The Sun Sets

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Upon your return to the mansion, you're greeted by thirteen hungry men who are just glaring at each other...? You stand in the threshold for a moment, hands full of bags. You couldn't lie, your hands were hurting from the plastic cutting into them.

"Um... hey guys?" When they hear your voice, the guys jump out of their stalemate. 

"(Y/n)!" Some of them say excitedly, others with a tone of relief. They scurry over to relieve you of your burden. You aren't sure if their first priority is helping you or getting the food quicker. Jackson comes up behind you and whines. 

"No one is going to help me?" He complains. 

"Carry it yourself," Namjoon waves him off. 

"I can't believe you're so weak, hyung,"  Jungkook spits as he walks over to carry the bags which Jackson would now not let go of. 

"Ya, I'm not weak, " Jackson eyes Jungkook dangerously. The strange rivalry between some of the guys was really throwing you off. You sigh and walk away before they start their flexing competition to see who's muscles were bigger. You hear Jin walk over and scold them both before taking the food to the table. 

Despite the fun that ensued earlier, there seemed to be a heaviness at the table. The only sounds are the smacking of lips and the ripping of chicken as the guys stare each other down. You help yourself to a bit of mashed potatoes since you had already eaten but feel strange watching everyone else eat. You think maybe you ought to address the situation, but maybe you're stressing them out. Are they sick of me? Maybe they were just being nice, but they all hate this situation and would rather be anywhere but here, you think.

The burden of the silence is dizzying and you begin to feel sick. You're about to excuse yourself when you hear the front door opening. All of you are on guard until you see a woman walk into the room. You're sure you wouldn't have recognized her if you hadn't seen her that night without makeup. 

"Dusk?" You inquire, looking surprised at her change in appearance. Instead of her usual edgy and ripped apparel she now sports a stylish pantsuit. Her one wildly dyed hair now returned to its original color and pulled back into a sleek low bun. Casual as ever, Dusk plops into a chair and helps herself to a piece of fried chicken as if she couldn't care less whether her appearance matched how she was eating. You couldn't help but smile slightly, as everyone watches her with wide eyes. Some things about her were never going to change, you theorized. She finishes her piece of chicken before looking around the table. 

"You guys, this is Dusk," you reveal with a giggle. There are gasps and sounds of realization all around the table. You go back to taking small bites of mashed potato until you choke on the small bit causing you to cough. The other guys eyes instantly fly to you.

"Are you alright?" Jin asks, passing you his glass of water. He pats your back as you take a small sip. The guys have gone back to glaring at each other now,  especially at Jin. 

Dusk quirks an eyebrow, looking around the table. "Okay, fuckers we're about to sort this out right fucking now." She rolls her eyes. "Who likes (y/n) as more than a friend?" She cuts straight to the point while simultaneously making your heart stop. Quietly, hands raise around the table as eyes settle lovingly on you. You keep your own fixated on your spoon. 

"That's what I thought," Dusk says, noting hands up from every single guy at the table.  

"Ya! How can you like her when you were just flirting with that host last week?" Jungkook points accusingly at Jackson. Taehyung scoffs. 

"Oh please, Jungkook you're only considered innocent because you're the maknae," Taehyung attacks his own. 

"Who said she even likes innocent guys? Maybe she wants someone with experience," Bam Bam quips. The table grows quiet as they all consider it. 

"Well, I'm the oldest, I have the most experience!" Jin argues. 

"I'm older..." Mark mumbles, unheard. 

"Age has nothing to do with experience. Right, (y/n)?" Yugyeom asks, holding your hand. 

"Don't touch her, brat!" Yoongi slaps his hand away. Jinyoung just eyes you from across the table. 

"Hey, hey!" Dusk shouts, causing instant silence. Her charisma overwhelms the group. "There is no picking straws here. It's (y/n)'s choice." She says with finality. You gulp as fourteen pairs of eyes bore into you. 

"I-I-" you clear your throat. "I think we should focus on the situation at hand. This whole swap business with inter-dimensional creatures is a little more important than crushes." You want to slit your own throat for sounding so pleased with yourself. The guys seem disappointed and you definitely here a tongue click from Yoongi. 

"I agree with you," Dusk nods. "That's why we're going to Korea, bitches. The south one of course." You eye Dusk curiously and she meets your eyes with ones that say she has a plan. You just nod and excuse yourself to prepare for bed. You don't wait around to hear what other craziness ensues. 

When you get upstairs, you put on your pajamas and flop on the bed, falling asleep immediately. You don't have any dreams. 

You are awakened early in the morning; it's still dark outside. You yawn and try to blink away the bleariness in your eyes. 

"Wake up, sleepy head! We have to get going soon!" She hits you with a pillow. You groan and put on your clothes. She had failed to mention that you were leaving the very next morning. The boys seem to be in similar condition, they can barely hold themselves upright as they shuffle into a van. You yawn again. To your surprise, instead of the van going down the long road to leave the property, it goes the other direction toward the back of the property. Soon an airstrip comes into view and you roll yours eyes. 

"Hey Dusk, what does your family do again?" She giggles slightly at your question, but doesn't reply. 

You finally board the jet and after much arguing, you wind up sitting next to Dusk while the other boys grumble and take the other seats. Some opt to go back to sleep since they know it will be a long flight. After some time, the jet takes off, and you couldn't deny the luxury of it all. The comfy leather seats, unlimited amenities, and the style. Is that a bar over there?  

"My father has passed," Dusk shatters the quiet with force. You look at her sadly and place a gentle hand on top of her own as a comfort. 

"I'm sorry," you mumble. You hated that you didn't know what else to say. Your eyes search Dusk's face, but you find no weakness— no sorrow. 

"I feel the pressure," she mumbles. You assume she's talking about her responsibility inheriting the family business. "At least we can use the family jet without permission," she jokes. "I feel like he's testing me even in his death." Your eyes focus on Dusk's as the sun begins to rise, casting a halo onto her. "I'll show him." 

You smiles an encouraging smile and squeeze her hand. "Yeah, you show him. I'm going to go back to sleep alright?" You get comfortable and close your eyes to rest. 

In your dream you're dating someone. "(Y/n)!" They call your name happily and grab your hand. You grin and laugh as you run with them from the reporters chasing you both. A smile graces your sleeping face as you spend time with your literally dreamy boyfriend. 

Dusk wakes you yet again when you land. Had you really slept so long? You rub your eyes. "Dusk?"

"Call me Brooke." She says, standing in the blinding light of the sun. 

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