{50} Ready, Set, Go

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"I'm never leaving your side again"


Brooklyn had been waiting weeks for this day to come.

The time had flown by so quickly that she had finally found herself standing at the gates, readying herself to say her last goodbye to one of her best friends. Most of the townspeople were outside, gathered around in small groups and saying their farewells to their loved ones.

"Promise me you'll stay safe and out of trouble," Austin said, glancing back and forth between his brother and the girl.

However, Brooklyn only laughed, shrugging her shoulders, "can't promise anything," she teased, a soft snort erupting from her lips as she bought the young boy in to a third cuddle. Of course she was excited for a couple of hours time, but this part of the whole ordeal was something that Brooklyn had dreaded since the beginning.

It was currently late afternoon, and maybe if Alexandria had a working clock, the residents would have access to the knowledge of the time, being precisely four forty-seven pm. The dimly lit sun bled through the miserable clatter of wispy clouds, flooding a faint evening glow of light upon the little town.

Everyone was waiting for Rick to arrive, but apart from his absence, every able body for the big run was loitering outside with one another. Brooklyn knew that after yesterday's mini brawl with the Alexandrian leader, she'd lost her trustworthy bond with the man, but to be fair, none of it mattered now- the plan was in action.

The former saviour hoped that when she saw Negan tonight, he'd be pleased to see her. She'd missed him so strongly that no words could participate in to pulling a sentence together as to explain how much it absolutely sucked without him. She'd missed that devilish smirk that'd twitch at his lips when he cracked a vulgar comment or rude joke, and the way that he could make light of any dark situation by adding in a bit of his cruel sense of humour. She missed his devious little chuckle and how his slicked back hair would always end up falling limp above his head and becoming this handsomely tussled mess. She missed how he acted with such pride and swagger whenever he walked and talked, how he could make any single man crumble underneath his authoritative stance or glance and how he treated Brooklyn like his one and only queen, like she was the most perfect girl in the world. In short, Brooklyn Scotts missed him. A lot. Whenever they were together, it felt right. They were both like two puzzle pieces that clicked in perfectly with one another. All she hoped for, was that Negan felt the same after such a long time of being fed false information.

Hunter was, obviously, distraught. He hadn't wanted this day to come, but it was already here. Tonight he'd have to fake his likeness towards the girl he loved, and allow her to waltz in to his prisoner's cell. It wasn't something he liked, or approved of, but at the end of the day- he was doing it for her.

"When d'ya think ol' Pricky Grimes will make his appearance?" Brooklyn giggled at her own special nickname for the man, wiggling her eyebrows in mockery.

It was Austin who then rolled his eyes, proceeding to tap the girl's shoulder and motion to the Alexandrian leader as he proudly marched towards the large group of people. Brooklyn groaned, hoping that he hadn't heard her, though the glare he sent her said otherwise.

"I'm sorry I'm late everyone," Rick addressed to his people, joining sides with Michonne and Daryl stood at the front, "before everyone leaves, I'd like to say a few things." He loosened his shoulders, yet still kept his chest pumped out, "first thing is, those who have decided to come on the big run today- thank you. Without your bravery and participation, we wouldn't be able to gain supplies for all of the communities." His vision roamed across the different civilians, reading each and every one of their varied expressions. "Second, those of you who are staying, which isn't many- I have placed Father Gabriel in charge. You must listen to him and I'm trusting him, along with Hunter Grays, to ensure that our prisoner is locked and kept securely in his cell. Does everyone understand?"

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