{6} Chit Chat

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"I want to show you that I'm worth something"


Brooklyn walked casually alongside the leader, her ankle metaphorically screaming at her, telling her to take a break and stop. But of course, she ignored it and compelled herself to showing no signs of weaknesses.

Without a word, Negan led the girl through winding hallways and twisting corridors. They had managed to find themselves in a comfortable silence, which was better than it being an awkward one.

A lot had happened in the past twenty four hours- Brooklyn had unintentionally met a lot of people, broken all of her survival rules and potentially fallen for a guy.

She quickly shook her head as her mind spoke that last point. Shut up Brooklyn, we've been over this. Negan is a dick, you can do way better.

"You alright there sweetheart?" she twisted her head around to see a mocking grin painted on Negan's lips, his dimples making a full appearance.

It took a moment for his words to sink in and her mouth quickly fell open, realising that she had just made herself look like an absolute weirdo by murmuring to herself and vigorously shaking her head for no reason. "No no, I'm uh, I'm great!" She babbled, once again face palming at how ridiculous she must've sounded.

Brooklyn tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ears, remembering that, in her mind, she looked like a deformed monster with her clumpy hair, ragged clothes and mud spattered cheeks. "Oh God," her words came out in a mumble, "fucking hell..."

Rolling his eyes, Negan halted and irritably sighed, "What the fuck is wrong with you now?" He swung Lucille playfully from one shoulder and placed her lightly on his other one.

Brooklyn self consciously wrapped one arm around her stomach and stared at her feet, "I look like a roamer!" She blurted, massaging her forehead frustratedly with her hand, "I mean look at me! It's not really the best impression is it?"

The leader of the saviours knitted his brows together, "roamer?"

Brooklyn snorted, "really? You're joking right?" When all she got was a deadpanned expression in return, the girl fiddled with her fingers and cluelessly gazed at him. "The dead things outside? You know the ones that try to eat us?!"

"Roamer? That's cute."

Ignoring his snarky reply, she threw her backpack over the other shoulder as it had previously started slipping down on the opposite arm. "Well smartass, what do you call them then?" She raised both eyebrows and braced herself for some sort of stupid reply.

Just like she imagined, he told her as if it were the most normal thing in the world, "usually I call them dead fucks, anything that comes in to my mind really. Great fucking name though, don't you think?"

Brooklyn huffed and gave him a look of pure annoyance. She didn't have to say anything to let the man know how she felt as it looked like he'd already caught on.

Negan held his hands up defensively in to the air, taunting her moody attitude, "I mean, christ darlin', I called you cute. Ain't that meant to be a fucking compliment?" He rolled his tongue against his lips and arched one eyebrow as the girl blankly looked at him.

After no reply, Negan softly placed a gloved hand on her back and guided her towards what looked like two double doors. They were made with shiny, polished wood, unique patterns carved along the frame. Before opening it, he bent back slightly and gave her an impudent smirk. His fingers curled around the silver knob and he lightly pushed it open, the slow creak making the girl wince.

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