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(e/c) = eye color

When Hoseok leaves, you hear a bit of murmuring outside the door. You can't hear what they're saying, but one voice sounds tired. You could tell because of the long pauses and breaths between phrases. Well, it is 5:30 in the morning. I wouldn't be awake either if I could help it. The chatter continues for a moment and the room starts to feel more uneasy. You didn't want to admit it, but you were a little scared. You get up and start making your way to the door. You just want to see a familiar face. You are reaching for the door knob when the door swings open revealing Mark. You freeze.

"Uh, hi," you wave stiffly. He smiles in return before entering the room, but doesn't say anything. You don't know what to say either. You recall how you ignored him earlier when he confessed to you. Instead of going to the bed, you head over to the little couch in the room and take a seat. You nervously play with your fingernails and focus on your hands. Mark comes and sits next to you, a little closer than you'd like. You feel his eyes staring at you, testing to see if you would continue to ignore him. You do. How much time has passed? Ten minutes? An hour? The silence is dulling your senses and you feel like you're lost in it.

"You heard me earlier," his quiet voice shatters the tension. You never thought him to be such a straight forward person. "You always hear me." Your eyes immediately shoot up to his with an apologetic look. Mark searches your eyes for a while, the intensity of your eyes makes him sigh. He starts to get up, but you grab his hand.

"Wait." You say shortly. He turns back to you, but he doesn't sit back down. "Sit down please." You don't want to get to close with any of the members, but you admit that what you did to him wasn't right either and it wasn't who you were. He looks into your eyes and sighs again. He can see the emotion in them. He knows you aren't just playing around with him. The (e/c) eyes wouldn't lie to him. He sits back down. There is silence for a moment as you work up your courage to reject a man who you've idolized for some time now.

"It's true," you say quietly. "I did hear you." He looks at you and your heart pounds in the quiet. Even if he did start talking, you don't know if you'd hear him— all your blood is rushing to your ears. You wait for his response. You didn't think your answer would be enough, but the ball was in his court now.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you." He blurts suddenly. You can tell from his expression that he seems to have been thinking of a better way to say it, but his words flew out before his brain could train them. You look at him studiously, there was something entertaining about him being so awkward. You giggle, a small smile gracing your lips. He ruffles his hair.

"For bothering you with my feelings." You look at him wide eyed. "That's why you ignored me right? It was bad timing too," he rubs his neck nervously as he chuckles sullenly. You couldn't exactly say that what he said was totally untrue. What is with these guys? Are they blind? You shake your head.

"Yeah, the timing was bad." You smile softly trying to lighten his mood. "But it's not just that..."

"I know how you feel," he cuts in.

"You can't." You laugh. "You can't know how I feel because I don't even know how I feel." You jokingly shove Mark a bit. He smiles and nods.

"I think I know what you mean." There's a growing tension between the two of you now as you look into each other's eyes. What the heck? Where did this tension come from? Your hand still rests gently on his shoulder and Mark takes it in his hand tightly. Not enough to hurt, but a comforting kind of hold. He leans in and pushes his lips to yours. The kiss is gentle and warm. His lips are soft on yours, but it feels awkward because you don't reciprocate. He pulls away, but never makes eye contact with you. Still, he looks happy for a moment before dragging his cloud nine down to earth.

"S-sorry!" He moves away from you suddenly. "I- I just..." he seems to be having a hard time gathering his thoughts as his voice gets quieter. You wait for him. It's hard to be mad at him. Even though you basically rejected him in so many words, he still went in for the kiss. Wait... kiss?!?! You jump up covering your mouth.

"Hey! You can't just... kiss people! Did you think it would be okay because your lips are soft?!" You point accusingly at him. He smirks.

"My lips are soft?" He stands and you get into a defensive stance, putting your arms in front of you for protection. He thinks for a moment. "Was it better than kissing BamBam?"

"Ummm...." How the hell am I supposed to answer this? "His was more.... intense?" You light up remembering the event. Why the heck am I telling him? He looks like he's thinking, but for now you keep your guard up.

"Guess I'll have to try harder then," his smirk reappears as he moves closer to you. Your eyes widen.

"Mark, don't you dare," you step back. "Don't even think about it!" He laughs.

"I'm just kidding (y/n)." He doubles over laughing and you pout. You shove him over so he falls on the floor.

"Ya! Is that any way to treat your oppa?" He asks between laughs.

"Good thing you're not my oppa, Mark." You place emphasis on the lack of honorific, but he's American so it's not like he would mind too much. You sit back on the couch and he eventually takes his spot next to you.

"The others like you too right?" You nearly choke on your saliva. He's really not doing too well with this timing business. He doesn't even lead up to anything he just gets right to it. Well, he is American. You're embarrassed by his question, but you giggle. You nod and suddenly Mark is giving you his whole attention. He was before, but now the atmosphere has shifted. It feels like talking with a friend about crushes at a sleepover and he has that curious gleam in his eyes.

"Yeah, some of the others like me as... more than a friend."

"Who?" He asks smiling. You think there might be something under the smile causing you to squint at him, but you give up looking.

"Well... I think I found out about Jimin first by accident... um... maybe BamBam? I mean, he kissed me so maybe? But maybe not, we haven't really talked about it," You shrug. "Who else... Jungkook told me earlier, so did Hobi. Jaebum might as well, I don't know." Mark nods along taking in every word.

"Well I guess I was a little late then huh? Guess that means I'll just have to work hard to be the guy that makes you fall in love." You feel bad because you already are a little in love with all of them and it feels dishonest.

"Maybe," you rub your neck. It feels weird to be discussing romances you're involved in.

"Namjoon." He adds.

"Huh?" You look at him questioningly.

"Namjoon likes you too."

"No way!" You wave your arms signaling a no-go as you shake your head.

"Namjoon hates me..." you look away to avoid making eye contact with Mark and to avoid crying again. There's a knock at the door and you both look at it.

"Does he?" Mark chuckles as he gets up to leave. Sure, he started late, but he wasn't going to lose. More importantly, he didn't like seeing you so upset about another man so he wants to clear the air.

"I don't think he hates you, do you?" He asks as he opens the door revealing Namjoon. 

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