(5) Wine and Tears

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Six months later..

It was after the holidays Nikki was laying on her bed doing her homework. She was still in her practice clothes that she was to tired to change out of. She heard the boys leave to go shoot pool with some of their team mates. She and Holden ended when he wanted to take her home for Thanksgiving. Nikki didn't want to meet any guys family unless she felt like it was going to go so where. 

Wanda knocked on her door. "Come in." She said 

Wanda opened the door. "Hey..so we are having a girls night in. We have poured wine and Nat made her mom's cheese ball and we have crackers for it." Wanda said 

Nikki sighed. But her mom's words crept into her head. "You all are living together..you have to try and find some way to get along." 

Nikki closed her History book and followed Wanda. She was relieved to see that Emily was not invited. 

"Where is Emily?" She said 

"She had to go back to Macon last minute. Her grandmother is in the hospital." Bobbi said as she handed her a glass of white wine. 

"How did you all get this?" She said 

Nat smiled. "My lovely mother had ordered to many for the Christmas dinner party so we brought it here." Nat said 

They were all sitting on the bar top. It was awkward and quiet for a little bit. Until Hope said 

"So about what happened? You never told us what really happened. Why did you sleep with someone?" 

Nikki looked down. A tear began to fall and it dropped into her wine glass. 

"I thought..he was breaking up with me." She said in a whisper. 

"What?" They all said in unison. 

"Nikki?" Bobbi said as she rubbed her back since she was the closest. 

"What would make you think that?" Nat said as she opened up another bottle and poured more in everyone's glasses.

She bit her lip. "Because all summer long I tried and begged him to take some time off from working at the shop for his dad. He kept telling me no that he couldn't do that. Even when I came in for a few times to see my mom he was to busy to see me or to tired. My dad even offered  to drive up here and pick him up. He still said no.." she said as she wiped tears.

"Nikki.." Nat said 

"Then to make things worse. He could take a whole week off to go camping with the guys for Steve's birthday. When he told me he did that I cried when we get off the phone. My sister Maci told me it sounded like he was trying push me away as in he was getting ready to break up with me and that he was just waiting for the right moment. So..she took me with her to a party at her boyfriend's place where I met his little brother who was 18. We were both drunk Maci had told him all about my boy problems..." she said 

"Oh Nikki.." Wanda said 

Nat looked down. "I remember that trip cause we made fun of them for going out in the woods for a week where they had no service." Nat said 

"Yeah." She said as they heard car doors and laughter. 

The boys came in just as Nikki hopped off the counter. She went into her room and finished her homework. The next morning was Nat and Yelena's morning to make breakfast. Nat slammed plates down. 

"Are you all on your period this morning? Did it finally happen?" Bucky said 

"No we are not. But we are pissed at all of you." Natasha said 

"What? Why?" Sam said 

"Is this why you didn't want sex last night Bobs." Clint said 

"Where is the other bitch this morning? Cause I'm sure this has something to do with her." Bucky said 

"She is at class she has English Lit at 8AM." Wanda said 

"Well what did she say that has made you mad at all of us?" Bucky said 

"I'm not telling you. But let's just say you have some balls getting mad at her like she is the only one that did anything wrong." Nat said 

Bucky cut her look. "All I ever fucking did was love her I loved her with my whole my heart and she broke it. She broke my heart and my trust. She lost all respect from me." He said 

"Whatever James. You might want to re think that statement of loving her with your whole heart." Wanda said 

"Okay what the fuck did she say? Cause if she is implying that I pushed her into another guy's bed then she is dead wrong. I loved her so what ever bull shit lie she fed you all last night is total bull shit." Bucky said as he left the kitchen. 

That afternoon when Nikki got home from class and practice she was met by Bucky. 

"What the fuck did you tell the girls last night? Cause now they are all fully in support of you and pissed at all of the guys." He said 

"none of your business. Now if you will excuse me I have things to do." She said as she went to her room. 

He was hot on her heels catching the door before she slammed it. 

"I want to know now!" He said as she was about to undress 

"Excuse me! This is my room get out." She said 

"Oh for fuck sakes it's not like I haven't seen you naked in case you forgot we use to have sex." He said 

"Get out! You and I are no longer friends or anything more than house mates. I don't have to tell you anything. You lost that right.." she said 

He rolled his eyes and slammed her door. She left after she changed to go on a double date with Sasha and her boyfriend and a friend of his. While she was gone and the other girls were at cheer practice. The boys were playing video games in Bucky and Sam's room. 

"Buck I've been thinking all day..are absolutely sure that Nikki wasn't mad about something that would cause her to do it?" Sam said 

"No..she wasn't mad at me about anything. Nikki would have told me if something pissed her off." He said 

"Well then I don't know why she would make it seem like you did something wrong." Steve said 

"Me either.." Bucky said as he took his turn at beating Sam with the game. 

The next morning Bucky found her getting ready to go for a run. 

"Nicole can we please have a civil conversation about what you told the girls?" He said 

"I have to go get my run. And besides don't you need to go be with fiancée. Bobbi said her grandmother died. That is who you should be focusing on not on the past. The damage is done there is no fixing this. So please just leave me alone.." she said 

"Nicole you don't need to run. My god look at you..you are so skinny that.." he said but she cut him off. 

"Go be with Emily." She said and walked off. 

"Nikki.." he said 

"Seriously James. It doesn't matter anymore we are over you made it very clear that you didn't love me anymore or wanted anything to do with me. So please just go be with the girl you do want." She said as she walked out the front door. 

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