(4) Athlete Dinner Party

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Three nights later everyone in Bulldog Estates was getting ready for the athlete dinner party. Nikki had her long blonde hair into loose curls and did her make up. She heard everyone in the living room and kitchen as she put on her heels. She emerged from her room in a short black dress. 

"Nikki do you want to ride with us?" Hope said 

"No I can drive myself." She said as she walked out.

They all followed her out to get in their vehicles. They all arrived at the venue where the dinner party was being held. A girl came over to Nikki's car. 

"You look good girl!" She said 

"Thank you Sash." Nikki said to her team mate. 

They walked in together as a half of the male population followed Nikki where their eyes as mouths hit the floor. Sasha and Nikki went over to where Sasha's boyfriend was and some of the football players. Bucky and the group watched her all night flirt and laugh with over half of the boys in the room. 

"My god can she be anymore of a slut." Bucky said

"Bucky!" Nat said as she smacked him. 

"What?! She is look at her..she's flirted with every dude in this place." Bucky said 

"She has not. She hasn't flirted with any of you." Wanda said 

Bucky rolled his eyes. The next thing they saw was her leaving with a red headed guy. "Oh God..Holden Logan is her next victim. Maybe I should warn him.." Bucky said

"I swear to God Bucky if you don't mind your business..leave them alone." Nat said 

"What? Once a cheater always a cheater.." Bucky said 

"We don't even know the full story Buck. All we know is what she said to us on the phone. She never went into full detail about what happened." Yelena said 

"So..I don't need details. She came home and acted like nothing happened. We had sex when she came home. It was you three that told me that she cheated and now you all are jumping ship cause she came back." Bucky said 

"Buck..she is our friend. And yes we took your side but what we didn't know was that by doing so she was going to up root her whole life and leave." Bobbi said 

"Whatever you want to take her side that's fine. I don't need the details she cheated and that's all I need to know." He said as he and Emily left the group. 

When they all returned to the house Nikki still wasn't home. She came in the next morning when everyone was up making breakfast. 

"Oh look who it is." Bucky said

"Fuck off." Nikki said as she went into her room to change. 

She came out with her blonde hair in a messy bun. She had on sweats and  zipped up hoodie over her sports bra. Bucky saw hickeys all over her neck. 

"I need to go warn my team mate that he is getting involved with a girl that can't keep her vagina to one guy." Bucky said 

She turned around. "Let me think. Oh how about you stay out of my business. Who I date or sleep with is none of your concern. So why don't you fuck off James." She said 

"You still can't face it can you? You still can't understand that the reason why we ended is because you cheated. You are the one that fucked up! I don't deserve the bitter bitch attitude that you have given me. You act like I was suppose to forgive you for it..but like I told them last night..I don't need to know the details I never have." He said 

She shook her head. "You are a asshole." She said as she walked off with a plate of pancakes. 

"Go hide in your room and cry." He said as she slammed her bedroom door. 

Later that night Holden showed up at their house Nikki led him to her room where they made out while they watched movies. Luckily for her Bucky was next door with Emily and the others having a game night. 

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