(18) Pre-wedding Drama

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5 months later 

Bucky was now a dad to two daughters they named their second daughter Ashlynn Marie. She was now a month old. Nikki had come into town to hand deliver her wedding invites to her family on her mom's side. She has already been in fights with both her grandmother and grandmother in law. 

Her dream of a beach wedding was thrown out the window the moment the engagement news broke. Nikki fought hard but it was a no go from the beginning since they were helping her plan it. So now here she was with a ballroom wedding venue and reception. It was three months before the wedding she delivered all of invites to her family spent some time with them and let them get time in with Saylor as well. 

On her last night in Macon she had more invites sitting in her passenger seat. It was a risk she was willing to take to try and re build the bridge of friendship. If they weren't going to accept her love for Riley then it was time to cut her losses and move on. 

She found them all parked outside the Barnes auto shop. She pulled in she heard music playing when she walked up to the door. She saw that it was them playing she opened up the door. The room fell quiet.

"What are you doing here?" Bobbi said 

"I came to give you all these. It's my.." she said but she was cut off by Bucky. 

"We don't want you here." Bucky said 

"And if that's wedding invitations we don't want them." Natasha said 

She bit her lip. "Guys come on. You all have been apart of my life since we were 4. Why can't you just be happy for me.." she said 

"Nicole leave." Bucky said 

She looked down.

"Seriously Nikki get the hint. We don't want you here our friendship is over.." Yelena said 

Bucky put down his guitar he walked over to her and began to push her out the door. 

"Bucky let go of me." She yelled when they got outside.

"We don't want these.." he said as he began to rip the envelopes. 

"You can go on with your freaking happy fairytale somewhere else. We aren't good enough for you anymore! So get off my property before I call the police! We are no longer your friends I wish we had never dated I wish I never fell in love with you! So leave Nicole!" He yelled as the threw the ripped up pieces of her invitations at her. 

Tears began to fall and she ran to her car. Sam came out as she squealed her tires as she left. When she got back to her mom's she cried as the hot water ran over. The next day her and Saylor made their way back to Florida. 

She stopped at her dad's house since Riley was at work. She saw that he has marked no on his invitation. Hudson was not a fan of their relationship either he even told Riley no when he asked for his blessing. But Nikki's stepdad was more gracious and said yes. 

"Daddy really? You aren't coming?" She said 

"Nikki I think you are making mistake. He's going to break your heart.." Hudson said 

"No he is not.." she said as she began to feed Saylor a bottle 

"Nikki..this is the same boy that you slept with behind James' back. And I'm not saying that I think you should be with James. All I'm saying is you should be with someone who isn't going to encourage bad behavior..like cheating." Hudson said 

"Daddy.." she said 

"Look at your mother. You know why we got divorced when you were 3. Your mother was having an affair with my practice partner..and after three years of marriage with him. She found him cheating on her.." Hudson said 

"Yeah but look at mom now. She and George have been together almost 20 years.." she said 

"Nicole..just because you are 27 doesn't mean I stop being your dad. I know my mother is all for your wedding to Riley. But I'm not you can have your brother give you away or George but I won't be there to watch you make the same mistakes that your mother has. I'm sorry I love you baby and I don't want to see you get hurt again. You fought hard to get to where you are now..and I'd hate to see all the progress you made fall down cause of him." He said 

"Well..then I'm sorry too. Me and Saylor are going to go." She said as she wiped tears and left. 

When Riley came home from work Saylor was asleep he found Nikki in their bathroom. She was sitting in their tub with wet hair holding a empty wine glass and a empty wine bottle on the floor by the tub. 

"Baby.." he said as he felt her water. It was ice cold so he pulled the plug and ran fresh hot water. 

He got in with her as she began to tell him about the fight back home and the conversation with her dad. 

He kissed her nose. "I love you Nicole..no matter what anyone else has to say. So our love story doesn't start out in the fairytale way. But I'm giving you my last name and we are going to be so happy together. We are getting married in three months baby no matter what or who says.." he said as he kissed her. 

She smiled at him. "You are the best. You know that?" She said 

"I know. Now come on baby is sleeping so daddy can play with mama.." he said as they got out of the tub. 

After twenty minutes of sex they were laying there. "God woman you make me crazy.." he said 

"Mmm you make me crazy.." she said as she rolled to her side 

He smiled at her. "I'll never forget the night we met baby. Or chasing you all over the beach that summer..I knew you were something special. I'm glad I found you again three years ago." He said as he played with her hair. 

She kissed him with a big smile on her face. "I love you." She said 

"I love you too." He said 

A cry came through the baby monitor. "You are on baby duty while I go start supper." She said 

"I'm all for baby duty." He said as he got dressed. 

Once he got Saylor changed he joined Nikki in the kitchen. They spent the rest of the night making enchiladas and having the best time with their daughter. Back in Georgia Bucky was helping Sienna his oldest daughter get ready for bed. Emily was feeding their youngest as she watched him she felt a swell of happiness. 

After she saw his confrontation she felt free of doubt that he wasn't all the way in with her. After they got both girls down they cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. 

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