{10} The Beatles

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"You've seriously got no idea how much all this means to me"


Today was the day. Brooklyn's first run with the saviours. She was stood up against the chain link fencing with one leg kicked behind her and Austin by her side. Her crumpled backpack was hoisted over her right shoulder, it's only contents being a bottle of water and of course her lyric book.

Like a perfectly painted canvas, the sky was an array of orange and pink, few clouds fading in and out, scattering themselves around. The faint singing of birds became more unclear and was overpowered by the sound of squelching mud as saviours started scurrying about, collecting their weapons for the long trip.

Austin shoved his hands in his pockets, shivering at the early morning air, "you ready for this?"

To be quite honest, Brooklyn was more than ready, she was raring to go. This was finally her chance to prove to Negan that she was more than just a pretty face. Her cracked lips opened to speak when the hoarse chuckle from beside the pair startled them.

Brooklyn playfully rolled her eyes, moving her head upwards to stare in to the dark cinnamon coloured eyes of her leader. He was of course in his usual attire and had an added extra of a crimson coloured scarf tightly hugging his neck.

Unlike his friend, Austin had fell silent, his face blank, making it clear that he was terrified of the broad man hovering around behind him. "How's my favourite girl? Feeling good after what we did last night?" Taunted the leading saviour, Lucille wielded in his gloved hand.

This man really knew how to wind her up. Brooklyn bawled her fists, glaring in his direction. She couldn't let Austin know that she kissed Negan! And what made it worse was that Negan was able to read her like a book. He knew that she didn't want Austin or anyone to know, yet he was making up bullshit to drop her in the deep end.

Well two can play that game.

"What? When I made fun of your precious bat and caused you to throw a hissy fit?" She smirked as his smile faltered, "yeah that did feel good!"

Austin sensed the tension between the pair and placed a hand lightly on his friend's shoulder, "c'mon B... Take it easy," the boy swallowed the lump in his throat, he'd always hated being around Negan due to how short-tempered he could be.

As if a switch had been flipped, Negan's mood changed and he let out a short minacious chuckle towards the boy. "Look at who's stepping up and growing some balls! Thanks for that kid," he sent Brooklyn a fake gaze of confusion before purposely turning his attention back to the stuttering mess that was Austin. "One second... You're one of her little friends, aren't you? Say, what's you're name kid?"

He knew exactly what he was doing, the way to get to Brooklyn was to get to her friends.

"Austin Grays, Sir," he muttered, his vision aimed at his feet.

Negan pursed his lips and bought his hand to his chin to rub the prickly beard on his face. "Thought so."

The three were quiet for a moment, Negan jovially gleaming at them, waiting for something interesting to happen. Brooklyn scoffed at the man and gently motioned her head towards one of the trucks, "let's go Austin, you can show me what to do, right?" She looked over at Negan as she spoke the last few words.

But Negan wasn't having none of it. As the young boy edged forwards, he stuck out his arm to stop Brooklyn's so-called friend from going anywhere, the jingling of the zips on his leather jacket sounding in Austin's ear. "Nope. I can show you what to do sweetheart... You're riding with me..." his mouth twisted in to a mechanical smile and the girl clenched her jaw.

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