{4} Playing The Good Guy

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"You're gonna have to cut that fucking attitude out"


Everyone at some point in their lives has done or said something that made them look completely stupid and then only realised afterwards that they probably seemed like a total idiot. In this situation, it was Brooklyn.

She mentally face palmed at her own stupidity as the stranger who also only just made himself known as Rick's enemy, plopped down on to the leather seat of the truck beside her.

Brooklyn sighed and shuffled away, suddenly uncomfortable in his presence. So many questions were swimming through her mind. Why was he fighting against Rick? Was the war his fault? Was he in the wrong or was it Rick?

But the most reoccurring one was- would she be a bad person if she went with him? No of course not, she was never with the Alexandrians in the first place. She was their prisoner. Yet Brooklyn's sub-conscious never had a straight answer and therefore was always contradicting itself.

Just jump out of the truck and run for your fucking life!

Wait no, don't do that because you can't run, unless you just limp, but that wouldn't be practical either...

"You okay sweetheart? You haven't said a fucking word," the gruff voice interrupted. He gazed down on the girl, his tongue flickering against his chapped lips.

Bullets shot through the windows of the truck causing shards of glass to shatter everywhere. Yet much to Brooklyn's surprise, the leader kept his cool and stuck his middle finger proudly in to the air whilst a man, presumably a saviour, kept his hands on the wheel.

Once they were far away enough for it to be safe, Brooklyn slowly lifted her head and sat back in her seat. Guilt began eating her alive at the thought of Rick, but why the hell would she feel guilty? She wasn't one of them.

"Darlin', are you gonna answer my fucking question?" The man chimed again, his coffee coloured eyes glaring in to her hazel orbs.

Brooklyn snapped out of her thoughts and wiped her clammy palms against her jeans. "Shit. Are you Nagen?" Was the only thing that managed to tumble out of her mouth.

She instantly regretted saying anything as the man snorted in amusement, "holy crap sweetheart. You are a-fuckin-dorable. No doll, it's Negan."

Brooklyn hummed, her cheeks turning bright red with utter embarrassment. She banged her head tiredly against the head rest and muttered, "fuck me," under her breath.

"Damn I didn't know you were that eager! Yes fucking please..."

Instantly shooting him a glare, Brooklyn huffed and rubbed her face with her hands, "that's not what I meant asshole!" She spat.

Saying that was obviously a mistake as the man now known as 'Negan' licked his lips, an unknown amount of anger hidden behind his devious smile.

"Woah! There's that fucking sass! Damn, I like you darlin', but if we're gonna get along, you're gonna have to cut that fucking attitude out when you're speaking to me. That clear?" He growled. And just like that, his eyes darkly narrowed, mesmerising the girl with a glowing ring of amber.

Brooklyn slowly nodded, whoever this Negan guy was, he was unpredictable. Now she was unsure whether going with this man was a mistake or not, yet she couldn't go back now. The choice that she'd made seemed like it could be the choice between life or death.

Maybe Negan was a good guy. No, screw that. No one was a good guy anymore. Brooklyn leant her elbow on her knees and hung her head in her hands, groaning inaudibly with frustration. Negan seemed reasonable so far, still, something about his charisma seemed off, as if there were so many untold things about him that she was yet to discover.

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