(2) Goodbye

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1 month later 

Bucky continued to make it clear he had no intentions to clear the air. It was a Saturday afternoon Nikki wasn't aware that Bucky entered his garage band that she was apart of with their friends in the battle of the bands. She was spending her Saturday with her mom Alexandria and her sisters Maci and Tinsley since they were in town. Nikki was the youngest of her parents marriage she has another older sibling that is her brother Ben who is currently serving in the United States Air Force. 

As the girls were enjoying their late lunch at Olive Garden. A dance team mate of Nikki's started to send Nikki video messages. At first she was confused as to why her team mate was sending her old videos. But once she was alone and in her bedroom she realized they weren't old videos they were new ones. Not only that Bucky deliberately picked songs trashing her. 

The first video she was sent was him singing "Redneck Crazy" by Tyler Farr. Another video was him singing "Beer Never Broke My Heart." By Luke Combs. Her Facebook and Instagram began to flood with notifications of other class mates tagging her in the videos. Including other videos of him singing "Love Don't Live Here" and "Wanted You More." By Lady A and "Take It On Run." By Reo Speedwagon. 

She eventually turned off her phone as she cried. Her sisters and Alexandria did their best to comfort her but it was clear he set out to deliberately hurt and humiliate her. He had Taylor sing the duet of Wanted You More with him when it use to be her. 

The following Monday morning Alexandria drove Nikki to school. When they went inside her mom went into the front office to fill out withdrawal papers. Both of her parents gave in to her request to move down to Miami where her dad Hudson lives with her stepmom Allyson lives. Nikki cleaned out her locker turned in her books. She saw all but Bucky down by the gym doors. 

She pretended like she didn't see them as she went into the gym. But everyone saw her and began to laugh and whisper. A few minutes later she re-emerged out of the gym doors without her cheer bag. 

"Nikki?" Nat said 

Nikki didn't even stop. Wanda stopped her by walking in front of her. 

"What's going on? Where is your bag?" Wanda said 

"I'm leaving." She said 

"What do you mean leaving? We have school.." Yelena said 

"I'm moving to Florida..where I can make new friends ones that won't stab me in the back. Ones that won't deliberately humiliate me..I got tagged in every fucking video of him trashing me..and you all went along with it. He drags me through the fucking mud and you all just stand there. Some friends you are..so goodbye.." she said 

"Nikki.." Hope said as she walked towards the front office door where she met her mom. 

"Oh my god..she isn't kidding. That's her mom.." Nat whispered 

Bucky was late getting to school cause he was taking his drivers test. When he arrived during second period all the sophomores were called to the library. The guidance counselors Melinda May and Maria Hill were standing there. 

"So we figured this would easier since it only affects your class. We need you all to re-nominate four girls for Homecoming Duchess. But you can't re nominate Nicole Lauren Matthews she is no longer a student here. Her parents withdrew her this morning." Melinda said

Bucky was standing next to Sam. "What the hell did I miss?" He whispered 

"Nikki left. She showed up here this morning in tears turned in everything while her mom filled the paperwork. She is moving to Florida and said it was for the best and that she would find herself new friends ones that won't stab her in the back or humiliate her by what we did over the weekend.." Sam said as they went back to class. 

Bucky shook his head. "If she can't take the heat then maybe it is a good thing she left. I don't understand why she thought I would just forgive her." He said 

Meanwhile Nikki finished putting all her stuff in her car she said goodbye to her mom and stepdad Colton. She made her way to Miami in her black Dodge Charger blaring music. Hudson got her enrolled in Miami-Dade highschool by the time she arrived. As she was laying in her bed that night she unfriended everyone and unfollowed them on Instagram. She deleted pictures of her old life changed her profile picture to a picture of her that Maci took over the summer of her laying on the beach with her aviators on making a kissy face. 

Back in Georgia Bucky was eating supper while doing homework when his mom Winnie came in from working in the ER as a nurse.

"James..just the person I was needing to talk to.." she said as she warmed up her plate.

"I passed my test mama." He said as she sat down at the kitchen table. 

"I know your daddy told me. Congrats on that but that isn't why I needed to talk to you." She said as James came in from the back yard he had been mowing the yard. 

"Okay.." he said

"I had a very interesting conversation with a co worker today." She said as she cut up her spaghetti. 

Bucky looked down. He knew where this was going his mom worked with Nikki's mom as nurses. 

"Alexandria informed me today that Nikki has decided to move to Florida where Hudson lives." Winnie said 

"I know and I don't care." He said 

"Buchanan she is moving because you hurt her. And humiliated her Alexandria said that class mates were tagging her in your videos from your band's show over the weekend. Calling her a cheating whore and other names I don't even like. Honey i understand that you are hurting and she broke your heart but now you have taken things to far." Winnie said 

"I am not hurting. Yes she broke my heart but I am not wasting my time on her anymore in case you forgot I have a new girl." He said 

"James what your mother is trying to say is we know she hurt you but you are going about this all wrong. Trying to ruin her name by slandering her the way you did was not a good idea. Playing the songs in the garage to let out your aggression is okay but going out and performing them in front of class mates was not okay." James said

"I hope you realize what you have done. And right now it's looking like you may never get a chance to apologize for hurting her. We didn't raise you to be like this James Buchanan..we expected better. She left because of you and your friends ruined her name..and it was all over social media between your classmates and team mates. Your little show dragged her name through the mud." Winnie said as she got up. 

Bucky shook his head. "I'm going to go finish my homework. Mom I don't understand how you are taking her side. I'm your son your blood.." he said 

"I am not taking her side. I'm trying to make you see that what you did was wrong. And I hope you see that one day. I hope one day you realize that yes she made a mistake but you dragging her and slandering her name was not how you should of handled the situation." Winnie said in a raised tone. 

Bucky slammed his plate in the sink and picked up his books as he left the kitchen. They heard him slam the door to his room. 

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