{63} The End Of A New Beginning

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"I can't do any of this without him..."


Somehow, nothing that had happened so far, felt real. Even now, sat outside the Alexandrian infirmary, Brooklyn couldn't believe that Negan was unconscious in there- fighting for his life. And it wasn't just that; Hunter was dead. He was actually dead. Before, it had all felt like a bad dream, but now reality had sunk in, and everything had hit her harder than she thought.

"You worried about, Negan?"

Brooklyn sniffed and wiped her glossy eyes with the sleeve of a spare jacket that Rick had kindly provided her with, glancing up to see Michonne standing above her with a tired smile. The pregnant girl awkwardly dipped her head in response and scooted over so that the Alexandrian woman could join her on the wooden bench.

"None of this feels real," she mumbled, fiddling with her fingers, "Hunter's dead, Negan's dying and y'all are being so nice to us..."

A sigh was heard from Michonne as she plopped down beside her, "he's not dying. Siddiq is a good doctor- already stitched up his throat before... A gunshot wound is nothing to him!" At that, Brooklyn couldn't help but smile lightly, she was quite fond of Michonne's unusual cheeriness.

"I guess."

The unlikely duo spent the next few minutes surrounded by a comfortable silence, mostly just enjoying the company. Brooklyn was busy trying to distract herself by watching the sunrise and how beautiful the arrangement of bright orange and yellow was as they shone through the dismantled, wispy clouds. Though it did come as a surprise when she was the first one to speak, "why did you help us? I mean- how did you even find us in the first place?"

Michonne smiled, for she had been awaiting those questions. "When Negan came here begging for help, we all turned him away- apart from the brothers, who left with him," she paused and thought for a moment, "after a while I just couldn't pretend like nothing was wrong. Sure, you betrayed Alexandria but your baby didn't. I- we couldn't let you go through with all of that on your own. Plus, we'd ran in to a few of the Murderers on a run, so we had a rough idea of who they were already."

Something that Brooklyn was unfamiliar with, was kindness to an extent such as this. Sure, she had people like Negan that were always kind to her- but the Alexandrians had no reason to act like that. In fact, Brooklyn didn't quite understand why they hadn't killed her yet, because she knew she would have kicked up a storm if it were the other way round.

"Thanks, I guess," she mumbled with her head hung low. As much as Brooklyn would love to spend the rest of the early morning apologising for things she'd done wrongly in the past, she couldn't focus on anything other than Negan's current state. Michonne understood that perhaps Brooklyn wasn't in the best of moods to discuss those things now and decided to put an end to that topic of their conversation.

If Negan didn't make it, Brooklyn wasn't sure what she'd do without him, especially with their baby on the way. In some ways, the girl thought that all of this was her fault, and that if she defended herself better, she could have killed Bones before he kidnapped her.

"What if-" Brooklyn sharply sunk her teeth in to her bottom lip as a way to restrain the tears welling up in the pits of her dark, empty eyes, "what if he dies?" She whimpered, sparing Michonne a troubled glance, "Hunter died because of me! What if Negan dies too? I can't- I can't do any of this without him..."

The young girl emitted a heartbroken cry. She knew that worrying wasn't going to solve or do anything, but she couldn't help it. Brooklyn couldn't help feeling that without Negan, she'd be lost. The couple had been through copious amounts of troubles and disasters that they'd overcome together, all they had to do was overcome this obstacle and eventually, everything would be back to normal- well, that's what Brooklyn hoped for.

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