(21) The Last Straw

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Six months later

Nikki gave birth to their second daughter Zara Reign on Feb 5th. She is now four months old but things haven't been as smooth at home. Her once happy fairy tale with Riley is fading. In the last six months he's yelled at her threw hot plates of food at her when it wasn't what he wanted. 

They have fought more then they ever have. Nikki spends most nights crying herself to sleep in the guest bedroom cause no matter how hard she tries to give attention and affection he doesn't want it. He wants to do everything himself refuses to go see the therapist to help him deal with everything. 

Nikki was making dinner while Saylor colored in the floor while Zara napped. Saylor saw him struggling to get the remote. So she got up and said "here daddy I got it.." 

"Damn it Saylor! I had it! I don't need help.." he said 

Saylor's heart broke as she started to cry and ran off. Nikki came over to him that was the final straw she can take him snapping at him but not snapping at their daughter. 

"What is your problem?! That is our daughter! You had no business yelling at her like that! She was only trying to fucking help!" She snapped 

"I don't need your help or any body's help Nicole! You have no idea what life is like for me! So please just go back to making my dinner so I can eat." He said in a raised tone. 

"Well we all get it! You are angry with world Riley! But that doesn't you snap and yell at the person just trying to make it easier!" She said 

"No you don't get it..I can't use my legs anymore..I can't do anything that I use to do so please spare me the bullshit that you understand!" He said 

She threw his plate on the coffee table and walked off. She made two plates for her and Saylor and went upstairs. They had a picnic in Saylor's floor while she fed Zara. After she got both girls fed and down for the night she went downstairs. She saw food on the kitchen floor where he got himself more. 

Nikki began to cry as she loaded the dishwasher. She paced back and forth fighting a urge she hasn't had in seven years. She went upstairs to and took a hot shower trying to take her mind off of the urge. The next day after she took the girls to daycare she went to work she was sitting in a on call room crying. 

Riley was gone her Riley was gone. She was to the point she wasn't sure on what she should do. She made vows,vows she intended to keep. But she was starting to wonder how much more she could take of the abuse. She called her mom and vented to her awhile.

A week went by Saylor refused to be anywhere near Riley. It was the morning of their 4th wedding anniversary and Nikki found herself parked outside a divorce lawyer's office. An hour later she walked out of the office she couldn't believe she just filed for divorce. But she had to do what she had to do keep her girls safe. 

She went by the cemetery to see her dad's grave. 

"I know what you are going to say..so save it. He didn't cheat..he just isn't Riley. And I did my best daddy I tried to be a good wife and he just kept pushing me away. I'm sure everyone will hate me but what's new. And besides you can't help someone if they won't help themselves that's what you and mom always told me." she said as she sat there at his grave. 

She left the cemetery after she sat there in silence she picked up the girls. Four days later she laid the divorce papers on the coffee table with her rings and a note. 


I can't do this anymore. You are hurting me you aren't yourself anymore. You are scaring Saylor and me. I love you and I've tried to be there for you support you and love you. And all I have gotten is food plates thrown at me smacked across the face when I get in yours. I'm tired of the abuse..-Nikki" 

He read the note when he got up he saw the divorce papers. He called his parents they came over they went upstairs for him. 

"They are gone son. All of their stuff is gone.." Sheryl said 

"I told you son..I told you that you would lose her too if you didn't start doing right by her abs your kids.. this all on you. You haven't been the husband and father you needed to be for her in the last six months." Frank said 

"Shut up! I can't be that person anymore cause I'm bonded to this bullshit!" Riley screamed 

Nikki was pulling into her mom's driveway when he found the papers. 

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