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"Okay, well, I'll go back to talk to her. You guys wait here," you say. Almost all the boys nod but a voice breaks the silence.

"No way!" Jungkook shouts. You stare ate him with wide eyes, surprised at his sudden outburst.

"I can't take you all with me! There's too many of you and it would draw too much attention!" You make a valid point.

"I can't let you go alone after what happened last night." Yoongi, Hobi, and Taehyung are confused, but the other boys nod knowingly. Got7 is just confused. At the mention of last night's incident, you couldn't help but be a little disturbed even though it was morning now and things like that normally happen in the dark. A visible chill runs up your spine.


"No, not fine. I can't let our youngest go without someone to watch over him." Namjoon cuts in. You assumed that after last night, he was wary of you being with any of them alone, as it might cause a scandal. You set your eyes on your shoes, trying to not be hurt by his lack of trust.

"Hyung, I'll be fine!" Jungkook pleads. He comes to stand next to you, placing an affirming hand on your shoulder.

"Jackson can you go with them?" Namjoon asks.

"Me? Why?"

"I trust you."

"Namjoonie, if I go, you have to promise we'll hang out later okay?" Jackson jokes.

"Yeah, we'll hang out once this all gets sorted out."

"Okay, then," Jackson smiles at you as he walks to the door to hold it open. "shall we?" You can't help but smile at him. He is Wang puppy! You beam and Jackson is taken aback. As you and Jungkook walk out the door, Jackson looks back into the room and makes a silly "up-to-no-good" look before closing the door. You and Jungkook are standing in the hallway waiting for Jackson.

"(Y/n), who made you have an angel smile like that?" He smirks at you. Your face heats, but Jungkook scowls.

"I suppose I got it from my mom," you reply not thinking too much of it.

"Well, your mom did a good job." Jackson eyes you up and down. This must be the "wild and sexy" Jackson he's always claiming to be.

"Could you back off?" Jungkook finally intervenes.

"Why, jealous?" Jungkook and Jackson turn to face each other, trying to make the other back down. You step between them pushing them away from each other. These pecs are chiseled! You try to hold in your perverted fangirling so you can make your point.

"Guys, we have something to do. I would like to get it done so we can get to the bottom of this mess. We have to work together."

"But-" Jungkook starts.

"No buts." You cut him off.

"Whatever you say, sweetness." Jackson says tossing his arm over your shoulders. Then you did something you never thought you'd do. You smack Jackson upside the head.

"First off, don't call me sweetness. I'm being serious. You respect me, I'll respect you. Secondly, I don't know what's gotten into you, but you need to cut it. We don't have time for your games. Let's go." You say and start walking again. Both Jungkook and Jackson look at you with wide eyes.

"She owned you," Jungkook snickers.

"Yeah, and I gotta admit I kinda liked it." He replied jogging to catch up with you. Jungkook huffs as he races Jackson to get to you since you were already almost out the door.

Once you all got to the car, you ended up making both boys sit in the back since they kept arguing about who would sit up front. When you got to campus, you use the blanket in your car to cover Jackson's head and take the hoodie from around your waist for Jungkook to wear. It fit fairly well since it was a huge hoodie anyhow.

"Now guys, you can't let anyone see your faces." You warn. I don't want to even think about what will happen if they do.

"Of course, of course, (y/n). It's not like we're rookie idols." Jackson rolls his eyes. You smile at his bit of sass.

"We'll stay out of sight," Jungkook affirms.

"You remember the door from last time?" You look at Jungkook with eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, the one where that creep was?"

"Go there. I'll open the door for you once I'm inside. No one really goes over there, so you should be alright."

You shoo them off and soon after you start walking from your car to the dorms, you run into Amber. I forgot about Amber! She has a car too, maybe she can help with the guys! I'm sure she'd love it anyway, being their fan and all.

"Hey (y/n)!" Amber says cheerfully.

"Hey Amber! I was wondering if-" You try to get to the point, but Amber cuts in as per usual.

"I was just watching Jimin's sexy self doing hip thrusts for half an hour! Man if I ever got to meet them, I would have to brag. I mean, like, how could I not? Being in their presence would be a gift of God. If that ever happened, I totally would marry him. Or any of them." Amber laughs. normally you would have laughed along, but now that you've met them, you feel like you can't treat them like hot meat anymore. No, these were not just things to drool over. These are people- people you admire. You feel shame about having seen them as anything less than that, but you'd be damned if you let them remember you as a sasaeng. Maybe Amber isn't the person for the job.

"Anyway, have you heard the new track by Got7? It's so good!" She continues.

"Yeah, um, I haven't heard it yet, but I'll listen to it later. I have homework to do now." Your eyes dart from Amber's face to the dorms waiting, preferably, for her to end the conversation. She laughs.

"That's funny, when have you ever cared about homework more than Kpop? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to get my homework done. I'll talk to you later, alright?" You rush off toward the dorms. Amber waits a few minutes before following you. She could sense you were hiding something and like a hyena can smell fear, she smelled your secret.

Lucky You (BTS x Reader x Got7 )Where stories live. Discover now