(13) "She's Not Coming Back"

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A/N Maci Matthews and her daughter Sloane

Four months later 

December 31st 

Emily's water finally broke four days after her due date. All of their friends and family were spending New Year's Eve at the hospital. Bucky went out to give an update to everyone. As the night wore on Bucky would update when the doctor would come in. 

At 1145 PM Emily began to push by 1150 PM she welcomed their daughter Sienna Brooke into world. Even though Bucky was relieved to hear her cry and hold her. It still brought back an old memory of Nikki being induced when they couldn't find a heart beat when she was 32 weeks. When they were finally able to go home with their daughter their friends came over. 

Bucky pulled Nat aside. "How's Nikki? Is she back in town cause classes start for the winter semester in three days." He said 

"She's not coming back." Nat said

"What do you mean?" He said 

"Nikki is fine. She's doing her therapy and taking her meds. It's just well I talked to Maci cause sometimes I don't trust Nikki. She's living with Maci and her daughter Sloane. She enrolled herself in online classes through Florida state. I don't think she's coming back Buck. Maci said it really hurts her when she sees you two together cause now that she knows that she was the one that misjudged the situation that she got in her head..she lost you. So Nikki feels that it is for the best that she stays away..so yeah she's doing better mentally and fighting back against her eating disorder. But I don't think we are ever going to see her again." Nat said as tears fell down her cheeks. Nat and her fiancée Matt Murdoc said their goodbyes and left. 

Nikki was sitting on the beach as she watched the sunset. Maci was sitting beside her as Sloane played in the sand. 

"You good?" Maci said 

"Yeah..I'll miss my friends. But it's for the best he's moved on with someone who cleaned up the mess I left his heart in. He deserves his happy ending.." Nikki said 

"Nikki I'm sorry that I planted the seed in your head." Maci said 

"It's fine.." she said as her niece began to cover her feet in sand. 

"I've got you baby sis. Me and you will be just fine." Maci said as she hugged her sister. 

Nikki laid her head on her sister's shoulder. Classes began at UGA just three days later when they were all together. It was different this time than when Nikki took off before. Now they were all feeling the sting. All but one Emily was happy that she was gone cause Bucky was able to focus on her and Sienna. 

Nikki set up her laptop in her bedroom as she had a video meeting with her advisor since she was watching Sloane for Maci. Her advisor went over everything as she emailed her schedule to her. As she was checking her email after the meeting she saw another email. 

From jamesbbarnes45  

To nikkicheer45

"What did you do? Why did you move back down there? And out of the two sisters you have..you choose the one that put you in the mess. You needed be here where we could all help you. Nicole Please come back here..where you belong this is home. I'm scared you will fall of the wagon and fall back on it if you stay down there." 

Nikki rolled her eyes and deleted it. "It's for the best James." She whispered as she made her supply list for school. Nikki declared her major as pre-nursing which was a huge jump from her original career goal for herself. Her original career goal was secondary education in English but she has since changed her mind.

Maci kept her promise to Natasha she would give her weekly updates without Nikki knowing just like she would their parents. Natasha would relay everything to everyone else. 

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