The Interview

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A/N: I fused two parts together because it would have been too long to write out the entirety of the reader's actions. In the first half, the reader is driving the first group (Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook) to the hotel. In the second half, she is driving the second group (Suga, Hobi, Taehyung). This is a long chapter! Just a heads up!

(f/c)= favorite color

(f/p/p)= favorite pizza place 


After a bit of arguing, you all are finally able to decide on seating. Jin and Jimin take the window seats in the back while Jungkook sits in the middle. Everyone agreed that Namjoon ought to take shotgun even though Jimin did kick up a bit of a fuss about it. After Jimin thought about it, he agreed with the others that Namjoon does have the better linguistic finesse, so he opts to sit behind you. 

"Okay guys, buckle your seatbelts," you order as you buckle yours and glance in the rearview mirror. You see Jungkook's iconic bunny smile and your heart melts.

"Right," Jimin agrees as he struggles to buckle his seatbelt. You can hear him fiddle with the seatbelt and you think about getting out to help him until Jin leans over Jungkook and buckles it for him. 

"Ya, Jimin-ah, aren't you already old enough to buckle yourself in? I didn't raise you like this!" Jin scolds. Jungkook laughs and teases Jimin for being short like a baby and Namjoon laughs. 

Jin-eomma indeed, you think as you pull out of the parking lot. 

You try keeping your eyes on the road, but you can't help glancing up every now and again to see that BTS is actually sitting in your car. The car is silent except for Jungkook still teasing Jimin quietly in the back. You giggle as you think about how lucky you are. Everyone's attention is drawn toward you and pretend you didn't do it. You stare down the road, hardening your face. 

"Did you just giggle, (y/n)?" Jimin asks his attention torn from his dongsaeng. 

"Me? No, why would I ever?" 

"It sounded like a giggle didn't it?" Jimin looks to Jungkook and Jin for affirmation. They both nod. 

"It did sound like a giggle. Did you think of something funny?" Jin asks. You are really losing your cool now. You laugh nervously. 

"Oh yeah, it was really funny! You see, there's this boy who really doesn't like this other boy and one day in class they get put in the same group and accidentally kiss!" You ramble trying to piece together a funny story. You chuckle nervously as the car falls into silence again. 

"Isn't that Naruto?" Jimin and Jungkook ask in unison.

"Oh, is it?" You laugh awkwardly. 

"Let me show you how a real joke is done," Jin starts. 

"No, please don't-" Namjoon tries to stop him. You already know what's coming, but you are looking forward to it. 

"What do you call a deer with good eyes?" Jin questions, unfazed by Namjoon's interruption. Jimin waits in anticipation and Namjoon resigns himself to staring out the window. 

"A good idea!" Jin exclaims when no one responds. He laughs at his own joke. Namjoon and Jungkook groan, but Jimin crumbles into laughter. You don't turn around to see him since you're driving, but you can imagine his face from all the video's you've seen. You struggle to hold back laughter as well, but you succumb to the dumb humor within a few moments. Jin's squeaky laugh wasn't helping either. Jin looks at you surprised although you can't see him. 

"You liked my joke?" Jin asked causing your eyes to flick up to the rearview mirror to see him. 

"Of course! I've watched a ton of compilation videos! It's great to experience it in person," you trail off realizing you've slipped back into fangirl mode. My fangirliness may be stronger than I thought it was. I thought I would be cooler than this if I met them. Jin seems embarrassed at your statement and hits Jungkook's arm repeatedly. 

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