'm trying to protect you. They could come through the window." His eyes widen as he points at the window accusingly.

"Why the hell would they come through the window when they can appear anywhere they want at any given time? I've seen them teleport Namjoon. You have too. A window isn't going to stop them if they want to be here." You gesture widely with your arms showing all the space in which they could appear.

He rubs his temple with two fingers. As if you're the one getting on his nerves.

"Look, (y/n), I'm just trying to keep you safe," he says tiredly with his eyes closed.

"Wow, that means so much to me. Shouldn't you be worrying more about your group, leader?" You roll over to glare at him. You add a sickeningly polite tone on the word 'leader' hoping to spite him for what he held over you before. "You want to keep me safe? But what if I am evil and tell a lie?" You roll your eyes and huff turning away from him once again. You hug a pillow and bury your face into it. Maybe if I suffocate myself, I won't have to bear with this.

Namjoon sighs as he tries to think through his next words carefully. He knows this is dangerous territory he's navigating.

"(Y/n)," just the way he says your name sends chills up your spine. "I'm sorry. About everything. I'm sorry for hurting you so many times and holding a lie over your head. I can understand why you would keep all this stuff from us. It is kind of unbelievable." He stands awkwardly stiff, but he doesn't shift at all. He stands sturdy and still, like he's ready for whatever comes after. He thinks you're going to bite his head off, but instead he is met with silence. The quiet lasts longer than Namjoon expects and he starts wondering if he messed up the apology somehow. He wonders if you're still angry and if you'll ever forgive him. He is losing himself in his thoughts of self-loathing and depression when your voice breaks through.

"You lied too." You mutter quietly.

Namjoon is confused by your statement, and prompts you further. "I lied?"

"You said you trusted me. Do you remember that?" How could he not? He remembered every interaction with you. He remembered your strong-willed gazes and your airy giggles. He even remembered your many, many eye rolls. He nods, but it's not like you can see him. "You said you trust me, but you didn't—you don't." You correct yourself. Namjoon regrets telling you that lie... one he thought the could force himself to believe.

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