(7) Nikki's Playlist

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Two weeks later 

Therapy wasn't going well for Nikki. She didn't want to talk about a lot of things. Her therapist did find something to help her cope in her short answers. The fact that Bucky was able to use an outlet to let the world know how he felt about her. The therapist told Nikki to make a playlist of songs that she can play and sing. 

At first she was totally against it cause they were adults now. None of them played anymore they were all focused on college sports and adulthood. But as she was scrolling through her Facebook in the dark of her room. She thought what could it hurt to try and do it without the guys.

She began to put together a playlist for two days she kept her AirPods in. On Saturday afternoon she set up her old keyboard and microphone on their screened in back porch. She began to play "Million Reasons." By Lady Gaga. 

All the girls were in the house while the boys were at the gym. Natasha smiled as they sat in the kitchen. The next song after that she chose "Say Something" by The Great Big World but she found a cover of it by a girl. 

The boys were coming through the door. He saw all the girls enjoying a glass of wine as they sat in the kitchen. Bucky counted all the girls he realized who was singing. 

"What is she doing?" He said as he came over to them. 

"Shush.." Wanda said 

When she finished that song she began her next song which "It Matters To Me." By Faith Hill. She continued on down her playlist. The other songs she played was "White Horse." By Taylor Swift ,A Hard Place by HER. Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi. She finished with "More Hearts Than Mine." 

Nikki deconstructed her little area and came inside. Natasha and the girls cheered and clapped. 

"Thanks." She said in a low tone and went into her room. 

Bucky came into her room. "What was that about?" He said 

"None of your business.." she said as she put her keyboard back in her closet.

"Nicole I know that something is wrong..I'm not stupid I've known you a long time and we dated for a year and half. And I hate that you keep telling people that it's my fault that you cheated. I didn't do anything but loved you." He said 

She looked down since she had her back to him. "Bucky just go..it's not like it matters anymore. You are getting married next month." She said 

"Nicole.." he said

She wiped away a stray tear then picked up her book bag. "I have to go..Holden and I are going to the library." She said 

"Nikki..just talk to me." He said as he stopped her. 

"James..you don't care. So stop trying to act like you do now. It's crystal clear that I wasn't the girl you wanted you stopped loving me and caring about me. So please will you stop with this charade of pretending like you are so anger with me that I slept with someone else while we were still supposedly together." She said as she pushed him away. 

"Nicole this isn't a game.." he said as he followed her to the door. 

She didn't say anything she just walked out. Bucky stood there in shock he turned to his friends. 

"Is she sick like dying and having memory problems? Cause where in her mind is she getting that we weren't together." He said 

The girls began to refill wine glasses. "Girls.." he said 

"Sorry our loyalty lies with her this time." Yelena said 

Bucky balled up his fists. "I have to go shower and change. Emily and I have to meet our parents for a wedding thing." Bucky said as he went upstairs to his room. 

That night when he got back into town he saw Nikki's car and Holden's car in the driveway. When he went inside everyone was asleep he checked in on Nikki. She and Holden was asleep cuddled up and naked. He went up to his room to find the guys playing video games in his room. 

"Hey how was dinner?" Sam said 

"Great.." he said as he went into the bathroom to change. 

Two days later was the start of finals week for them Nikki was either at Holden's house or locked in her bedroom studying. By the end of the week everyone began to pack to go home for the summer. They wouldn't be coming back to this house they would be placed in another one when they came back. 

Bucky knocked on her door. 

"What?" She said 

He leaned against her door frame. "Are you staying in Macon?" He said 

"No.." she said as she filled her tote. 

"Why? I thought with you being friends with the girls again." He said 

"We are friends again. They all said they would come to me. Besides I rather not be in town and be subjected to more humiliation cause of your upcoming nupitials." She said 

Bucky looked down. She put the lid on her tote and began to fill another as Bucky left. 

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