(17) Saylor Faith!

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October 20th 

"Okay darlin we got the last little bit so I'm headed your way." Riley said into the phone. 

It was moving day for them Riley bought them a house. He just finished moving out of their apartment they had been sharing for the last year. 

"Okay.." she said out of breathe 

"You alright baby?" He said 

"Yeah I've just been having a lot of contractions." She said 

"I told you to wait to do anything. Isn't Maci there?" He said 

"No not yet..I'm fine Riley." She said 

They hung up she finished unpacking everything from the baby shower. She heard the uhaul pulling in about twenty minutes later. He came running upstairs to find her in the room that would be their daughter's. 

"Baby..you are in labor.." he said 

"I know that. I know what it feels like.." she said as she doubled over. 

Tommy came in. "Little brother?" He said 

"Unpack the uhaul for me and tell Maci when she gets here. To unpack everything.." he said as he helped her down the stairs. 

Riley drove across town to the hospital. Nikki screamed and groaned in pain as they made their way. Once she was on the labor and delivery floor they were able to check her cervix and get her an epidural. 

"Mom said that this would go a lot easier since I've done this before. Although it's been about ten years.." she said as she let out a breathe.

Alexandria got the call while she was at work. She screamed so loud and scared Winnie. 

"My baby is having her baby." She said 

"Oh..congrats Alex.." Winnie said 

"Sorry..I don't get see many of my grandbabies." She said 

"It's fine.." Winnie said as she walked off to treat a patient. 

Alexandria made her way down to Florida. Nikki made her phone calls to her friends or what ones she had left which was Kaylee and Sasha. The others turned their back on her after they found out she brought her "summer lover" to the wedding. 

Even Holden sent her a congratulations text. He was happy for her that she was able to find her way to happiness. She attended his wedding with Riley earlier in the year. 

After eight long hours of labor Nikki gave birth to their daughter "Saylor Faith." at 1130 PM at 38 weeks pregnant. She posted all kinds of pictures during her hospital stay when she went home. Alexandria stayed for a week to help her adjust and spend time with other daughters.  

Natasha seen the pictures as she was helping the highschool get ready for the pep rally. 

"What is it Nat?" Bucky said 

"Nikki had her baby.." she said 

"Oh well good for her." He said as he looked over her shoulder 

"Definitely goes with a beachy name." Wanda said when she saw the post. 

"She's always loved the ocean.." Bucky said as he went back to hanging jerseys. 

They all went back to getting the gym ready for the pep rally the next door. Natasha had her daughter Kelsey Danielle by her feet as she worked. She was two weeks old. Bucky and Emily were expecting another girl due in February. 

Nikki and Riley had their first set of family pictures done two weeks later.

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