(11) Bobbi and Clint Wedding's

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Three months later 

Everyone was gathered in Macon Nikki had came in from Florida. Bobbi and Clint were the next ones to get hitched. She had asked Nikki to be a bridesmaid and apologized when she said her groomsmen would be Bucky. But since they hadn't spoken since their confrontational laundry talk she had hoped he would be civil. 

She got herself ready at her mom's house to avoid any confrontations with the girls. Summer wasn't going well for her. She pulled up where the wedding was being held. Bucky seen her car pulling into the gravel parking lot. He walked over to her. 

"Does this mean we need to hide the groom?" He said 

"I don't know. I got ready at home." She said as she stepped out of the car.

"Nicole you alright? You don't look good." He said 

"Yeah I'm fine." She said as she closed her car door and locked it. 

"Nicole I'm not trying to start shit. For the sake of Bobs and Clint I promised I would be good. But don't lie to me anymore. Tell me the truth cause you don't look like you darlin." He said as he stopped her. 

"Buck I swear I'm fine. Let's just enjoy the day and celebrate Bobbi and Clint okay." She said as she walked off.

Emily walked over to him.

"Is everything okay?" She said .

 "I think something is horribly wrong with her. She is losing weight to fast..her jeans that day said a double zero." He whispered 

The ceremony began all the girls walked down the aisle in yellow dresses and cowboy boots. While they guys were in grey slacks and flannels. It was sweet and simple country wedding as they kept everything traditional. Sam was the best man which meant Delilah was the maid of honor. 

During the reception Bucky pulled Nikki on to the dance floor as they danced to "Beautiful Crazy." 

"Bucky your wife hates me I don't think that this is a good idea." She said 

"I want you to talk to me. Nicole I know you and the girl standing in front of me isn't you. You are tiny baby doll. So damn tiny and yes you have always been skinny but this is dangerously tiny." He said

She looked down. "Are you sick? Is that why you passed out.." he said 

"Can we just talk about something else?" She whispered 

"Okay fine. Where is lover boy?" He said 

She looked at him confused. "Holden. Mr Wonderful." He said 

"Oh..that's over. He may never speak to me again." She said 

"Nikki.." he said 

"I turned down his proposal." She said 

"Nicole..why?" He said 

"I just..I can't.." she said then the song was over she let go and walked off. 


Two weeks later..

Bucky waited till Clint and Bobbi got back from Hawaii to ask a question. He had everyone at the shop since he was working for his dad when he wasn't at college. 

"I don't want you all to bull shit me. I don't care if she told you to lie to me cause I'm done with the lies and the secrets. What is wrong with Nicole? She is losing weight rapidly the last time I saw her Jean size during our conversation it said a double zero. So I know you all are keeping her health a secret after she passed out last year." He said 

Natasha swallowed hard. "Forgive me Nikki.." she whispered to herself.

"She's suffering from an eating disorder. She's been battling bulimia since she was 16." Nat said 

"What?" All the boys said in unison. 

"She was suppose to be getting help. She promised Alex she would get help if she allowed her to stay at the college. But she quit going..when the therapist diagnosed her depression and anxiety. She is suppose to be taking medicine for it but lord knows if she is cause she moved out of the house.." Bobbi said 

"Sasha and Kaylee said that they figured she would "relapse" if she moved out and I guess they were right.." Wanda said 

Bucky swallowed hard. "When?" He said 

"When what?" Delilah said 

"When did it start?" He said 

"She said that she started to do it when you started to date Taylor. But Maci says she thinks she's lying about it cause she remembers Nikki always running to the bathroom when they were spending their summer with Hudson." Yelena said 

Bucky looked down. "Thanks.." he said as he got up to go work on a car that was about to pull in. 

They all left the auto shop to let Bucky get back to work. James came in to help him close up and count the money. 

"Son you alright? You are quiet tonight.." James said 

"Yeah.." he said 

James took the cash out of Bucky's hands. "You have counted that stack five times now son. You aren't going to magically find more. What is it? Just because you are 21 doesn't mean you don't need some advice. Are you and Emily having problems?" He said 

"No it's not her. It's Nikki.." Bucky said 

"What about Nikki?" James said 

"Did mom ever mention Alexandria saying Nikki was suffering from a eating disorder.." he said 

James sighed. "Alexandria told us a few months after your wedding. Cause Nikki was in town and your mother seen her when she came by the hospital. She was concerned..her mother told her that was why she passed out and ended up in the hospital. She was suppose to be getting help." James said 

"Well she isn't. And because everyone was so busy keeping secrets..and not letting me in. She is getting worse." He said as tears fell.

"Son you can't do this to yourself. This isn't healthy.." James said as he hugged him. 

Bucky began to cry as James held him. "Son it's alright.." he said as he rubbed his back. 

After his thirty minute breakdown Bucky and James finished with the books and left the auto shop. Bucky went home to Emily and James found his wife folding towels in the laundry room of their house. He let her know that their son knows now. 

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