The Ultimate Favorite

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The pizza arrives and you all move to grab a slice before sitting down. You're about to take a seat on the floor when Namjoon offers his seat to you. You're taken aback at his courtesy and attempt to turn down his offer.

"No, really, it's okay. You can sit," you say flustered.

"No, you should really take the chair," Namjoon replies. Slightly embarrassed that he is offering to sit on the floor for you, you slide into the chair.

"Thank you," you say earning a sweet dimpled smile from Namjoon.

You take a bite of your pizza, but the cheese won't break off the bite you had taken. You keep trying to break it by taking another, albeit smaller, bite. Instead you looked like a hamster as your cheeks fill with food- and the cheese still wouldn't break!

"Do you like it?" Jungkook laughs. You thought nobody was paying attention, but they were all staring at you, some holding back laughter watching you enjoy the food. Finally, the cheese breaks. You look Jungkook straight in the eyes, cheese hanging from your mouth and nod. He thinks your face is cute puffed up and resists the urge to pinch your cheeks.

"Oh gosh, (y/n)," Jin says from his chair in the corner. He stands and brings you a napkin. He holds it out to you, but you look up at him questioningly. You chew the food and swallow, sauce covering your lips. Jin finds you at this angle endearing, as you look like a child. He can't hold back his motherly instincts. He huffs before getting on one knee and holding your face as he wipes your mouth with a napkin. Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook have wide eyes and Namjoon looks as if he can't believe what is happening. Your eyes widen as well, embarrassed but also enraptured by Jin's appeal. When Jin is finished wiping, he holds your face a bit longer than necessary. Jimin looks from your face to Jin's.

"Does this mean Jin is your bias?" He asks with curiosity and a hint of something else. You look to him and laugh. Bothered slightly that your attention had shifted, Jin drops his hand and returns to his seat.

"What did I tell you?" You ask Jimin in a pseudo-scolding voice. Jimin laughs and you find yourself laughing along.

"Just that I'm her ultimate favorite," Jimin says throwing his arm over your shoulder and winking. Taehyung and Hoseok choke on their pizza. Yoongi is already asleep, as far as you can tell. Everyone who was a witness to your words jut shook their heads, but Jungkook couldn't let Jimin just mess around.

"That's not what she said!" Jungkook suddenly pipes up after his stunned silence. "She said we are all her favorites!" You burn with embarrassment, realizing now how bold the statement was. You cover your face with the pillow situated behind you on the chair.

"You're such as spoil sport," Jimin spits at Jungkook.

"Did she really say that?" Hobi asks.

"Yes, she said why she liked each of us," Namjoon says from his place on the floor.

"Did she really? I can't believe I missed that!" Hobi whines.

"What did you say about me, (y/n)?" Taehyung points at his face.

"I won't repeat it," you mumble into the pillow.

"Come on," Hobi whines again.

"No." Hobi and Taehyung then badger Jungkook to find out what you said about each of them. You look over the pillow to see that they're shaking Jungkook trying to get the truth out of him. They resort to a pillow fight and start getting loud. You throw your pillow into the mix effectively nailing Taehyung in the head.

"Hey!" He yells. He comes at you for some revenge, but you grab a pillow from the second bed ready to fight back.


A/N: Hey all! I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I wanted to make it longer, but I'm in school now, so I can't write as much as I'd like. I'll update again on Thursday with the second half of this chapter! Again, so sorry!

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