{40} Doesn't Feel Like Home

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"If it helps, we hate Negan"


"Looks like we're here."

A loud, scratching noise stirred the girl awake and she slowly stretched her limbs out across Austin's lap, expressing a huge yawn as she did so. Dawn was fast approaching, meaning she'd slept during the entirety of the journey.

Wiping the sleep out from underneath both eyes, Brooklyn sleepily sat up and winced as the sound that had woken her up appeared to be the old Alexandrian gate being heaved open. "So, you're finally up then, huh?" joked Austin, poking her side.

Brooklyn was in no mood for jokes now. By the looks of it, Rick was already there like he promised, which meant Negan was too. She bit her lip and stared gormlessly out the musty window, wondering if Negan was already in his cell or not. Or, maybe he could be in the infirmary, which would be good news for her because she needed to find a pregnancy test. And by doing that, there was a possibility that she could catch a glimpse of the man.

As soon as the vehicle had strolled through the main gates, Brooklyn shot out of the car like a bullet being fired from a gun. She hurried off in to the depths of the suburban town, wondering how they'd rebuilt the damage so quickly.

"Hey!" Brooklyn groaned as she felt the cold fingers of someone's hand yank her arm back. To her disliking, it appeared to be Michonne stood with her free hand hovered above her sword, "what do you think you're doing?"

Feelings dismembered all over the place, Brooklyn roughly shook her arm from the woman's clutch and held it protectively to her side. She blinked a few times, noticing the two brothers creeping over, "I-" She gulped, "I need to go to the infirmary... I'm ill remember?"

A mocking chuckle was heard from behind them all. Brooklyn glanced back. Rick. She immediately narrowed her eyes and clinched her jaw, trying her best to take her mind off of the sudden churning that was once again occurring in the pit of her belly.

"Who are they?" Rick motioned to Hunter and Austin, his suspicions raised when Brooklyn failed to hide a smirk.

The two brothers stepped forward and held their hands out. "I'm Hunter Grays, this is my little brother Austin," he attempted to shake hands with the Alexandrian leader but was rudely declined, "uh, Brooklyn wasn't feeling well and we thought the best way for her to cope was to have us with her."

"Please Rick," this time, Brooklyn's expression became genuine. She cupped both hands together and practically begged, "they only lived at the sanctuary because they had nowhere else to go."

Hunter grinned, "plus if it helps, we hate Negan-"

That earned the boy a nudge in the ribs from Brooklyn, who also muttered, "asshole," underneath her breath. He quickly raised both hands up in defence, making the former lieutenant laugh. That was the first proper laugh since everything happened. It was so real that even Brooklyn herself didn't recognise the sound.

Rick witnessed the small interaction and nodded, "fine. Follow me and I'll take you to your new home." He led the small group towards one of the newly built houses. It was fairly sized with a nice front porch acquired with two plant pots either side of the door. "You can get settled in. Brooklyn come see me later and we'll talk about everything properly- rules n' such. You know where mine and Michonne's house is?"

The girl, without a word, bobbed her head and followed Hunter and Austin inside with her bag hanging loosely from one shoulder and the neck of her guitar clutched in her hand. She slammed the door shut behind her and scanned the inside furnishings of her 'new home.'

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