{56} Desperate

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"I know I'm a fucking asshole, but at least I'm not some cowardly double-timing prick"


Alexandria looked no different than it did four months ago. Well, this was just a judgement Negan had made on the outside wall. He had absolutely no idea on what it looked like inside, so to be fair, it was a pretty bad judgement.

He had ditched the car not far up the road in case things went south and he had to escape. But he now found himself lost, unsure of what to do. There would obviously be a guard on the gate who's most likely been told to scream 'intruder' at the very sight of anyone who was an unrecognisable member of Alexandria. In Negan's case, he was recognisable, but wouldn't really label himself as a member of the community.

Of course, he could always just wing it, parade up to the gate and demand to be let in?

Negan shrugged at his own idea, debating the pros and cons in his head. "Fuck it," his lips quirked in to a sly grin as he emerged from behind a prickly bramble bush, cooly swinging his hips from side to side. Dust flicked up at his heavy combat boots, a haunting whistle spewing from his pursed lips, followed by a portentous chuckle.

Being stood directly outside the Alexandrian gate bought back so many memories. It felt so odd to be back in the same position where he used to slam Lucille threateningly against the iron bars, demanding that him and the saviours be let in.

"Hey assholes!" Negan glared at the guard tower, one palm blocking the scorching rays of sun from beaming in his eyes. "Open up the damn gate!" He waited for a second and then giggled childishly at the thought that popped in to his head, "I would've said the 'little pig let me in' shit, but since you pricks still have my Lucille, it wouldn't feel the same!"

It took a few moments until Negan began to lose his patience, they were wasting precious time that he simply didn't have. "For fuck sake! Is anyone actually going to let me in, or- oh!" Finally, a figure appeared, their face shielded by the cap on their head, "well hello there!" Negan condescendingly waved his hand.

There was a long pause before a gasp was emitted from the stranger, they immediately leant forwards, knuckles squeezing the edge of the tower. "Negan?" The guard flicked his cap up, revealing his face.

This time, Negan gasped, although it was more of a breath of relief. "Austin?" He beamed a wolffish grin, "shit, kid! Fancy seeing you!"

Austin unsurely nodded, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that no one was coming, "is Brooklyn with you?" He asked.

"Fuck," Negan growled to himself, clearly it wasn't the Alexandrians that took her. Maybe they still might know who did. He combed his fingers through his hair and scratched the back of his neck, suddenly finding it hard to keep up the careless tough guy ego. "That's actually why I'm here kid... I know I'm gonna regret this, but I need to talk to Rick. D'you think you can take me to 'im without a shitload of attention from the other folk?"

The boy wiggled his brows, confused by the request. Nonetheless, he agreed. It must've been important if Negan was willing to get himself caught. "Sure," Austin climbed down the ladder and proceeded to heave the gate open.

Negan smiled, bouncing in to the community like he owned the place. "Thanks kid," he swung an arm around Austin's shoulder, "I fucking owe ya one."

Surprised by his action, Austin shook his head and carefully removed himself from his former leader's hold. "If you wanna get in quietly," he said, taking off his hat and shoving it on Negan's head, "hide your face."

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