Bonus Chapter 4: Nikki and Sienna

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Sienna tip toed into Nikki and Bucky's room. 

"Nikki.." she whispered 

"Mmm what?" Nikki whispered as she rolled over. 

"I know your tired. But um that thing you told me about I think it's happening." She whispered 

"What thing?" She whispered as she propped her self up by her elbows.

"Um the um the bleeding thing." Sienna whispered 

"Oh..oh okay..hold on." Nikki whispered as she went to get up. 

"'Mm no you just got home three hours ago." Bucky mumbled as he tried to pull back in bed. 

"Bucky Sienna needs me.." she said

He raised his head. "Sienna what's wrong??" He said as Nikki went to the bathroom.

Nikki came back out. "Here you can use one of mine till we get to the store. After breakfast we will go out. Have us a girls day..just me and you. That's what my mom did for me when I first got my period." Nikki said

"Period? You? Oh my god..oh my god Sienna are you okay?" Bucky said as he sat all the way up in the bed. 

"Bucky will you stop? My god she is becoming a lady it's not the end of the world she isn't dying. We are women we bleed for 7 days and we don't die." She said 

"But she is my first baby girl. Nobody prepared me for this part of parenting." Bucky said 

"Uh it's the circle of life baby." She said as she left the room with Sienna. 

"Make sure she knows that she isn't allowed to date till she is 30 and no sex till then." He said 

"James!" Nikki said 

Bucky laid back on the bed. "Oh god puberty..this can't be happening already she is only 12. Oh god Nikki kissed me two months before we turned 15. Jesus Christ we had a baby at 16.." he thought to himself as he ran his hands over his face. 

Nikki stripped Sienna's bed and took it all to the laundry room. When Nikki came back into her bedroom she found Saylor and Ashlynn in the bed telling Bucky what they wanted for breakfast. They were both on either side of him with their little chins in their hands kicking their feet in the air. 

She smiled at the scene then went to get dressed for the day. Bucky came up behind her as she made breakfast. 

"Make sure she also knows no kissing boys..and no having babies at 16." He said as he wrapped his arm around her. 

"Baby you have got to calm down. She is 12 years old and she is already petrified right now and you aren't making any easier by sitting here freaking over it. I've talked to her she knows our story. And Taylor has talked to her as well she filled in the blanks that I couldn't do cause Emily isn't here. And she will do the same when it's Ashlynn's turn. You need to realize something James Buchanan you are a daddy to two beautiful little girls." She said 

"Four baby. Four girls." He said 

She smiled at him. "Four girls two of each are from Emily and two of them are from me." She said 

"So you are saying I should be more worried about the ones from your baby maker. Cause Emily was a virgin. Got it.." he said 

Her mouth fell open and she started smacking him with the dish towel. 

"Ow ow stop okay I'm sorry.. but you kissed me first and we had sex like three weeks later." He said as he put his arms up to make her stop. 

He pulled her to him. "We were crazy in love we didn't care James." She whispered 

He kissed her. "Still crazy in love..still so crazy about you." He whispered as he kissed her neck. 

"Ewww!!" Saylor and Ashlynn said together 

Giggles were heard from the high hair. Carter and Zara were both giggling. Sienna came downstairs to join the family for breakfast. After breakfast Nikki and Sienna left for the day. They got their hair trimmed up and nails done. They had a late lunch at the pizza parlor after that she and Sienna went to target. 

Nikki bought her all she needed in the girl products,razors and her first bra. When they got home Bucky sat out in the hall way. While Nikki showed Sienna how to shave her legs. He wiped tears as he sat there and stayed up at the wall. Sienna's baby pictures were hanging. 

"She's growing up Em..and looking more like you." He said 

Nikki came out of Sienna's room. "Is she okay?" He said 

"Yeah.." she said as they went downstairs. 

"She's growing up James it's part of life." Nikki said as she started to prepare supper. 

"Yeah and now I have to do this three more times before it gets to Carter." He said 

"Who knows what genders these will be." He said as he placed his hand on her baby bump that was slowly forming. 

"Could be one of each." She said 

He kissed her head. "Could be.." he said as he started to help her make dinner. 

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