Dumb and Numb

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"Uh...?" You are baffled in part because of this gorgeous human being and because she spoke as if she knew something. "Have I?" You were slow to catch on. The woman laughs as she dries her hands before turning to face you. She extended her hand- even her hand looks perfect. What the hell have I done in life to deserve meeting this woman?

"I'm Cece. It's a pleasure." You gingerly take her hand. Even her hands are smooth. What kind of sorcery?

"I'm (y/n). I'm trying to-"

"Babe, I know a lot of things and I know what you want." She winks at you. You feel an unfamiliar sensation. What the heck why am I getting so flustered? You stare at her with wide eyes as you take in her grey eyes speckled with flecks of orange. They looked like embers. She smiled gently at you and you realized you were still holding her hand.

"Sorry!" You say shortly as you yank your hand away. You divert your eyes to the floor and admire her red-bottomed stilletos. How the heck has she been walking around in those?

"We should go somewhere a little nicer than a club bathroom with dim lighting don't you think?" Your eyes lift slowly to look at her again. She is still smiling at you. She runs a hand through her wavy dark red hair.

"Come on," she walks past you and out the door. You stand shocked for a minute before following. Once you are hit with the loud music again, you can barely breathe. All of your senses feel overwhelmed. You feel like you might lose yourself somehow until a hand grabs yours and pulls you through the crowd and out the rear exit. Once outside, you inhale deeply and savor the feeling.

"Not much for the club scene huh?" Cece chuckles.

"First time." She eyes you, and something in them tells you that she already knew that. You look behind her and see a cute little pop up vendor. It's in a RV, but one that is lavishly dressed. It even has a few tables outside. The canopy extending from the doorway glows inexplicably. It was as if there were fairy lights on the fabric, but you saw no source. The whole thing just screamed 'magic.' You feel unnerved by the woman who seems to know your thoughts.

"Maybe I should get my friends, they should know too," You point over your shoulder back toward the club.

"I don't have all night sweetie. One, if you go back in, you won't be able to find them easily. Two, I only have shop open from eleven-fifty to midnight."

"Only ten minutes?"

"Ten minutes is all I need. Besides, weren't you hiding from them that something mystical is behind all this?" You look at her and nod.

"Shall we?" She walks to the door of the RV and steps aside so that you can enter before her. You walk up the steps and are immediately greeted by a lavish room, with cushions and canopies, everything lit with a peculiar light. It seemed like a room you might see in Aladdin. Elaborate tapestries hung from the walls and silky curtains hung all around giving the illusion of a labyrinth. Cece senses your shock and walks in front of you.

"Follow me."

You walk behind her for a few minutes, it seems like. How does an RV have this much space? Eventually you see a dark wood table, covered with a fine cloth. Cece seats you there before taking a seat herself. "Would you like anything to drink?" You shake your head.

"Well then, I don't like to mince words so let's get right to it. The coin. The monsters inside it." You pull out the coin and place it on the table.

"What do these symbols mean?" You slide the trinket toward her, but she doesn't even look at it.

"Meddlers of fate." You look at the coin quizzically before looking at her the same way.

"Yeah, they are like that," you nod. "What did they do to you?" You see a sadness come across her complexion before it solidifies once again.

"They made me immortal." You stand up suddenly.

"THEY WHAT?" You yell. Cece is amused by your reaction as she gestures you to sit back down.

"It is as I said. I have been alive for a very long time. Once long ago, I was in love with a god. I cannot say his name, its utterance fills my heart with sorrow." Suddenly Cece's speech showed that she wasn't from here at all- not this time or this place. "I was satisfied just knowing that he seemed to care for me. I never intended to seek out his affections. I knew that gods could not be with mortals. One day, I had the unfortunate circumstance of meeting these spirits that called themselves world shifters. I knew acquainting myself with mystical spirits would be a bad idea." You listened quietly to Cece's story, but you were already invested in it. The reality benders have been around for centuries? Why can they never mind their business?

"But I couldn't say no when they offered me the affections of my beloved. They said that he loved me, that they could make him love me. So I accepted what appeared to be a gracious gift. I was young and dumb. The next day I was trampled by a horse that had escaped its owner. I should have died... but I didn't. That's when I knew, those spirits had taken my mortality. I went to the god I loved and pleaded with him saying that we could be together, but he told me he loved another." You were almost in tears at this point. The story was incredibly sad, but it was worse knowing that the main character was sitting in front of you. It was incredible to think of how much power the reality benders had then and even now while they're trapped inside a coin.

"To cut the story short, I was dumped. Now I have eternal life without the one I love. This life is death, but the spirits wouldn't let me die. I went to them and they said, 'is this not what you desired? We only wished to see you satisfied' as they laughed at my pathetic state. And so, just like how they screwed around and made me immortal, I found a way to screw around and curse them. I won't let them free unless they agree to change me back into a mortal."

"But they keep meddling in my life now! What should I do?" You panic.

"Sorry, that's how the curse works. They meddled with my fate and now they are forced to meddle with others so they can have any freedom at all. In my experience, suffering is a little better when you're not the only one." In that moment, Cece's steely grey eyes ere cold and vengeful. She seemed hospitable and kind, but now you see that she's only playing this game for herself.

"I'll walk you out," she stands abruptly and you match her stride.

"Why can't you just talk to them?"

"If I could, do you think I would just give away the token that traps them? They won't appear before me out of spite! Get them to lift my curse and I'll life theirs and in turn, yours. If they ask for compensation, give them this," she drops a weighty velvet satchel into your hands. You look in the bag and see hundred of beautiful translucent pearls.

You exit the RV and start to walk back to the club. You turn around to see that the pop up shop and Cece are gone. The darkness outside illuminated by only a flickering street lamp. You're mystified, but not really surprised. Typical of every piece of fiction ever. You turn around to walk but bump into someone.

"What are you doing out here?" he asks. How could I tell him that all this dates back to the time of gods and deals with mystic beings and heartbreak?

"Nothing, just needed some air." You start to walk past him, but he grabs your arm.

"Why are you not telling the truth?" You look away ashamed for lying about it. You should have just told him.

"Nam-" You're about to tell him everything, but he has so much hurt on his face. Your mouth goes dry as you see his eyes swimming in pain.

"You're just like the others. I thought you were an honest and good person, but now you're lying. That's all people ever do to us you know. They lie and leave. They use us. Now you're doing the same?" He scoffs and releases your arm. "Have it your way." He turns his back on you and walks back into the club.

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