{14} Something Else

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"That's some deep shit right there"


"Ok, I'm guessing, a cop?"

Holding his head in his hands, Negan's lips stretched in to his signature grin, "me? A fucking cop? Funny." He locked his hands together and raised one brow, "you've been at this for fucking ages. Give up yet doll?"

Brooklyn defensively held her hands up in the air, "Nope. I told you I'd guess what job you used to have. I'm not giving up." She massaged her forehead in deep thought, "okay, I got it! A salesman?"

"Fuck no." Negan rolled his eyes, "sweetheart, this is painful. I'll give you a clue- I taught kids."

Almost not believing him, Brooklyn snorted, "you were a teacher?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "kind of. I was a badass sports coach. Taught the little shits how to play basketball and baseball and all that other crap." He ran his hand through his hair, giving the girl a cheeky grin, "you look surprised?"

"Well yeah. I didn't take you for the sorta guy to put up with kids," she laughed as he placed a hand to his chest, pretending to be offended. "At least your job was kinda fun. Mine was boring, I was a waitress in this shitty little cafe."

Negan tilted his head, "I thought you worked in a recording studio or some shit?"

"No. I went there in my spare time."

It was quiet for a moment before Negan picked up Brooklyn's guitar, "talking about your music. When am I going to hear one of your songs doll?" He picked at the strings, frowning as the notes didn't sound right, "fuck."

Brooklyn giggled and took her instrument, strumming a perfect chord.

"show off..." Mumbled the man from beside her, although she knew he was teasing.

"If you're so desperate to hear one, I'll sing a song I wrote before, you know- all this-"

Content with her decision, Negan gestured for her to do so.

Brooklyn parted her lips, filling the room with a sweet angelic tone that sounded almost to good to be real. The more she played, the more the story revealed itself and the more comfortable she felt playing.

Almost lost in a trance, Negan listened intently to each lyric, to each note, each message that the song was trying to give. Even the melody was so soft and pure, and without sounding sappy, her voice was beginning to give the man goosebumps.

Of course, she didn't have to know that, right?

And as Brooklyn sang the last big note, the emotion hit Negan hard, and he began to understand all the shit that she had gone through.

"Sorry, I went off a couple of times... I must've sounded terrible-" she nervously scratched the back of her neck, worried that he was going to burst out laughing.

Instead, he did the opposite, "are you fucking kidding me? Darlin', you can fucking sing! Holy crap..."

"You really liked it that much?"

Negan grinned, "fuck yeah. I can't sing for shit. Never tried and never will," he concluded, earning a playful eye roll from the girl beside him.

"Aw, I bet you would sing beautifully," she joked, "I've always loved singing though."

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