Pepper Spray

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A/N: The chapter was really long, so I ended up having to break it into three parts. As such, Got7's appearance will be a little delayed. Sorry! 


You leave the boys in the room and stand in the hall with your blanket wrapped around you. You lean against the door and breathe deeply, closing your eyes. You pull out your phone and start searching for nearby hotels and their prices. 

You see a hotel with decent pricing and star rating. The reviews are good, too. You'd never let yourself live if you let then stay in a craptastic motel or something like that. You reserve two double bed rooms online, which was fortunately well within your budget due to a sale. 

Now, how will I get them there? You think about possible methods. You do have a car, but at most it can seat five, besides you, and only if they squish. Remembering Jin's wide shoulder's, you don't think that would be a good idea. I suppose I'll have to do two trips. 

You crack open your room door to find that BTS is indeed still there. You aren't hallucinating. You watch them for a moment still in disbelief. The room is oddly silent and tense, you had never seen them like this.

You overhear Jimin ask with obvious concern, "what will happen to us, hyung? Will we have to sleep outside?" Namjoon walks over and places a hand on his shoulder. His face looked so sad and it pulled on your heartstrings. You could never decide on a bias in BTS, instead declaring them all bias wreckers. That seemed how powerful BTS was- you could feel as though you've gotten wrecked even if nothing occurred physically. You had to beat back your inner fangirl to once again resume being a decent human. (Y/n) he is upset! Stop thinking he's cute! 

"(Y/n)?" Hoseok asks, curious as to why you're peeking around the door and smiling like a creep. You seem to be spooking him and you knew he was a scaredy cat. You decide to play with him and don't respond. Instead you just slowly walk toward him, everyone's eyes on you. When you reach him, you roll your eyes back and pretend you're going to bite him causing him to scream. You double over laughing, clutching your stomach on the floor. Your laughter was a signal that you were indeed alright. It wasn't only Hobi that was concerned. Soon everyone in the room was laughing, even Yoongi. 

"You really are a scaredy cat!" You yell through your laughter. 

"He totally is," Yoongi speaks looking at you rolling on the floor. "But he's my scaredy cat." He says with a straight face. Causing you to look at him with wide eyes and sit up straight. 

"You mean, you guys are really..." you begin to fall back into fangirling. 

"Hyung, don't say misleading things!" Hobi says throwing your pillow at Yoongi's face. "We aren't anything more than brothers, (y/n). Hyung just likes to play with ARMY by hinting things." Hobi rolls his eyes and leans back on the wall beside your bed. Yoongi shrugs and smirks mischeviously looking you in the eyes. 

"No, no no no. Don't you give me those eyes. I will report you for harassment." You laugh. 

"Ah, so you're another fan weak to my charms." He says it with such a serious face that it's hard for you to tell whether he's joking. Using past reference, you assume that he is. You choose to ignore his comment. Instead telling them the plan. 

"I reserved two rooms at a hotel about fifteen minutes away. They both have two beds. I will drive you all there, but my car can only seat four comfortably at a time." You look around at their faces. Many of them seem surprised, but Yoongi and Jungkook have blank faces. Taehyung is staring at your wall and tracing something on it with his finger. 

"You're really too kind," Namjoon says. 

"Wow, (y/n)! You're so nice!" Jimin chimes in. You giggle seeing his face light up. 

"It's really no biggie. So, we have to decide who is heading over first." You all discuss who is heading over first. You decide to send Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook first and Yoongi, Hobi and Taehyung next. As you head out with the first group, you remind the second group to keep the curtains drawn and door locked. 

"Don't answer it for anyone, okay? I and my roommate are the only one's with keys." Suddenly you realize that your roommate could walk right in and find these grown handsome men here. You shoot her a text to see what she's up to and, surprisingly, she replies quickly. Not coming back tonight. You read. Well, it is a Friday night. Who would be coming bac tonight? 

"Do not leave this room," you warn again before heading out and locking the door. As you again cautiously search the halls, you use the stairwell on the backside of the building which hardly anyone uses.

"Wait here," you say as you walk gingerly down the steps. On the last flight of stairs, there's a drunk guy passed out. You make the effort to lift him and are able to lean him against the wall. He smelled like he had been smoking things that aren't allowed on campus and drinking some string liquor. You're just about to walk past him and check outside the building when a hand grabs yours. The drunk guy is looking at you through red glassy eyes. 

"Hey pretty lady," he slurs out. "Can I talk to you?" You grow tense and he seems to notice. 

"I'm actually in a rush-" 

"It won't take long, I promise." His grip on your hand tightens causing you to wince in pain. "Why won't any pretty girls talk to me? Am I that worthless?" 

"No, no, but I really need to go," you say hurriedly trying to pry your hand from his. 

"Come on, just talk to me!" He whines pulling you toward him. 

"No!" You yell and the guy's hand is ripped from yours. 

"She said she didn't want to," Jungkook says hiking the guy up against the wall. The rest of the guys stand behind Jungkook making the guy afraid. "I'll give you a hand to hold." He says grabbing his hand and squeezing. You could see Jungkook's muscles bulging as he squeezed. You stare at him with wonder. He throws the guy back on the stairs and looks at you. 

"Are you okay?" He asks eyes filled with concern. 

"I'm fine," you laugh still noticeably uneasy. "This kind of thing isn't uncommon, that's why I carry this." You pull out your pepper spray keychain to show them. None of them seem comforted by the sight of your pepper spray and instead remain silent. 

"You're really too pretty to be walking around dressed like this." Jimin says stepping forward and putting his jean jacket on you. 

"I'm sorry you can't dress how you'd like, but the world we live in..." Namjoon trails off. He didn't need to finish the sentence. Noticing the atmosphere getting heavy you speak up.

"Well, it's a good thing you guys are here!" You chirp trying to pick the mood up off the ground. "You're my heroes," you say dramstically and flutter your eyelashes causing a few chuckles. "Now, let's head to the hotel."

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