(20) Tragedy Strikes..

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Three years later 

It was Christmas time Nikki was 7 months pregnant with their second daughter. Riley was out of town with his dad and brothers. A trip they take every year is a ski trip to the French Alps two weeks before Christmas. Nikki and Saylor were decorating the house for Christmas. 

Saylor was so excited for Christmas she was now 4 and at the age she fully understands Christmas. They finished up the tree with Alexandria who was in town visiting for the weekend. They baked cookies wore Christmas pajamas as they drank hot chocolate and watched Elf. After Saylor fell asleep both Nikki and her mom began to clean up .

As they were wrapping presents there was a knock on the door. Nikki answered her door to see her mother in law. 

"Sheryl?" She said 

"Where's Saylor?" Sheryl said 

"She's in bed. What's wrong?" Nikki said 

"There's been an accident. Wilson and Frank are fine..but Tommy Lucas and Riley aren't." Sheryl said 

"What? Slow down Sher." Alexandria said 

"Wilson said there was an avalanche he and Frank was able to get away in time..but the other three were not. They were caught in and right now they are trying to get to them..that's all I know. I've called Maci cause you know she's married now and lives in Aspen Colorado with her husband. But Sloane is Tommy's she's going to be so heartbroken and so is Saylor if her daddy doesn't make it either.." Sheryl said 

Nikki rubbed her belly as their daughter kicked her. She sat down slowly on the couch as tears began to fall. It was like memory film strip played in her head from their time on the beach that summer the last six years..everything was perfect. 

"Nikki baby.." Alex said as she sat down beside her. 

"I just buried dad..I can't go through another funeral of someone I love mama." She whispered as Alex hugged her. 

"I know baby..but we just gotta pray that he is alright." Alex said as she rubbed her back. 

Three days later they had news that they found the others. Alexandria stayed behind with both of her granddaughters Sloane and Saylor in Georgia while Maci and Nikki left with Sheryl and the other wives. They all sat in the waiting room for what seemed like hours when the doctors came in. 

"We will start with Lucas. He has a broken leg and ribs..a concussion. And of course they all are going to have hypothermia. Tommy I am so sorry we did everything we could to save him but we couldn't. And lastly Riley..he is paralyzed from the waist down. He also has a concussion..and that's all we have for now. These nurses here can take you to see them. Say your goodbyes to Tommy as well." The doctor said and he walked out. 

Nikki took a deep breathe cause she wasn't sure how Riley was going to be. He was so active and loved being athletic when he wasn't working. She went into his room she swallowed hard as she saw him just staring out the window. 

"Hey baby." She whispered as she went to kiss him. 

"Don't.." he whispered 

"Riley..I'm glad you are okay." She said 

"Nicole not now okay.." he said as he looked down. 

She swallowed back the lump in her throat as she found a chair and sat down. She texted her mom what the doctor said. They were at the hospital in France for four days Alexandria went back to Florida and had moved their bedroom to bedroom downstairs. Since Riley wouldn't be able to go up the stairs. 

When they returned home she let him know and he rolled his chair into the room and slammed the door.

"Daddy angry mama.." Saylor said 

"I know baby. We just gotta give daddy some time..he's going through a lot right now. He just needs time to process it." Nikki said as she and Saylor went upstairs to her room. 

The day after they came home was Tommy's funeral Nikki tried to help Riley get ready he didn't want it. She slept in Saylor's floor because he didn't want her next to him. Christmas was a dumpster fire that Nikki and Saylor went to his parents Christmas dinner without him cause he refused to go. 

She kept reminding herself the same thing she tells patients when things don't seem to be getting better. To give him time to get through the grief and loss of Tommy. 

Ex's & Oh NosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora