(32) Their February Girls

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It was Saturday February 8th the family was all out at Bucky's house. He finally got the abandoned barn that sat behind his house on his land fixed up. Nikki had a bunch of tables set up in it decorated in rainbows unicorns and all donuts. Saylor informed Nikki that Ashlynn loves JOJo Siwa that's where she was getting rainbows and unicorns.

So Nikki incorporated all of the stuff in the decorations. Bucky was helping her hang up stuff he was standing behind her. He slinked his arm around her. 

"I'm glad that I finally get this sucker done and you turn it into a party barn." He said 

"Shush it will go back to being your barn after this month." She said 

He turned her around. "Are you mad at me?" He said

"No.." she said confused 

"Well I'm just wondering. Cause we haven't talked much about that night we were dancing and I kissed you. Nikki I still love you and I know your marriage wasn't the greatest and god knows mine ending wasn't how I pictured it either. But you know that I've grown up since I was 16. I want us..again." He said 

She looked down. "Nikki..why are you so scared?" He whispered 

"I'm a broken mess. I fight myself every day to not get inside my head. I lost you because I let my sister convince me that you were trying to leave me. I needed you James and you have like three jobs..I'm scared that I'll mess up again because you aren't giving me enough attention. I don't know what happened to me after we lost Matthew. And I had another miscarriage in Florida after I left.." she said 

"Wait..Nikki.." he said as he pulled her to stand in between his legs as he leaned against the table. 

"It was yours I promise. You broke up with me and left me. You started to date Taylor I wanted to tell you that I was late. But you wouldn't talk to me you just acted like I didn't exist." She said 

"Nikki..I was an ass and I was hurting. I'm sorry for everything Nikki and I can't exactly take a step back in teaching but I can tell them I don't want to be the coach anymore and I only work the shop during the weekends now. And yeah I help dad on Saturdays..but I'll do whatever you want me to do Nikki to make you see I'm serious." He said as he wiped her tears. 

Everyone started to come out to the barn. Ashlynn screamed so loud when she seen her decorations. She was holding Saylor's hand so they both started jumping up and down. Bucky did his best to act happy. But Nikki dropping that bombshell on him before the party really hit him hard. 

James was helping him clean up. "You alright James?" He said 

"Dad you knew didn't you? You knew she got pregnant again and that's why you and mom were so mad at me when she left. How could you?" Bucky said 

"Son don't you dare get mad at me. You were acting like she murdered someone you went around calling her a whore and a cheater. Making it clear that she didn't matter anymore. Do you think I wanted to tell you that I thought maybe it would make you grow up and get your head out of your ass. So don't you dare son you may be an adult but don't think you can talk to me like this." James said 

Bucky looked down. 

"You chose to walk away from her when she just needed a chance to explain to you that you weren't being the boyfriend she needed you to be. It's going to take more than a few roses and romantic gestures to win her trust back." James said as he walked out. 

Just two weeks after that night was Zara's first birthday Nikki did her birthday in Alice in Wonderland. They were all having a great time at the party drinking out of tea cups and eating cookies. 


Nikki saw her daughter Saylor screaming and running towards Bucky who caught her. 

"Hey what is it? Why are you screaming?" He said as she wrapped her little legs and arms around him as she cried. 

Nikki was frozen when Bucky looked to her. He seen who was at the barn entrance. He gave Saylor to his dad. He walked to who was at the barn entrance. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Bucky said when he saw Riley. 

"It's my daughter's birthday.." he said 

"You have some nerve showing up here when your other daughter turned 5 back in October and didn't bother to show up or call." Nikki said as she walked over to him. 

"You look gorgeous..it's good to see you." He said as his brothers Lucas and Wilson behind  him. 

"Don't you dare! We are over!" She said 

"And by the way this is private property I can call the cops on your asses. You have no legal right to the girls. She has sole custody." Bucky said 

"I didn't come here for a fight." Riley said 

"Well to bad cause guess what. I don't appreciate you being here now please leave." Nikki said 

"Nicole just let my brother see his girls." Lucas said 

"They are scared of you Riley! Hell Zara has no idea who you fucking are! So why in the hell are you here?" She said 

"And besides that Saylor told me all about how you hurt Nikki. How you abused her and yelled at her. Smacked her around when all she was trying to do was help you. You are a fucking bastard. I hated you before for stealing my girl but I hate you so much fucking more knowing you put her through hell! You are nothing but a spoiled trust fund bastard you didn't seem to care about anyone but themselves. Her daddy is dead he didn't want you two to get married and he didn't like you and you went ahead with it! And she was hurt and you didn't stand up for her when it came to her dream wedding. She isn't like you she's never been one to flaunt around that she comes from money. I may have made my own fair share mistakes with her but atleast I know what she likes and doesn't like." Bucky snapped 

"Nicole.." Riley whispered 

"Please go Riley. We are done I left you because you weren't you. And you can't just show back up when you feel like it. Scaring the girls we have moved on. I'm sorry..so just go home." She said 

He shook his head at Bucky. "Guess you win don't you. Don't come looking for me Nicole when he fucks up again." Riley said 

Bucky hauled off and punched him in the nose. "She won't need to you son of a bitch. And your girls will learn how a real man should treat them. Now get the hell off my property." Bucky said

Riley left with his brothers. Bucky let out a breathe as he felt Saylor hug his leg. He picked her up and hugged her. "It's okay.." he whispered. 

After their crazy day Nikki found him outside drinking a beer. She made him turn around 

"Hey.." he whispered  

She stood up on her toes and kissed him. He began to kiss her back as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The beer bottle dropped out of his hand the deeper the kiss got. He picked her up and carried her inside. They went into the bedroom he kicked the door closed. 

Moans and heavy breathing filled the air as they undressed each other and made out. She felt Bucky push into her she arched as her mouth fell open. 

"Oh baby baby.." he whispered as he started to move. 

"James..James.." she whispered as she felt one building. 

"Yeah..oh god I have missed you.." he whispered as he kissed her lips. 

They made passionate love to each other rolling all over the bed as they kissed till they were dripping in sweat by the end. They were both laying there breathless and panting. 

"Oh my god that felt amazing." She whispered 

"Yes it did." He whispered as he tucked a arm behind his head. 

"I'm gonna go to sleep now." She whispered as she looked at him. 

He kissed her. "I love you." He whispered 

"I love you." She whispered as she laid her head on his chest.  

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