Dumb and Dejected

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A/N: Sorry for leaving you all for so long! I didn't mean to, things just got out of hand with work and not feeling super inspired these days. However, I have committed to this story and to finishing it, so you can expect that it will be finished as long as I'm still alive (hopefully before the school year ends). Again, I'm very sorry about this! As an apology please accept this triple feature!

You and Mark pull away suddenly, forcing space for at least three people between you two on the leather bench. Certainly an overreaction on both of your parts. Youngjae and Jin come barreling in drunk as ever. Their cheeks are tinted a heavy pink and their eyes are glazed as their arms are slung over each other for support.

"And then the old man said, 'don't bother, a newspaper can't eat a dog anyway!'" Jin said causing both him and Youngjae to laugh hysterically. You don't understand the joke at all and you stare at them with eyes widened with concern. You glance at Mark who has his head resting in his hands. Jin starts hobbling over toward you. You're about to stand to help him, but he trips over himself. You reflexively catch him, but his weight bears over you, pushing you back onto the sofa. You're overwhelmed by the sweet and potent smell of liquor on him, but you can't really push him away. Mark looks at Jin with disgusted eyes, but quickly hides them away again.

"You're so soft (y/n)," Jin says as he starts to nuzzle his face into your neck and fall asleep, cuddling you. That is, until Youngjae starts yelling. He stomps over.

"Ya! Who do you think you are hugging my (y/n)? Get up!" He shoves Jin who sleepily shoos him.

"How did you both end up so drunk?" Mark asks. His tone was a bit tighter than normal. "We left you all an hour ago and you're already dead drunk!" He points angrily at the other two idols. Youngjae continues babbling something about a drinking contest.

"Pipe down," Jin hushes Mark. "We just had a drinking contest to determine the real man among men," he gives a thumbs up to no one in particular. "I won of course," he laughs.

"You won? Excuse me? I drank at least two more than you," Youngjae gets riled up again.

"Shhhh..." Jin says as he pulls Youngjae down with him to the bench. Next thing you know, they're both out cold, hugging you. You want to screech, but that wouldn't be proper. As much as you wanted to stay there, the body heat and stench of alcohol was too much for you to take. Mark is glaring daggers at the two laying on you, but when he notices you looking, his eyes completely shift into their more gentle form.

What was that? You wonder as you are lulled into his calming presence. He smiles gently at you, breaking you from the trance.

"Let's get you out of there, shall we?" He stands and faces you with an outstretched hand. You nod as you gingerly place your hand in his. You'll probably never forget how it feels to hold his hand. He helps you maneuver away from Youngjae and Jin, who cuddled with each other to fill your missing presence. You giggle at them and Mark scoffs.

"They won't believe this in the morning," he borrows your phone to take a picture. You and Mark laugh as you leave the room to continue your search for the woman who sold Dusk the trinket. As soon as you open the door, you are once again bombarded with sound and almost immediately get a headache. You notice that Mark is trying to say something so you try to push aside the dizziness from your senses overloading.

"(Y/n), wait, there's something I've been meaning to tell you-" he gets interrupted by a rowdy woman screaming to the DJ.

"What?" Your eyebrows raise. He grabs your hand and pulls you close. You fall onto his chest before looking up at him with the eyes he so adored. He bends down and whispers in your ear.

"What?" You shout again pretending not to hear him. You didn't want to hear him. You wish you hadn't heard him. Mark looks embarrassed. He lets go of your hand and rubs his neck while shyly diverting his eyes that were once locked on yours. "Are you okay?" Of course he's not okay. Mark rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, of course I am," he says turning away from you. "I'm going to go look over there," he walks away dejected. He knows you heard- you always hear him.

"It couldn't be. That couldn't have been right," you mutter to yourself as you feel yourself panic.

I think I like you more than a friend. 

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