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"What is going on here?" Yoongi asks. You can tell from his voice that he's angry.

At first you look at him with wide eyes before your face hardens a bit. Geez, I can't even have thirty minutes?  You pout slightly, which Yoongi notices and pulls at his heartstrings. He sighs deeply. 

"I was looking for you (y/n)," he says. 

"I was only gone for maybe  fifteen minutes, if that." 

"You said you'd be right back," he retorts quickly. 

"No, I said I'd be back soon," You roll your eyes and laugh. Yoongi approaches you, and he looks both scary and cute. He grabs your wrist suddenly, pulling you to his side. 

"Come on, let's go," he says glaring at Youngjae who until this point had remained silent because he was working so hard to not punch Yoongi in the face. 

"No." He says grabbing your other wrist. Yoongi's eyes look at Youngjae before looking at his hand on your wrist then back up to him with anger. It was almost radiating off of him. You had tried to release yourself from their grasps, but they only held your wrists tighter. I hope it doesn't bruise, you think. 

"Let go." Yoongi growls. 

"Fuck no," Youngjae says, which utterly surprises you. You look at him with wide eyes. You always thought him to be a soft boy, cute, fluffy, smiley... like Hoseok. But no, Youngjae was much more aggressive than you thought originally. Hearing him curse while glaring at Yoongi made you nervous. Maybe it's because you've never seen him like this before, but you find yourself feeling afraid. The Younjae before you now looked like he could pull a switchblade out of his pocket and cut someone. You really hoped you were wrong. 

There is a stalemate that seems to last for a long time, the tense atmosphere making it hard to know how much time had passed. Yoongi scowls and yanks you hard out of Youngjae's grip, pulling you behind him protectively, not turning his back on Youngjae and still keeping his eyes locked with his. This causes Youngjae to growl lowly. Youngjae reaches out to grab you, but Yoongi swings at him. 

Yoongi misses, it turns out Youngjae was not trying to grab you, but faking out so that he could catch Yoongi off guard and punches him in the jaw as soon as Yoongi is off-balance. Yoongi falters, before bearing his teeth at Youngjae, lunging at him. 

OhmygoshwhatdoIdo? Why are they fighting right now? Ohmygosh.Ohmygosh. You start yelling at them to stop, but they continue to punch at each other, ignoring you. When you see a flash of red on someone's body, you can't stop your own feet as you throw yourself between them. You don't know what you thought your body would do, but you were easily pushed out of the way, scraping your knee as you fall into the fountain.  

All that is heard is a yelp and a loud splash and then silence, no more fighting. You are in shock for a moment, your eyes still screwed shut. Underwater you can barely hear anything, just the sound of the water flowing in the fountain. Darkness surrounds you and for the few seconds that you find yourself underwater, it feels good to feel like nothing. Nobody is in love with me, you think. There are no hearts I must be gentle with. No magical beings. I'm just same old (y/n).  You lose yourself for a while until someone grabs your arm, pulling you out of the water. 

The sound of the world hits you once again as the water rushes off you and falls back into the fountain. You gasp for air, more panicked than you thought you would be. It was so calm under the water, but when you come back up, you open your eyes again to see the bright sun which blinds you. You blink your eyes hard a few times, focusing them on the person you pulled you from the fountain. Tall, a gorgeous face, broad shoulders— Jin.

"Are you alright?" He asks in a flurry. It takes time for you to even process what he asks you, your mind still somewhere far away. He scans your body, looking for any sign of injury. His eyes settle on your knee, causing your eyes to follow. You see blood running down your leg into the fountain that you are standing in next to Jin. 

Your awareness begins to resume as you look at your blood flowing into the fountain. Your eyes widen one you realize what happened. They pushed me in the freaking fountain?!  You are about to yell at them, but Jin starts yelling first.

"Yah!" He yells loudly. "You two idiots! Look what you've done! You've gotten her scratched up because of your immaturity! If you two want to fight, do it somewhere else and don't get (y/n) involved!" He rants and yells angrily. Yoongi growls. 

"Don't act like this doesn't involve you! You're in love with her too!" He shouts at Jin. Youngjae looks at him in surprise. He would never talk to his hyungs like that. Part of him was in shock and the other part was in reverence. 

Jin's face hardens as he lifts you up out of the fountain, princess carrying you as he slowly steps out. He starts to turn away, heading back inside, when Yoongi shouts. Jin simply glares at him, and Yoongi quiets down, reminding you of a beaten dog. Jin sighs and walks away carrying you inside. 

In the kitchen, he sits you down on the counter. You want to say something to him, but you feel that you should wait for him to speak first. He quickly fetches the first aid kit. While doing so, you swing your legs, feeling the sting on your knee. You don't mind it too much though, the amount of blood seems rather dramatic for the amount of pain you feel.  When Jin comes in front of you, you're shocked by how quickly he cleans your wound, stopping the bleeding and revealing the wound to be a semi-deep scrape. He looks at it and shakes his head with disappointment. 

"Those idiots," he says as he pulls out the disinfectant. It stings when he sprays it on, causing me to wince but he purses his lips blowing on the wound to cool it. He then grabs some gauze and bandages around your leg, touching our skin gently, but firmly as he wraps the bandage.

"Um, Jin," you speak up finally, thinking to ask him about what Yoongi said a few moments ago. When he looks up at you, it seems as if he knows what you're going to ask, but he doesn't want you to. You bite your lip. "Thanks for cleaning my wound," you say deciding not to ask. Why should I go out of my way to force it  out of him when I'm not going to accept his feelings anyway? He probably knows it too. 

"Of course, (y/n). It's the least I could do." He smiles at you and you can't help but swoon as you look down at him. His ruffled, unkempt hair, the way his sweatshirt pushed up to his elbows, the way his lips part as he looks at you. You look into his eyes for a moment, before looking away, your face on fire. 

When he finishes cleaning your wound, he pushes you out of the kitchen, saying he needed some time alone. You want to respect his decision so you nod and head to your room to change out of the soaked clothing. After that, you look around for something to do, eventually deciding to lay on the couch and play on your phone. You text Dusk asking her when she'll be back. You wait for about half an hour. No reply. Typical Dusk. You smile slightly. You are surprised when you turn over to see Yugyeom standing there staring at you. 

"Ah!" You yelp. 

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